- hypovolemia

Exclusion criteria : cardiogenic shock , hypovolemia , or any other clinical conditions given vasodilators are contraindicated ; serious liver and kidney dysfunction ; significant valvular stenosis ; hypertrophic , restrictive cardiomyopathy ; constrictive pericarditis .
Patients with primary hyperaldosteronism in a volume-replete state usually have normal-to-high blood pressure .
WineLate author , also likelihood and drinkWineCause systemic blood-vessel dilate , inadequacy of effective blood capacity is concerned .
Methods Measures were taken to prevent blood vessel vagus reflex to the ninety two patients who has interposed treatment of the heart disease : prevent not enough blood volume , provide psycho counseling , paying close attention and tight tutelage .
When body suffered from burns , major surgery , trauma , or severe infections , stress responses lead to hypovolemia and circulating blood redistribution . Gastrointestinal blood flow reduction , the intestinal mucosal barrier damage , and even bacterial translocate result in intestinal-borne infections .
Among them , postoperative infarction occurred in 12 . Conclusion Hypovolemia , disturbance of blood coagulation , decrease of cerebral blood irrigation pressure , dysfunction of cerebral flow regulation , vasospasm , cerebral angiosclerosis and cardiopathy are the major causes of chronic subdural hematoma complicated with acute cerebral infarction .
In order to make up the insufficiency of the circulating blood volume , liquid transfusion should be sped up within 30 minutes after anesthesia .