
  • 网络field line;Magnetic field line
  1. 反过来,根据场线方程以及一易求场点的场强,较容易地求出了对应情况下场强的空间分布。

    Inversely , the authors derived the electric field intensity distribution from the equation of electric field line and the electric intensity of a pont which can be easily gained in the corresponding case .

  2. 讨论了气隙横截面和圆柱面上的能流,得到了不同负载下坡印亭矢量场的场线;

    The energy flow in the cross-section and cylindrical surface of the air gap is discussed , the field line of Poynting vector is mapped under different loads using these formula .

  3. 求非线性方程组所有根的Newton场线法

    Newton Field-Line Method for Finding all Roots of Nonlinear System of Equation

  4. 这个模的电场线和磁场线确实和Chu绘出的不同,他的场线是错误的。

    The lines of electric and magnetic field are indeed different from those by Chu . The latter 's patterns are incorrect .

  5. 应用近场线散射技术测量天线辐射方向图

    Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement Using Near-Field Wire Scattering Technique

  6. 基于电磁拓扑理论分析带孔缝的场线耦合问题

    On the Analysis of Field-to-Transmission Line Coupling Through Apertures Based on Electromagnetic Topology

  7. 有限长平行线的场线耦合分析与试验验证

    Field-to-Transmission Lines Coupling Analysis and Experimental Validation of Parallel Lines with Finite Length

  8. 电动力学中的场线

    The Field Lines of The Electro Dynamics

  9. 电场强化对流换热的场线坐标法数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Convection Heat Transfer Enhancement by Electric Field Utilizing Electric Field Lines Coordinate Method

  10. 本论文比较了研究场线耦合问题的时域近场方法和远场方法。

    In this paper , near-field method and far-field method for investigating the field-to-wire coupling are compared .

  11. 但它们均符合涡旋电场场线不中断、是闭合的这一特征。

    Both of them have the characters that the lines of eddy electric field are continued and closed .

  12. 似稳电流产生的涡旋电场的场线在空间的分布呈两种典型状况:①场线是闭合曲线;

    The lines of eddy electric field that is excited by approach to steady current , have two cases : ① each of the line is closed ;

  13. 文章分析了雷击输电线杆塔时产生的感应过电压通过场线耦合机制对输电线路耐雷水平的影响。

    The influence of induced voltage of lightning stroke to the transmission line tower on the lightning withstand level of transmission line through the field-line coupling mechanism are analyzed .

  14. 文中利用场线坐标法对线&板电极系统的电场、电位及电荷密度的分布进行了数值模拟,得到了场域空间流体所受电场力的分布情况。

    The electric field lines coordinate method was employed to simulate the distributions of electric field , potential , charge density and Coulomb force exerted on the fluid in the wire-plane electrode system numerically .

  15. 考虑到强场线极化光产生的等离子体的高电离度和低电子温度的特点,采用了有别于通常计算逆轫致吸收的方法,用零温度近似计算逆轫致效应。

    Considering that plasma produced by linear polarized light in strong field has low temperature and high ionization degree , instead of normal equation of calculating inverse bremsstrahlung rate , zero temperature approximation is adopted .

  16. 文中将矩量法与传输线理论相结合,应用场线耦合理论计算变电站开关操作产生的空间电磁场对站内屏蔽电缆的电磁干扰。

    Based on the hybrid method of method of moment ( MoM ) and transmission line method , the field-line coupling theory is used for predicting the electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) on the shielded cable due to the switching operation in substation .

  17. 在交流Stark效应的实验观测中,原子能级的移动是借助探测场谱线位置的移动来进行测量的。

    In the experiments of ac Stark effect , the energy level shift of atoms is measured by use of the spectroscopy peak position shift of probe field .

  18. 基于三角形网格的气象场等值线自动分析

    Automatic Drawing of Contours Based on Triangle - Mesh Meteorological Fields

  19. 二维标量场等值线自动生成方法与程序实现

    Automatic generation of contour in 2D scalar fields and its programming

  20. 利用电通量建立静电场电力线方程

    Analytical construction of electrostatic field lines through the electric flux

  21. 一种绘制地面天气图及要素场等值线方法

    A Method for Drawing Surface Weather Chart and Contours of Meteorological Elements

  22. 一种特殊情况下田径场画线施工测量方法

    A New Line-drawing Construction Survey Method for a Special Conditional Ground Track Field

  23. 一种非结构矢量场的线卷积积分方法

    A LIC Method for Visualization of Unstructured Vector Field

  24. 任意阶次磁多极子场力线方程的解析表示

    The equation for field lines of a magnetic multipole with any order and degree

  25. 一种有效的离散数据场等值线生成方法

    An effective contour generating method for discrete data

  26. 强磁场可约束电子使之只能沿着场力线运动。

    A strong magnetic field can constrain electrons to move only along the field lines .

  27. 气象要素场等值线图自动绘制

    Isoline Drawing Programming of Meteorological Field Maps

  28. 这把一个向量场的线积分,和另外一个向量场的曲面积分联系起来。

    This relates a line integral for one field to a surface integral from another field .

  29. 针对矩形网格法的不足,提出了用三角形网格法实现气象场等值线自动分析方法。

    Considering shortcomings of the rectangle-mesh method , a method is proposed for drawing automatically meteorological contours by using triangle-meshes .

  30. 导出球形卫星上任意位置处径向天线辐射场的线极化和圆极化分量表达式。

    Expressions for linearly-and circularly-polarized components of radiation field from radial antenna placed in arbitrary position on spherical satellite are derived .