
  • 网络HAWAIIAN;The Hawaiians
  1. 然后我又从夏威夷人那儿重新学了一遍,有些变化。

    Then I learned it all over again with variations from the Hawaiians .

  2. 何况过不了几年你们也不会再剩下任何嗜血的夏威夷人了。

    And in a few years you 'll have no bloody hawaiians , either .

  3. 保罗现年53岁,是个面色红润、皮肤黝黑的夏威夷人,自称“大恐龙”。他说自己大概在十几岁时就感染了H.I.V.。

    Paul , 53 , a ruddy and weather-beaten Hawaii resident who called himself " one of the dinosaurs , " said he had probably been infected with H.I.V. as a teenager .

  4. 史基普真的是夏威夷人吗?

    Is it true that skip 's really from hawaii ?

  5. 只要那真的是夏威夷人所想要的。

    But only if that 's what Hawaiian people want .

  6. 早期的夏威夷人将之命名为「太阳之家」。

    It 's called " House of the Sun " by early Hawaiians .

  7. 但是像我这样的夏威夷人比非土著人早整整10年去世,

    yet native Hawaiians like myself die a full decade before our non-native counterparts ,

  8. 在拉斯维加斯,提升的夏威夷人的人口相对较多。

    In Las Vegas , there is a relatively large population of ascending Hawaiians .

  9. 先是夏威夷人,现在是你。

    First the Hawaiians . And now you .

  10. 在我还是一个年幼的夏威夷人时,我的母亲和姑姑经常跟我讲关于卡劳帕帕的故事,

    As a little Hawaiian , my mom and auntie always told me stories about Kalaupapa

  11. 也许夏威夷人与生俱来的热情才是这里真正的魅力所在。

    Perhaps the most beautiful part of Hawaii is the genuine warmth of our people .

  12. 有很多夏威夷人,也由于周围上涨的房地产价格而失去了他们的家园。

    Many Hawaiians have also lost their homes due to increased property values around them .

  13. 中国人同夏威夷人相处得很和睦。

    Chinese and Hawaiians lived together easily .

  14. 夏威夷人,或许一想就知道,发展出一种上面覆着凤梨和火腿的披萨。

    Hawaiians , perhaps predictably , developed a pizza with a pineapple and ham topping .

  15. 夏威夷人把夏威夷称为阿罗哈州。

    They call Hawaii the Aloha State .

  16. 对许多生活在其它地方而内心也是夏威夷人的人们而言,这也是如此。

    This is also so for many living in other places who are also Hawaiian at heart .

  17. 莉莎:那些是‘海奥斯’,是古代夏威夷人留下来的,那是他们拜神的地方。

    Lisa : Those are heiaus , left by the ancient Hawaiians as shrines for their gods .

  18. 这让我好奇是什么让我们夏威夷人不同?答案就是我们的基因。

    This got my curious about what makes us unique as Hawaiians -- namely , our genetic makeup .

  19. 有很多收入固定的夏威夷人于是就由于无法支付相关税费,而失去了家园。

    Many a Hawaiian on fixed income has lost their home due to failure to pay the taxes .

  20. 之后,我到达檀香山当晚所认识的一个夏威夷人邀请我参加烤猪野宴。

    Later , a Hawaiian I met on my first night in Honolulu invites me to a luau .

  21. 美国分裂将让夏威夷人祖先非常高兴,并将成为夏威夷走向自治的第一步。

    This would please the Hawaiian ancestors very much , and would be the first step towards Hawaiian sovereignty .

  22. 夏威夷人热衷于一种在海岛上非常流行的运动,叫“人体冲浪”。

    The Hawaiians developed a sport which is now very popular on the island called " body surfing " .

  23. 研究表明,永久搬到路州居住的夏威夷人的平均预期寿命大致等于留在夏威夷的夏威夷人。

    Studies show that the average life expectancy for Hawaiians who move permanently to Louisiana is roughly equal to that of Hawaiians who remain in hawaii .

  24. 从曾在十九世纪早期将冲浪运动带到加利福尼亚夏威夷人乔治·弗里斯及传奇人物杜克·卡哈那莫库,到现代冲浪冠军像凯莉·斯莱特。

    from Hawaiians George Freeth and Duke Kahanamoku , who brought surfing to California in the early 1900s , to modern surfing champs like Kelly Slater .

  25. 月亮周期并不一定是关于“农事历书”的,甚至也不是夏威夷人遵循来农耕打鱼及庆典的那种月亮周期。

    Moon cycles are not necessarily about what the " Farmer 's Almanac " has to say , or even the Hawaiians that followed the moon cycles for planting and fishing along with celebration purposes .

  26. 在这片夏威夷人的土地上如我提及的心爱的夏威夷,是我需要住下的地方,并开始了我发现有着打开心灵学会如何去爱的钥匙的我的祖先的旅程。

    On the land the Hawaiian 's refer to as Hawai'i Nei is where I needed to settle to begin the journey of finding my ancestry with the keys to opening my heart and learning how to love .

  27. 凯不是夏威夷本地人,但她十分喜爱夏威夷的本土文化,喜欢夏威夷人重视亲情的风俗。

    Kai wasn 't Hawaiian but loved the Hawaiian culture and spirit of family it cherished .

  28. 夏威夷的人已经习惯于火山的爆发声了。

    Hawaiians are used to the rumblings of the volcano .

  29. 我从没遇过住在夏威夷的人。

    I had never met anybody who lived in Hawaii .

  30. 今天的夏威夷当地人,通常会做2份工作来支付房租或抵押贷款并购买食物。

    Locals in Hawaii today often work two jobs to pay the rent or mortgage and buy the food .