首页 / 词典 / good


  1. FTI咨询集团的一位高级主管表示,迪宁先生在爱尔兰科克附近的一家农场长大,据说曾在二月份时向道克瑞求婚。

    A senior director with FTI Consulting , he grew up on a farm near Cork and is believed to have proposed to Dockery in February .

  2. 这些死去的全息图的记录,是一套Mila所收集到的早期信息,这向道显示了,在此造物领域中已有多少造物随时间而跌入死亡。

    The records of the deceased holograms was an early set of information Mila gathered and this shows the Tao how so many creations have fallen into disanimation over time in this region of domain .

  3. 借助飞鸟意象,批判名教,表达向道的复归;

    Number two , in virtue of flyer imago , animadvert on Zoroastrianism , expression the regression of the doctrine ;

  4. 吹或扔一个吻,表示从远处送个有意的吻,通常在道别时,亲吻自己的指尖并把手挥向道别的人。

    Meaning : To indicate an intended kiss from a distance , usually in bidding farewell , by kissing one 's own fingertips and moving the hand toward the person greeted .

  5. 求真与向道的主旨对立以及外探与内倾的表现差异鲜明地互现了各自的美学品性并揭示了民族文化大系统的异质性。

    The opposition between striving for realism and grasping the truth and the difference between external exploitation and internal meditation clearly manifest their individual moral character of aesthetics and the differences between different nation literature systems .

  6. 她甚至没有向母亲道个别。

    She didn 't even say goodbye to her mother .

  7. 他诚恳地向我们道了歉。

    He offered us his unreserved apologies .

  8. 第二天早晨,她来我的房间向我道了歉。

    The next morning she came into my room and said she was sorry .

  9. 我向她道了晚安。

    I bade her goodnight .

  10. 由于说话失礼,他通情达理地向我道了歉。

    He had the grace to apologize to me for the insulting remark .

  11. Spacer层越厚,自由电子向沟道内的转移率越低,导致ns降低,但是同时减小了电离杂质散射,使得μn上升。

    The thicker spacer layer thickness is , the less free electrons transfer to channel .

  12. 第二天,他为自己的行为向Kamei道了歉,从此之后对Kamei很是尊敬。

    The next day , he apologized to Kamei for his conduct and , from then on , treated him with respect .

  13. 史密斯先生向他道了谢,他们就开始向下议院走去。

    Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk there .

  14. 戴夫向大家道了晚安,然后很快上楼去了。

    Dave said good night to everyone and quickly disappeared upstairs .

  15. 我向主人道过歉后提早离去。

    I made my apologies to my host and left early .

  16. 过节,向秘书道声谢谢

    At festival , say " thank you " to the secretary

  17. 如果这些话让你不开心的话,我再次在这里向你道嫌。

    If these words let you feel unhappy , Sorrry again .

  18. 他向我道早安[告别]。

    He wished me good morning [ good - bye ] .

  19. 我向他道早安,但他没答话。

    I said good morning to him but got no answer .

  20. 索科尔最终辞职,而巴菲特也向股东道了歉。

    Mr Sokol resigned , and Mr Buffett apologised to shareholders .

  21. 我要向你道什么歉?

    What do I have to apologize to you about ?

  22. 他向她道晚安,而她却毫无反应。

    He says good night to her but she gives no answer .

  23. 我有一段时间没写博客了,向大家道个歉。

    Sorry it has been a while since I last wrote everyone .

  24. 他代表经理向我们道了歉。

    He said sorry to us on the part of the manager .

  25. 最后,徐阳还是向母亲道了歉。

    As for Xu Yang , he eventually apologized to his mother .

  26. 我便慢慢地踱着,向石道的那边走去。

    I walked slowly towards the far end of the stone-flagged path .

  27. 请允许我在此向各位道一声感谢。

    Please allow me to say Thanksgiving for you all .

  28. 泰勒在吗我也得向他道个歉

    Is Tyler around ? I owe him an apology as well .

  29. 女士们、先生们,我向你们道早安。

    Ladies and gentlemen , I bid you good morning .

  30. 字符识别中的加权极向笔道密度特征

    Weight Polar Direction Stroke Density Feature in Character Recognition