
  1. 一般危险责任理论为不作为侵权行为提供了理论支持。

    The general dangerous responsibility lays the theoretical foundation for omission .

  2. 从而,来构建我国的不作为侵权责任体系。

    Accordingly , constructing the system of the tortious liability in our country .

  3. 第四部分,网络服务提供商不作为侵权责任限制的必要性。

    Part ⅳ, network service providers do not need as Infringement Liability Limitation .

  4. 可依法追究的侵权行为先行行为导致的不作为侵权行为研究

    On Omission Caused by Pre-action in Tort Law

  5. 不作为侵权责任研究

    The Study of Tortious Liability of Missions

  6. 包括不作为侵权中作为义务的含义、理论依据以及设定的意义。

    Including as infringement as obligations meaning , the significance of the theoretical basis and setting .

  7. 论缔约过失责任与不作为侵权责任的合理界分

    On the Reasonable Division of Liability for Negligence in Contracting and Liability for Tort by Non-acting

  8. 不作为侵权责任是由于具有作为义务的人的不作为而导致的侵权责任。

    Tortious liability of omission refers to the liability caused by omission , which has acting obligation .

  9. 本文的研究对象是不作为侵权中的作为义务来源。

    The object of this paper is to tort law as a source of obligations as infringement .

  10. 鉴于目前此种现实的需求性和理论研究的滞后性间的矛盾日益突出,笔者深感对该不作为侵权尤其是先行行为,救助义务及关联问题深入研究的必要性。

    The contradiction between actual necessities and lag of theory researches is coming into a prominent problem .

  11. 包括在该种情况下,物业公司对受保护人不作为侵权行为的构成要件、侵权责任的归责原则、承担侵权责任的形态以及侵权损害赔偿问题。

    Including of constitutive requirements doctrine of liability fixation , forms of liability and compensation in those cases .

  12. 主要从我国不作为侵权责任立法现状和立法建议予以论述。

    Be not tort responsibility legislation current situation and suggestion on legislation mainly from our country to analysis .

  13. 高校不作为侵权应当满足过错、因果关系、损害结果三个要件。

    The nonfeasance infringement of universities and colleges should meet the requirements of fault , causality and harmful consequences .

  14. 本部分重点分析了不作为侵权责任的不作为界定,作为义务的来源和不作为的过错责任原则问题。

    Priority analyses the problems about definition of " omission ", source of acting obligation and doctrine of fault liability .

  15. 我国现行法律主要关注的是作为侵权责任,而对不作为侵权责任的关注甚少。

    Our main law concern is the existing law as tort liability , while not a little concern about tort liability .

  16. 先行行为导致的不作为侵权行为研究先行先试促进闽台农业合作大有可为

    On Omission Caused by Pre-action in Tort Law Antecedence and Foretaste , large possibilities in Agriculture cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan

  17. 从理论上探讨不作为侵权责任的立法界定、适用范围、以及归责原则。

    The tortious liability of omission has been discussed about legislation defining , applicable scope and criterion of liability from theory .

  18. 危险是不作为侵权行为架构的中心概念,而不作为侵权责任主体是危险控制者。

    Danger is the central concept in the framework of omission and the subject of omission is the control of danger .

  19. 文章首先介绍我国不作为侵权的立法模式,并就其先进与不足之处进行了简要评析。

    This article firstly introduces the legislation mode of tort by omission , and discussed briefly on its advanced and shortcomings .

  20. 侵害公民土地使用权行为认定及赔偿新探讨先行行为导致的不作为侵权行为研究

    More Study on the Confirmation and Payment for Infringing Citizens Land Rights ; On Omission Caused by Pre-action in Tort Law

  21. 高校不作为侵权引起的学生人身伤害事故应当适用过错推定原则。

    The personal injury of students ' resulted from the nonfeasance infringement of universities should apply to the principle of fault presumption .

  22. 不作为侵权责任在法律中的一般条款和有限类型化已经成为各国所采用的趋势。

    Every country has been used general provisions and limited classifying in the tortious liability of omission , it is a trend .

  23. 在不作为侵权的理论基础上,针对引言提出的现实问题,回馈司法实务,试着提出一些具有可操作性的指导规则。

    Based on the theory of tort by omission , the author seeks to advance some workable rules to guide the judicial practice .

  24. 侵权法上引入补充责任的目的,旨在解决第三人介入情形下不作为侵权的责任承担问题。

    The emergence of supplementary liabilities in tort law aims at an effective solution to the infringement cases that a third person involved in .

  25. 作为义务作为不作为侵权中的核心要素,明确其来源对理论研究和司法实践具有重要的意义。

    As an obligation as the core elements of the infringement as a clear source of theory and judicial practice is of great significance .

  26. 从各类不作为侵权行为损害分担的实践分析,其损害的分担都与主体对危险的控制有关。

    From the analysis of various omissions , it can be seen that damage sharing is related to the subject 's control of danger .

  27. 包括对国外在作为义务的来源、判断标准,不作为侵权责任的归责原则方面相关法律规定的借鉴。

    Such as the legal provisions about the source and criterion of act duty , the doctrine of liability fixation of tort by omission .

  28. 而安全注意义务在过失侵权责任领域的确立,使其独特的规范功能得以发挥,为不作为侵权责任提供了理论依据。

    But duty of care established in the field of liability of fault , exerts its normative function , supplies theory for liability of omission .

  29. 纵观世界各国的侵权法,可见作为义务的来源正逐渐趋于一致,不作为侵权的责任范围亦在不断的扩大。

    Surveying tort law in other countries , the source of acting obligation have gradually converge and scope of tortious liability of omission is broadening .

  30. 尽管不作为侵权在英美法系国家和大陆法系国家的不同背景中发展,但逐渐呈现出立法的趋同化趋势。

    Although the tort by omission developed in different backgrounds of common law countries and civil law countries , but gradually showing a trend of convergence of legislation .