
xuè sè sù chén zhuó zhènɡ
  • hemochromatosis
  1. 小结节型肝硬化也可见于Wilson病、原发性胆汁硬化和血色素沉着症。

    Micronodular cirrhosis may also be seen with Wilson 's disease , primary biliary cirrhosis , and hemochromatosis .

  2. HFE基因与遗传性血色素沉着症

    Relationship between HFE gene and hereditary hemochromatosis

  3. 当发生器官功能障碍时,则用血色素沉着症表示。

    The term " hemochromatosis " is used when organ dysfunction occurs .

  4. 青铜色的色素沉着见于血色素沉着症和砷中毒。

    Bronze hyperpigmentation is seen in hemochromatosis and arsenic intoxication .

  5. 肝原发性特发性血色素沉着症1例报告

    One Case : Primary Idiopathic Hemochromatosis

  6. 遗传性血色素沉着症是一种常染色体隐性遗传性铁异常沉积性疾病,高加索群体中发病率高,平均不到300人就有一个是该病患者。

    Hemochromatosis , the common autosomal recessive disease of iron overload , affects at least 1 in 300 Caucasians .

  7. 血色素沉着症是由于铁过度的沉积而引起的。如图所示,经过普鲁士蓝铁染色后可见该病显微镜下的表现。

    Hemochromatosis , with excessive iron deposition , can occur in the heart as shown here microscopically with Prussian blue iron stain .

  8. 铁的过度沉淀可导致心脏增大以及类似心肌病的心力衰竭,这使得血色素沉着症成为限制性心肌病的一种形式。

    The excessive deposition of iron leads to heart enlargement and failure similar to a cardiomyopathy , making hemochromatosis a form of " restrictive " cardiomyopathy .

  9. 例如,血色素沉着症是一种能引起肝衰竭或者肝癌的致命疾

    " For example , hemochromatosis is a deadly disease that can cause liver failure or liver cancer . When the disease is found early , it can be cured . "