
rào dào ér xínɡ
  • to make a detour
  1. 我们为避开洪水得绕道而行。

    We had to make a detour round the floods .

  2. 因为干道被堵,我们不得不绕道而行。

    The main road was blocked so we had to make a detour .

  3. 因为道路封闭,公共汽车只得绕道而行。

    The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road closure .

  4. 但是UCLA的科学家们发现,让“行走”信息绕道而行可以让小鼠重获部分移动能力。

    But scientists from UCLA found that detouring the " walking " messages around the injury helped the mice regain some mobility .

  5. 因施工,我们必须绕道而行。

    Because of the construction , we must take a detour .

  6. 他们绕道而行,避开市中心。

    They made a detour to avoid the town center .

  7. 于是,年轻人对这类保险绕道而行。

    So young people tend to shy away from them .

  8. 他绕道而行以避危桥。

    He made a detour to avoid an unsafe bridge .

  9. 这条路正在修理中,所以我们只好绕道而行。

    The road was under repair , so we had to go around .

  10. 绕道而行,避开熙攘的街道。

    Take a devious route to avoid busy streets .

  11. 为了避免经过市中心,出租车司机绕道而行。

    The taxi driver took an indirect route to avoid the town centre .

  12. 由于塞车,我们必须绕道而行。

    We had to take an indirect route because of the traffic jam .

  13. 路正在修,我们只好绕道而行了。

    The road is under repair , so we shall have to go round .

  14. 所以上帝领百姓绕道而行,走红海旷野的路。

    So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea .

  15. 建立自信,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。

    Begin to build your confidence , and work through problems rather than avoid them .

  16. 大部分路人只是绕道而行或擦身而过;

    Most simply detoured or brushed by ;

  17. 据信,最大的成本是船只必须避开危险区域绕道而行所产生的成本。

    The biggest costs are believed to have come from having to reroute ships to avoid risky areas .

  18. 另外,他们将蚂蚁放在之前没有蚂蚁的树上,这回大象就绕道而行了。

    In addition , when the insects were placed on previously ant-free acacias , the elephants took a pass .

  19. 一项调查报告发现了7条关于工作和财富积累的原则。超级成功人士们践行着这些原则,而平庸的人们却总是对它们视而不见,绕道而行。

    A survey research found seven key principles of work and wealth-building that super-successful people practice but ordinary people avoid .

  20. 有了膜,氢原子的质子就可以穿过膜,而电子被迫要绕道而行。

    It allows the hydrogen 's proton to pass through while the electron is forced to take a different course .

  21. 尽管男性包皮环切手术率有所提高,但该国的文化准则却绕道而行。

    The cultural norms also contributes to the causes despite that there is improvement found in circumcision implementation among male .

  22. 首先我想说的是,如果在西方,我们不会想到移山,我们会绕道而行。

    Bnd the first thing I would say is in the West , we will not move the mountains , we 'll go around .

  23. 他们的目标:找到一项被认定有效的专利,迫使对手绕道而行,或者达成专利许可协议。

    Their goal : to find a patent that sticks , and to force competitors to work around it or strike a licensing deal .

  24. 她说,由于基础设施不便利,一些农产品,例如西海岸的水果或内布拉斯加的玉米必须绕道而行。

    She says farm products - whether fruit from the West Coast or corn from Nebraska - sometimes travel a round-about route because of infrastructure failings .

  25. 在亚拿之子珊迦的时候,又在雅亿的日子,大道无人行走,都是绕道而行。

    In the days of Shamgar son of Anath , in the days of Jael , the roads were abandoned ; travelers took to winding paths .

  26. 回家途中,我绕道而行,造访我认为罗马最令人出奇感动的地点——奥古斯都庙。

    On my way back home I take a little detour and stop at the address in Rome I find most strangely affecting - the Augusteum .

  27. 所以神领百姓绕道而行,走红海旷野的路。以色列人出埃及地,都带着兵器上去。

    But God took the people round by the waste land near the red sea : and the children of Israel went up in fighting order out of the land of egypt .

  28. 异性土壤所形成的腐蚀电池,具有强烈腐蚀的特点,类似这种地带应在勘察设计时尽量避开,绕道而行。

    The corrosive cells formed in non-isotropic soil are characterized by their intense corrosive nature , and so the like zone should be kept away as much as possible in survey and design .

  29. 为什么理查德·布莱森(英国亿万富翁)、比尔·盖茨、沃伦·巴菲特可以做得那么好?一项调查报告发现了7条关于工作和财富积累的原则。超级成功人士们践行着这些原则,而平庸的人们却总是对它们视而不见,绕道而行。

    How 'd Richard Branson , Bill Gates , and Warren Buffett do so well ? A survey research found seven key principles of work and wealth-building that super-successful people practice but ordinary people avoid .

  30. 有围观者表示这群鸭子本来是打算翻过墙去水边的,但后来只能沿着公路绕道而行,因为墙太高了小鸭子们过不去。

    Onlookers said the family of ducks had tried to reach the water over a wall , but took a detour along the road when it proved too high for the tiny ducklings to cross .