
  • 网络Weizhou island
  1. DS-1、DS-2精脱硫剂在涠洲岛液化气脱硫装置的工业应用

    Industrial Application of DS-1 and DS-2 Fine Desulfurizers in LPG Desulfurizing Unit of Weizhou Island End Plant

  2. 提出一种光电二级稳定粗、精控制通道融合新方案,并与现有粗、精控制通道相互独立二级稳定方案相比较。DS-1、DS-2精脱硫剂在涠洲岛液化气脱硫装置的工业应用

    A new scheme is proposed which blends the coarse and fine control channel used in photoelectric two-stage stabilization system . Industrial Application of DS-1 and DS-2 Fine Desulfurizers in LPG Desulfurizing Unit of Weizhou Island End Plant

  3. 北部湾涠洲岛南湾火山砂岩捕虏体光释光(OSL)测年结果

    OSL dating of a sandstone Xenolith in the volcanic rocks of the Nanwan volcano , Weizhou island , Beibu Bay

  4. 北部湾涠洲岛地貌的基本特征

    Basic Geomorphologic Features of the Weizhou Island of the Beibu Bay

  5. 涠洲岛珊瑚岸礁的沉积特征

    Sedimentary characteristic of the coral fringing reef on the Weizhou Island

  6. 广西涠洲岛现代白云石的发现及其意义

    The modern dolomite discovery and signification at Weizhou Island Guangxi Province

  7. 广西涠洲岛鸟类自然保护区的鸟类资源

    Birds in Weizhou Island Bird Nature Reserve , Guangxi , China

  8. 涠洲岛和斜阳岛附近海域浮游植物初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of Phytoplanktons in the Seas Near Weizhou and Xieyang Islands

  9. 涠洲岛地下水资源现状与地质环境问题

    State of groundwater resource and problem of geological environment in

  10. 北部湾涠洲岛珊瑚礁的研究现状及展望

    The Status and Prospect of Researches on Coral Reef in Weizhou Island

  11. 广西涠洲岛全新世上升海滩沉积及其成岩作用

    Holocene raised beach sediments and their diagenesis , Weizhou island , Guangxi

  12. 试论涠洲岛地下淡水资源特征

    On the characteristic of the underground fresh water resources in Weizhou Island

  13. 土壤固化剂在涠洲岛雨水集蓄利用工程中的应用

    Application of Soil Solidify Agent in Rainfall Collection Project in Weizhou Island

  14. 广西涠洲岛沉凝灰岩土壤微形态研究

    Micromorphological Study on Soils Derived from Sedimentary Tuff on Weizhou Island of Guangxi

  15. 广西涠洲岛海域珊瑚礁现状及其保护策略研究

    Status and Conservation Strategies of the Coral Reef in Weizhou Island , Guangxi

  16. 论1530年涠洲岛东南海域地震及其强度

    On earthquake in 1530 and tis intensity at the southeast of Weizhou Island

  17. 涠洲岛珊瑚礁分布特征与环境保护的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Characteristics of Coral Reef Distribution and Environmental Protection in Weizhou Island

  18. 广西涠洲岛火山喷发特征

    Volcano eruption features in Weizhou Island of Guangxi

  19. 涠洲岛岸堤的成因探讨

    Genesis of the shore barrier in Weizhou Island

  20. 南海涠洲岛区现代沉积环境和沉积作用演化

    Evolution of modern sedimentary environments and sedimentations in the Weizhou Island area , south China Sea

  21. 北部湾涠洲岛珊瑚礁海岸及第四纪沉积特征

    Characteristics of the coastal coral reef and Quaternary sediment from the Weizhou island , Beibu Gulf

  22. 涠洲岛附近海域水质和底质环境的分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Substrate Environment and Water Quality of the Sea Area Around Weizhou Island

  23. 现代碳酸盐和陆源碎屑的混合沉积作用&涠洲岛珊瑚岸礁实例


  24. 涠洲岛潮滩表层沉积物中重金属的空间分布及其环境质量评价

    Heavy metals ' spatial distribution of the intertidal surface sediments in Weizhou Island and its environment quality evaluation

  25. 广西涠洲岛和斜阳岛沉凝灰岩母质发育土壤的系统分类初深

    A Preliminary Study on the System Classification of the Soils Developing from Sedimentary Tuff on Weizhou and Xieyang Islands of Guangxi

  26. 涠洲岛和斜阳岛红色风化壳粘土矿物和化学特征及成土环境研究

    Characteristics of clay minerals and geochemistry and soil-forming environment of the red weathering crusts in Weizhou Island and Xieyang Island , Guangxi

  27. 选择北海半岛南流江河口、半岛近岸海域及涠洲岛附近海域为对象,研究河海水混合过程中稀土元素的某些地球化学特征。

    The geochemical features of REEs in Nanliu River mouth and the coastal water along Beihai peninsula and Weizhou island in Guangxi were studied .

  28. 在今年五月初,广西省南部涠洲岛海域附近油田的一位工人将一条巨型鱼类的照片发布到了网上。

    Pictures of a huge fish had been posted online by workers on an oil rig near Weizhou Island , south of Guangxi province , in early May .

  29. 推测涠洲岛的火山活动始于晚第三纪,更新世南湾火山喷发形成涠洲岛的现代地貌。

    We can speculate that the volcanic activity began with late Tertiary and the modern landform in Weizhou Island was formed by eruption of the Nanwan volcano in Pleistocene .

  30. 研究工作主要采用了质的研究方法与教育实验(调查测试)方法,选择了一个相对封闭的民俗文化区域&涠洲岛作为观察和研究的场所。

    This research mainly employs the methods of qualitative analysis and education experiment ( survey test ) . Weizhou Island , a relatively close district of folk culture , is selected as the location for observation and investigation .