
  • 网络Hawaiian;Hawaiian Airlines;HawaiianMiles
  1. 在假日旅行最佳航空公司的排行榜上,夏威夷航空公司(HawaiianAirlines)遥遥领先,紧随其后的是另一家主要经营太平洋海岸业务的阿拉斯加航空公司(HawaiianAirlines)。

    Leading the pack of the best airlines for holiday travel is Hawaiian Airlines , followed by another Pacific Coast-focused carrier , Alaska Airlines .

  2. 在Mila最近去澳大利亚的旅行中,她在夏威夷航空公司杂志上读到了一篇有关美国大陆、日本与夏威夷之间的太平洋区域中所存在的有毒塑料垃圾的文章。

    In her journey to Australia as of late Mila read an article upon the Hawaiian Airlines magazine about a toxic plastic mess in the Pacific Ocean between the Mainland , Japan and Hawaii .

  3. 捷蓝和夏威夷航空公司(Hawaiian)在T5;

    JetBlue and Hawaiian are in 5 ;

  4. 夏威夷航空和阿拉斯加航空准点率最高,而快捷航空公司和Envoy航空公司的准点率最低。

    Hawaiian airlimes and Alaska Air had the best ontime rating . ExpressJet and Envoy had the worst on time arrival rate .

  5. 然而,夏威夷航空公司公共关系高级专家休伊·沃(HuyVo)说,占据该公司半数以上航线的短途航班实际上运营并不容易。

    But Huy Vo , a senior specialist in public relations at Hawaiian , said the short flights , which make up half the airline 's routes , aren 't all that easy to operate .

  6. 捷蓝航空公司也遇到了夏威夷航空公司在太平洋空域上遇到的相同问题。

    And it encounters some of the same issues as Hawaiian does over the Pacific .

  7. 夏威夷航空公司最近宣布将把业务拓展到夏威夷岛外,开通从檀香山到北京的直达航班。

    It recently announced it will branch well beyond its island home with non-stop service to Beijing .

  8. 夏威夷航空公司在航班准点率排行榜上常年位居前列,在9月份最新公布的榜单上创下最高准点率。

    Hawaiian perennially rates high in on-time performance rankings , topping the most recent DOT list i n September .

  9. 你可能觉得夏威夷航空的运营相对容易,因为该公司的航班很少遇到美国大陆那种恶劣的天气条件。

    You might think Hawaiian has it relatively easy , since its flights rarely have to contend with the kind of challenging weather conditions found on the mainland .

  10. 美国交通部表示,6月美国主要航空公司的准点率为71.8%,低于五月的76.9%。夏威夷航空和阿拉斯加航空的准点率最高;

    Transportation Department says the major airlines had an on-time arrival rate of 71.8 % in June , down from 76.9 % in May . Hawaiian and Alaska airlines had the best on-time performance rates ;

  11. 在过去三年里,夏威夷航空公司的航班延误率只有6.92%,几乎是排名第二的阿拉斯加航空公司的一半——这家公司的航班延误率达到11.27%。

    Only 6.92 percent of Hawaiian 's flights arrived late during the past three years , almost twice as good as the runner up , Alaska Air - 11.27 percent of its flights arrived late .