
  • 网络Blood perfusion;blood flow perfusion
  1. 目的:通过MR灌注成像评价急性梗死心肌组织血流灌注特点。

    Objective : To evaluate the characteristics of myocardial perfusion using first pass perfusion MR imaging .

  2. 动态增强MRI评价股骨头血流灌注状态的实验研究

    Experimental study on dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in evaluating femoral perfusion

  3. MR脑血流灌注成像在亚临床肝性脑病中的应用

    Application of contrast-enhanced perfusion MR imaging in patients with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy

  4. 动态CT脑血流灌注测量及临床初步应用

    Measurement of Cerebral Perfusion by Dynamic CT : Preliminary Application

  5. CT灌注成像测量正常胰腺组织血流灌注

    Measurement of normal blood volume of pancreas with dynamic CT perfusion imaging

  6. 缺血性卒中病人脑血流灌注及脑血管储备功能氙CT研究

    Assessment of rCBF and Cerebrovascular Reserve by Xenon CT in Ischemic Stroke Patients

  7. 16层螺旋CT评价肝硬化患者血流灌注参数变化

    The Hepatic Perfusion Change in Cirrhosis Assessed by 16 Row Detector Spiral CT

  8. 肝硬化体积与血流灌注变化的16层螺旋CT研究

    The 16-slices Spiral CT Study of Liver Volume and Hepatic Perfusion in Liver Cirrhosis

  9. 电子束CT对肾脏临床血流灌注研究

    Perfusion Study of Ischemic Nephropathy with Electron-beam CT

  10. 目的探讨动态CT在脑血流灌注定量研究中的应用。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of dynamic computed tomography for quantifying cerebral tissue perfusion .

  11. CT血流灌注参数对于肾动脉狭窄的肾脏血流研究价值

    The value of the CT perfusion parameters for detection of renal hemodynamics in the patients with renal artery stenosis

  12. 目的比较实时超声造影与增强螺旋CT显示肝占位病变血流灌注特点的能力,探讨超声造影在肝肿瘤鉴别诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for characterization of focal liver lesions with contrast-enhanced helical CT .

  13. 目的采用MR首过灌注成像评价急性心肌梗死心肌组织血流灌注特点及治疗效果。

    Objective To evaluate the characteristics of myocardial perfusion and therapeutic effect of acute myocardial infarction using first pass perfusion MR imaging .

  14. 亚临床期肝性脑病MRI及脑血流灌注成像的研究

    The Study of MRI Appearances and Contrast Enhanced Perfusion MR Imaging in Patients with Subclinical Hepatic Encephalopathy

  15. 高压电损伤后CT灌注表现高灌注、低灌注及无血流灌注表现。

    High voltage electrical injury of CT perfusion have there different performance : high perfusion , low perfusion , no perfusion .

  16. 结论:CT灌注成像可定量评价肺癌放疗前后肿瘤血流灌注的改变,并可早期预测肿瘤的放射性治疗效果。

    Conclusion : Perfusion CT of lung cancer can enable assessment of tumor vascularity and perfusion changes that result from radiation therapy .

  17. 结论多层螺旋CT可对肾脏组织血流灌注进行定量分析,但注射流率影响灌注数值。

    Conclusion Multi-slice spiral CT can provide quantitative analysis to renal blood perfusion , but injection flow rate influence the perfusion parameters .

  18. 目的:通过CT扫描测量肾脏组织血流灌注值,探讨螺旋CT对急性肾功能衰竭肾脏血流灌注变化的反映能力。

    Objective : To assess the renal blood perfusion in the acute renal failure with the progress of the spiral CT technology .

  19. Gd-DTPA作为肾脏CT血流灌注对比剂的动物实验研究

    Gd-DTPA as a CT contrast agent for assessing renal perfusion patterns in rabbits

  20. 目的探讨肝脏良恶性肿瘤的CT灌注成像参数,研究其肝血流灌注参数的变化规律,找出诊断依据。

    Objective To study benign and malignant liver tumors CT perfusion imaging parameters , study the changes in liver perfusion parameters to identify diagnosis .

  21. SPECT脑血流灌注显像对癫疒间灶的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of SPECT brain blood perfusion imaging for epileptic foci

  22. 目的探讨CT灌注研究肝细胞癌(HCC)血流灌注的价值。

    Objective To explore the value of CT perfusion and evaluate hemodynamic perfusion of hepatic cell carcinoma ( HCC ) .

  23. 结论:脑CT灌注测量可以反映不同级别胶质瘤的血流灌注状况,从而为胶质瘤术前分级提供有价值的信息。

    Conclusions The multislice spiral CT perfusion may reflect the blood flow in glioma , which might provide some valuable information for preoperative glioma grading .

  24. 目的探讨多层螺旋CT灌注扫描在肾脏血流灌注中的应用及对比剂注射流率对灌注参数的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the application of multi-slice spiral CT perfusion imaging in the kidney and the influence of various injection rate on perfusion parameters .

  25. 肝脏缺血再灌注损伤(Hepaticischemiareperfusioninjury,HIR)是指肝脏缺血后重获血流灌注或氧供后,肝脏损伤会在缺血缺氧损伤的基础上进一步加重。

    Background : Hepatic ischemia reperfusion ( HIR ) injury is a common acute disease of surgery .

  26. SPECT脑血流灌注显像与CT扫描对脑血管性疾病诊断价值的对比分析

    A comparative study of SPECT cerebral blood flow infusion imaging and CT scanning for diagnostic value of cerebrovascular diseases

  27. SPECT脑血流灌注显像患者的护理体会

    Nursing care of patients underwent brain SPECT perfusion imaging

  28. 高血压患者SPECT脑血流灌注显像&附29例显像分析

    SPECT Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging in Patients with Hypertension

  29. 脑出血患者缺血性脑损害局部脑血流灌注的SPECT显像

    Regional cerebral blood perfusion SPECT imaging in brain ischemic injury due to cerebral hemorrhage

  30. 老年性脑神经疾病SPECT血流灌注显像应用研究

    Research of the Application of SPECT Imagine in Elderly Patients with Central Nervous System Diseases