
chǎng miàn
  • scene;spectacle;occasion;appearance;front;facade;performer and instruments
场面 [chǎng miàn]
  • (1) [scene;spectacle]∶叙事性文学作品或戏剧、电影中,人物之间在一定的时间和环境中互相发生关系而构成的生活情景

  • 老工人讲家史的场面很感人

  • 一个宏伟的戏剧场面

  • (2) [occasion]∶泛指一定场合下的情景

  • 他喜欢这个场面

  • (3) [facade; front; appearance]∶排场

  • 支撑场面

  • (4) [performer and instruments]∶指戏曲演出时伴奏的人和乐器。管乐器和弦乐器叫文场面,锣鼓叫武场面

场面[chǎng miàn]
  1. 下一个场面是描述故事中五年后的情况。

    The next scene takes the story forward five years .

  2. 他想象出了这一场面。

    He pictured the scene in his mind 's eye .

  3. 她被亲眼目睹的暴虐场面惊呆了。

    She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed .

  4. 王子的出现给那场面增添了光彩。

    The presence of the prince added lustre to the occasion .

  5. 这样悲惨的场面甚至让铮铮男子潸然泪下。

    Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes .

  6. 那些恐怖场面深深地铭刻在他的心中。

    The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his mind .

  7. 这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。

    The movie has a car chase to end all car chases .

  8. 她背过脸,不去看面前可怕的场面。

    She averted her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her .

  9. 球队的胜利使举国上下出现一派欢乐的场面。

    The team 's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country .

  10. 电影里的各种暴力场面令我非常反感。

    All the violence in the movie revolted me .

  11. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。

    The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology .

  12. 你不禁为这充满激情的场面激动不已。

    You couldn 't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation .

  13. 她的出席使那场面增添了几分光彩。

    Her presence lent the occasion a certain dignity .

  14. 电影里的各种暴力场面令我非常震惊。

    All the violence in the movie revolted me .

  15. 他们被人发现在一起,场面有伤风化。

    They were discovered together in a compromising situation .

  16. 有些裸露场面被认为太过火了,不适合在百老汇上演。

    Some of the nude scenes were regarded as too hot for Broadway .

  17. 求职面试是一个非常不自然的场面。

    A job interview is a very artificial situation .

  18. 婚礼场面非常隆重。

    The wedding was a very grand occasion .

  19. 狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。

    The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle .

  20. 她目睹过一些令人非常痛苦的场面。

    She witnessed some very distressing scenes .

  21. 这部影片不光有血淋淋的暴力场面,还有扣人心弦的情节。

    The movie is not just blood and gore ; it has a thrilling story .

  22. 这些雕刻作品描绘了一幅狩猎的场面。

    The carvings represent a hunting scene .

  23. 有人邀请他们去参加一个印度教徒的婚礼,但他们不清楚这样的庆典会是怎样一种场面。

    They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions .

  24. 他的最新影片只不过是老一套——异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。

    His latest movie is just more of the same ─ exotic locations , car chases and a final shoot-out .

  25. 我一辈子都没见过这么乱七八糟的场面。

    I have never seen such a shambles in my life .

  26. 防暴警察随时待命,但还没有出现冲突场面。

    Riot police are on hand but have not been confrontational .

  27. 第二幕里有我看过的最搞笑的场面之一。

    Act II contained one of the funniest scenes I have ever witnessed

  28. 那些影片里的暴力场面太不真实了,都是假的。

    The violence in those films was too unreal , it was make-believe

  29. 语言污秽,暴力场面非常写实。

    The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic .

  30. 她目瞪口呆地看着这场面,一时语塞。

    She was gaping at it , lost for words .