
  • 网络Non-interference Principle;non-intervention;principle of non-intervention
  1. 非盟、联合国,东西方在其外交政策制定中所蕴含的不干涉原则并不是一个简单的由严格的不干涉主义向人道主义干涉的转变。

    The non-interference principle as contained in the policies of the African Union , United Nations and in the policies of Western and Asian states were discussed , noting a gradual shift away from strict non-interference towards non-indifference and humanitarian intervention .

  2. 国家主权原则、不干涉原则以及不使用武力原则是当代国际法的基石,也是国际关系相互交往应遵循的准则。

    The principles of national sovereign right , non-intervention and non-use of force are the basic principles of modern international law , which should be strictly obeyed in the international relationship .

  3. 特别是,不干涉原则对人类来说存在感并不明显。

    In particular , the Rule of Non-Interference is not obvious to man .

  4. 在指导原则上,在坚持传统的不干涉原则的基础之上适度引进人道主义干涉;

    In the golden rule , the humanitarianism interference is appropriately introduced in insisting on the traditional foundation not interfering the principle ;

  5. 认为一国领导人应接受国际法则审判的看法,削弱了在中国外交政策中占据神圣地位的不干涉原则。

    The suggestion that national leaders be judged by international norms undermines its non-interventionist doctrine , a sacred cow of foreign policy .

  6. 道德宽容要求道德主体应有道德自由,应当遵循尊重权利和不干涉原则,以实现公正、合理、正义的道德秩序这&目标。

    Moral tolerance calls for moral subjects having moral freedom and following the principles of respecting rights , of neither making nor meddling in order to realize the goal of just , reasonable order of morality .

  7. 人道主义干涉与不干涉内政原则

    The Principle of Humanitarian Intervention & Non-intervention into Other Country 's Internal Affairs

  8. 《保护的责任》对不干涉内政原则的影响

    The Responsibility to Protect and Non-intervention of Internal Affairs

  9. 不干涉内政原则研究

    Study on the Principle of Non-Intervention in the Internal or External Affairs of Sovereign States

  10. 第二,我建议你回去研究一下何为不干涉内政原则。

    Second , I suggest that you look into the meaning of the principle of non-interference in others'internal affairs .

  11. 第三,我认为中方的表态正是维护不干涉内政原则,而不是相反。

    Third , I believe what China has done is precisely to uphold the principle , not on the contrary .

  12. 但在当今世界,互不干涉内政原则受到了严重挑战。

    But in the world , the noninterference in each other 's domestic affairs principle has received the serious challenge now .

  13. 过去十年,中国受益于其秉持的不干涉外交原则。

    Over the past decade , China has done well out of the principle of non-interference that governs its foreign policy .

  14. 东盟国家的文化认同具体表现为对东盟方式的认同,这体现为三个方面:即不干涉内政原则、协商一致原则和组织机构的非正式性原则三个方面。

    The culture identity of ASEAN countries is manifested by their identity to ASEAN Way , which includes the rules of non-interference of internal affairs , consultation and consensus , and organizational informality .

  15. 由于苏丹与中国在石油领域上的合作关系,坚守不干涉内政原则的中国反而成为西方社会指责的对象。

    Because Sudan and China has been cooperating in the oil field and China insists on the principle of noninterference in internal affairs , which made China being the accused object by Western society .

  16. 但是,这种观点同时也对国际法的基本原则,特别是不干涉内政原则造成了冲击。这引起了包括中国在内的国际社会的注意。

    However , this idea also has a great impact upon the fundamental principles of international law , especially upon the principle of non-intervention of internal affairs of states , which attracts the attention of international community , including the government of China .

  17. 确认了不同制度国家的主权、独立、平等、互利、互不干涉内政等原则。

    Establishment of the principles of sovereignty , independence , equality , mutual benefit , non-interference in each other 's internal affairs .

  18. 我们坚持在和平共处五项原则,特别是在相互尊重、平等互相、互不干涉内政的原则基础上,同世界各国建立和发展友好合作关系。

    We will establish and develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries in the world on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence , especially the principles of mutual respect , equality and mutual benefit and non-interference in each other 's internal affairs .

  19. 整个世界都承认,不干涉内政政策的原则最早是是来自于西方国家。

    It is a truth universally acknowledged that the genesis of the principle of noninterference can be traced to the West .

  20. 中俄两国的高级官员都表示,应坚持不干涉别国内政的原则。

    Senior officials from both China and Russia say the principle of non-interference in other countries ' internal affairs should be upheld .

  21. 关于相互关系、特别是不干预和不干涉的原则的日内瓦协定

    Geneva Agreement on the Principle of Mutual Relations , particularly Non-Interference and Non-Intervention

  22. 孟加拉国不能容忍对不插手和不干涉别国内政原则的破坏。

    Bangladesh can not condone the violation of the principles of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states .

  23. 但鉴于国际法对一些发达国家约束力不强、区域办法旗号的存在,不干涉内政原则经常遭到破坏。

    However , on the ground that international law lacks of bound on developed nations and the existence of " regional approach ", the principle of noninterference is often violated .

  24. 我不赞成他的行为,但我对私人事情都采取不干涉原则,所以我什么话也没说。

    I did not approve of his actions , but I have a hands-off rule in personal matters , so I said nothing .