- bloody;sanguinary;reeking of blood

[reeking of blood] 人或其他动物被杀后的血肉,因其有腥臊味,故称
They took bloody reprisals against the leaders .
Three bloody days of fighting ended in the failure of the Confederate army , led by General Robert E.Lee , to invade the North .
I 'm terribly squeamish . I can 't bear gory films
The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit
I look back on it as the bloodiest ( though not literally ) winter of the war
The ‘ if it bleeds ' rule works for mass media , " says Jonah Berger , a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania . " They want your eyeballs and don 't care how you 're feeling .
as in The Godfather , it 's the personal relationships that drive the narrative15 as the friendship between DEA7 agent Art Keller and narco kingpin Miguel Angel Barrera disintegrates16 into a blood feud17 .
It isn 't every day that you see your husband bloodily murdered in the living room .
Yet the uprising itself did not come a surprise , only perhaps its speed and its bloodiness .
In spite of what we read in the newspapers , I have a great faith in this country and I pray that a peaceful understanding will come to this unsettled world , so that my children can grow up in a world that will give them happiness instead of bloodshed .
But there are still places to enjoy a hearty breakfast ; complete with eggs and a Bloody Mary .
John Kerry , US Secretary of state , believes there may be a window of opportunity for a negotiated solution to the bloody civil war in Syria .
AMC finds a bloody , fun and entertaining non-zombie counterpart to ' The Walking Dead ' - - Into the Badlands .
Some of the bloodiest urban combat the United States Marines have ever faced took place in the Citadel during the 1968 Tet offensive , a battle depicted in Stanley Kubrick 's " Full Metal Jacket . "
The five volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire , his dizzying saga of medieval kingdoms locked in internecine warfare , total more than 5000 pages and there are two more ( very long ) books to come before the cycle is complete .
Didn 't you enjoy that great scene in Finding Nemo , where Bruce the shark , who has been trying to kick the habit of eating fish , scents blood in the water ?
Guests then sat for the opening film , " A Quiet Outpost , " a jingoistic Russian war drama that was a paean to the military and ended with a gory 30-minute battle sequence .
Sensing blood , activist investors began to circle the company ; first David Einhorn , then Carl Icahn , have lobbied for changes to how Apple is run and manages its finances .
The service , perceived as a direct rival to Google 's Gmail , marks a new front in the ongoing and increasingly bitter battle between Facebook and Google to gain the loyalty of users .
Markaza Khinjan 's council stopped the practice of using women as payment in blood feuds , with guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation , an NGO that trains many of the councils .
Yet as Syria descends into ever more bloody civil war , critics of the toppling of Saddam Hussein are among those complaining that the international community is standing idly by while Bashar al-Assad continues to slaughter his people .
Mr Santorum earned my admiration on Tuesday when he appeared in Gettysburg , Pennsylvania , site of the bloody US Civil War battle , to announce that he was no longer running for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination .
In the late 1980s and early 1990s , the street corner and the Azeri canteen that then stood on it were infamous for the bloody shoot-outs they hosted between rival Caucasian gangs .
It was the bloodiest conflict the world had ever known .
The empire was built on the bloody killing and seizing .
These action sequences are often messy , violent and bloody .
My hands are stained with the blood of many people .
And those killings , they don 't give you pause ?
At one time they called me " bloody folsom . "
Some administration officials are concerned the images are too gruesome .