
  • 网络home;homeward
  1. 约翰驱车穿过小巷向家驶去。

    John drove homeward through the lanes

  2. 大学生在经济上依赖父母的事实并不是什么新鲜事,向家里要更多的钱也屡见不鲜。

    The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new ; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home .

  3. 当我们向家进发的时候,我转过头看着校舍,唯一看见的就是站在一楼窗口的那个士兵,目送着我的离去。

    As we were marching home , I turned to look at the schoolhouse . And who should I see , but my soldier in the first floor window . Just staring .

  4. 为此,本课题以重庆市向家坡立交桥IV匝道的10号高墩顶端位移以及其它相关监测参数为研究对象,开发一套现场监测系统,对研究桥梁状态安全监测具有深远的意义。

    For the study on the health of high-pier bridges , we carried out a project and developed the system to monitor the condition of high piers of the Chongqing Xiang-jia-po Bridge .

  5. 用有限元软件ANSYS对向家坡边坡稳定进行数值模拟分析,结果表明该边坡在自然状态下发生较小的水平位移,处于稳定状态。

    Use the finite element software ANSYS to carry out numerical simulation of Xiang jia po slope . The results show that the horizontal displacement is small in the natural condition , and the slope in a state of stability .

  6. McKechnie指出,境外工人向家中的汇款也大幅减少,对数百万人口倚重的社会保障类收入来源构成了威胁。

    And money sent home from overseas workers has also declined significantly , threatening a source of income that has functioned as a " social safety net " for millions of people , says McKechnie .

  7. 每杯茶都会喝上一个钟头,然后孑孓一身向家中漫走。

    Each tea lasts an hour then he wanders home alone .

  8. 我再一次启动了小汽车,向家的方向开去。

    I started the car again , and we drove home .

  9. 卡罗尔冒着十一月里的寒风,向家走。

    Carol started for home , through the November wind .

  10. 他们努力向家驶去,但是发动机再也不能发动起来。

    They try to head home but the engine won 't start .

  11. 杰拉尔德·奥哈拉向家飞奔而来。

    Gerald O'Hara was coming home across country and at top speed .

  12. 迈克很生气地把锅打破了,但后拿着破锅向家里走去。

    Mike got angry and broke it then carried the broke pot home .

  13. 爆炸声使村民们快速向家里奔去。

    The noise of the explosion sent the villagers scurrying back into their homes .

  14. 他们向家宣布他们已经订婚了。

    They announced their engagement to the family .

  15. 我放下手头的事情,向家门口走去。

    So I put aside what I am doing , and walk to the door .

  16. 等马儿变得驯顺了,他们才沿着山间小路向家里走去。

    As soon as the horse was reasonable they went on back along the trail .

  17. 父亲总是向家里人反复讲他们全靠他赚钱来过日子。

    Father never failed to rub it into the family how much they depended on his money .

  18. 为的是要坚决抗拒那股很想把它吹向家去的大风;

    in so doing , fights ' gainst the very winds that fain would blow her homeward ;

  19. 他说,各国也应简化汇款手续,降低汇款费用,以便移民向家中汇款。

    Countries should also make it easier and cheaper for migrants to send remittances home , he says .

  20. 不过向家里承认给人撵回来,脸上怎下得去?

    But how could he admit to his family that he 'd been thrown out without losing face ?

  21. 结果她的手提袋留在桌上,而人却溜进车里,向家急驶而去。

    Leaving her purse at her desk , she slipped into her car and sped away toward home .

  22. 她一拿到录取通知书,就向家里飞报了这一好消息。

    She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission .

  23. 这个城市布满纵横交错的街道,我沿着其中一条向家走去。

    The city street is covered with crisscross , from which I choose one to walk along home .

  24. 许多国家均倚重于外出务工人员从境外向家中的汇款来发展其经济。

    And many economies are heavily dependent on remittances & the money migrant workers send home to their families from abroad .

  25. 现在我会给向家展示一些技巧以此将误解转变成为指导意见。

    So now I 'm going to show you some tricks where the misconceptions are turned around into rules of thumb .

  26. 从此以后,在每年六月第三个周日,全国千家万户在这天向家中父亲表示敬意。

    Since then , fathers had been honored and recognized by their families throughout the country on the third Sunday in June .

  27. 研究表明,即使是在像建筑业那样受到严重影响的部门工作的移民工人,仍然在继续向家中汇款,即便他们自己的收入减少了。

    Studies show that migrant workers even in hard-hit sectors like construction continue to send money home even if their own earnings are reduced .

  28. 男孩的话让这个男人深受震撼,他望着小男孩沿着人行道推着他轮椅里的哥哥向家里走去的背影。

    Too shook up for words , the man simply watched the little boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home .

  29. 奉节县向家淌滑坡是一个由碎裂岩体构成的岩质滑坡,由老滑坡体和其上的次级滑坡体构成。

    Xiangjiatang landslide in Fengjie is a rocky landside made up of a smashed rock mass , constituted by old landslide and its secondary landslides .

  30. 于是我轻轻的将她抱起,向家的方向走去,她睡的很香,但愿她做个迷人美丽的梦!

    So I lightly jiangchibao , to walking in the direction of home , she slept like a baby , I hope she be charming beautiful dream !