
xuè zú
  • bloodline
血族 [xuè zú]
  • [flesh] 构成同一血缘的一个整体的家族或种族

  1. 华夏文化精神的价值指向是血族的“生生”,即指向血族的生存繁衍。

    The value direction of Chinese cultural spirit refers to the " Continuous development of life " of the Chinese bloodline .

  2. 在重逢时,她发现她的家庭的确是耶苏和抹大拉的玛丽亚的血族。

    During the reunion , she discovers that her family is , indeed , of the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene .

  3. 研究血族关系等文化现象的人类学家。

    An anthropologist who studies such cultural phenomena as kinship systems .

  4. 后代与父母间的血族关系。

    The kinship relation of an offspring to the parents .

  5. 儿女与父亲之间的血族关系。

    The kinship relation between an offspring and the father .

  6. 可见在较早的时代,胞族也有血族复仇的义务。

    Hence in earlier times it also had the obligation of blood revenge .

  7. 社会保持了基于家族血族关系和委托关系的宗族结构。

    Societies retain their tribal structures based on extended family kinships and clientage .

  8. 让我来告诉你,血族真正的力量!

    Let me tell you , what is the real force of Kindred !

  9. 相互之间具有血族关系的人。

    A person having kinship with another or others .

  10. 它作出为被杀害的氏族成员接受赎罪献礼或实行血族复仇的决定;

    It took decisions regarding blood revenge or payment of atonement for murdered gentiles ;

  11. 一种血族关系的自然吸引力或感觉。

    A natural attraction or feeling of kinship .

  12. 但是,确定已婚妇女的血族名称却成了一种困难。

    But it is difficult to determine what gentile name was borne by married women .

  13. 这样,留在血族团体内部的只有各代女儿的子孙;

    Therefore only the offspring of the daughters in each generation remain within the kinship organization ;

  14. 传承该隐的教诲,血族的大门为你敞开。

    Spread far and wide for Caine , The door of the Kindred opens for you .

  15. 那年的一些部份,流程很快速的和狂怒的,血族到迅速的。

    Some parts of the year , the flow was fast and furious , akin to rapids .

  16. 使用此魔法血族可将自己使用的魔法的效果极大化。

    The usage this sorcery blood clan can turn the result of the sorcery that oneself use biggest .

  17. 血矛,血族们可以自如地使用蓄于体内的血。

    Blood pike , the blood clans can from if ground usage in the blood in the body .

  18. 以血族团体为基础的旧社会,由于新形成的各社会阶级的冲突而被炸毁;

    In the collision of the newly-developed social classes , the old society founded on kinship groups is broken up ;

  19. 当妇女只能同自己血族的成员结婚时,这一困难自然是不存在的;

    So long as the woman may only marry a member of her own gens , this problem does not arise ;

  20. 血之旋涡血族们可利用黑暗魔法开启和关闭空间,也可移动。

    Eddy blood the clans of blood can make use of dark sorcery to open with close space , can also move .

  21. 家庭仍然是埃及社会最重要的组成单元,血族关系在埃及所有社会关系中都扮演着重要角色。

    The family remains the most remarkable unit of Egyptian society , and kinship played a valuable role in virtually all social relations .

  22. 每种制度下,当其流行之时,血族关系的(家庭)财产限属于那些根据制度是亲戚的人。

    Under each system , while it prevailed , the effects of kinship were confined to those who according to it were relations .

  23. 血族复仇与鬼灵崇拜&中国古代血族复仇与鬼灵复仇关系略论

    Revenge for Family Members and the Cult of Ghosts & A Discussion on the Relation of Revenge for Family Members to Revenge by Ghosts

  24. 参与公共事务,实行血族复仇或为此接受赎罪,究竟是权利还是义务这种问题,对印第安人来说是不存在的;

    The question whether participation in public affairs , in blood revenge or atonement , is a right or a duty , does not exist for the indian ;

  25. 但是我们已经看到,当它在雅典和罗马能够代替按血族来组织的旧办法以前,曾经需要进行多么顽强而长久的斗争。

    But , as we have seen , hard and protracted struggles were necessary before it was able in Athens and Rome to displace the old organization founded on kinship .

  26. 低级的血族使用毒或酸魔法,而长久以来以吸血为生的血族们连强大的黑魔法也可以使用。

    The blood clan of low class uses poisonous or sour sorcery , and takes absorbing blood as for long time rare of the blood clans even the strong black sorcery can also use .

  27. 蒙森也感觉到了这一点,因此,他又推测道:“为了在血族以外结婚,在法律上,大概不仅需要得到掌权者的同意,而且需要得到全体氏族成员的同意。”

    Mommsen also feels this , and hence makes the assumption : " for a lawful marriage outside the gens , it was probably necessary to have the consent , not only of the chief , but of all members of the gens . "

  28. 这篇论文发表在最新一期加拿大同行审评的学术期刊《社会工作批评》上,文章称真正的血族与黑衣獠牙的“生活潮流”派吸血鬼不同,因循守旧的临床医生或许对他们还抱有成见。

    The paper , published in the latest issue of Critical Social Work , a peer-reviewed journal based in Canada , found that authentic vampires as opposed to " lifestyle " vampires - black-clad figures with phony fangs - might be stereotyped by clinicians whose fields discourage biases 。

  29. 威廉研究这类自我认定的吸血鬼已经将近10年了,血族来自各行各业,包括有医生、律师和烛台制造者。威廉说,“他们是成功人士、也是普通人”。

    Williams , who has studied self-identified vampires for nearly a decade , finds they come from every walk of life and profession , including doctors , attorneys and candlestick makers 。 " They are successful , ordinary people , " he said.Except they are very , very tired .

  30. 面临的挑战在于要找到不妄加评判的临床医生,这样吸血鬼才会透露其别样的生活方式。他补充道,“大多数吸血鬼认为他们天生这般,并非选择如此。”全球血族人口达千人之多。

    The challenge is finding non-judgmental clinicians to whom vampires can disclose their alternative lifestyles , he added 。 " Most vampires believe they were born that way ; they don 't choose this , " Williams said.The global vampire population is thought to number in the thousands , he said 。