
jīnɡ yínɡ sī xiǎnɡ
  • management philosophy;concept of management;ideology of management
  1. 由此企业战略经营思想发生了根本性的转变,供应链管理成为了企业管理的新型手段,它改变了一些传统的管理理念,并引发了一场管理革命。

    Supply chain management is a concept of management integration . The strategy is completely changed as it brings about a revolution to traditional concept of management .

  2. 在新的世纪不断开拓创新,转变经营思想和方式,与国际市场接轨,使企业不断发展、壮大,蒸蒸日上,长盛不衰。

    Aiming at international markets , Xinsheng Chemical is conducting continuous innovation as well as management philosophy and business strategy upgrading for progressive development and growth .

  3. 80年代中后期,CI战略作为一种先进的经营思想和现代广告战略传入我国,并逐渐在我国掀起了CI导入的热潮。

    In the second half of 1980s , the CI ( corporation image ) strategy was introduced into China as an advanced market operation concept and a modern advertising theory . It has gradually set off an upsurge of change in our operation ideology .

  4. 古罗马的家畜饲养技术与畜牧经营思想方法研究&以M.T.瓦罗的《论农业》为例

    Study on Breeding Technique and Thought Ways of Keeping Farming in Rome & Taking 《 On Farming 》 of M.T.Varro as An Example

  5. 德国生态林业的经营思想、主要措施及其启示

    Ecological Forest Management and Main Measures and its Usefulness in German

  6. 实现对虾经营思想创新。

    And achieve innovation in the ideology of prawn management .

  7. 论体育产业的经营思想及战略选择

    A Discussion on the Operational Philosophy and Strategic Choice of Physical Industry

  8. 第五章农地经营思想。

    Chapter five is the thought of agricultural land management .

  9. “以市场为中心”是公司最基本的经营思想。

    " Market-centered " is the most basic business ideas .

  10. 中国传统文化中卓越的生态系统经营思想和实践

    Brilliant Thoughts and Practice of Ecosystem Management Contained in Traditional Culture in China

  11. 我国森林经营思想的演变和技术的发展

    Evolution of thoughts and development of technology for the forests management in China

  12. 创新是现代企业经营思想的灵魂

    Innovation & the Soul of Modern Business Management Mentality

  13. 世界森林经营思想的演变及其对我们的启示

    Evolution of Forest Management Ideology in the World and the Enlightenment to China

  14. 日本兵法经营思想史研究

    Research in the Thinking History of Japanese Military Management

  15. 生态优先森林经营思想之我见

    Discussion on forest management thought of ecology priority

  16. 基于城市经营思想的滨水地区开发建设研究

    Research on the Waterfront 's Development and Construction Based on the Urban Management Theory

  17. 经营思想与经营方法

    Philosophy of Management & Ways of Management

  18. 网络时代电信企业的经营思想探讨

    Operating Consideration of Carrier in Network Times

  19. 浅议林业经营思想

    Study on the Forestry Management Thought

  20. 企业经营思想嬗变

    The Development of Enterprise Management Thought

  21. 运用近自然林业经营思想构建上海城市森林体系

    Construction of Urban Forest System in Shanghai with Close - to - nature Forestry Management Ideas

  22. 在中国现阶段,创新是现代企业经营思想的灵魂。

    In the current stage of our country innovation is the soul of modern business management mentality .

  23. 提出了大规模定制企业以质量竞争力为核心竞争力的经营思想。

    Brought forward the operation thoughts for mass customization enterprises that take quality competency as the core competency .

  24. 第四章是华西集团战略分析与选择,确立了企业的经营思想和发展战略。

    Chapter four is strategic analysis and selection and set up strategic targets and demonstrate selection of development tactics .

  25. 树立正确的经营思想,调整医疗收入的结构,降低医疗成本,杜绝一切不正当的经营行为;

    Hospital should adopt correct operational strategies , restructure revenue components , reduce medical costs , prohibit harmful medical behavior .

  26. 强化名牌栏目与名牌产品品牌互动的正影响是一种新的品牌经营思想。

    It is original management idea that intensifies the active influence between well-known brand programs and the well-known brand products .

  27. 随着林业经营思想的转变,我国林业基本建设投资也发生了变化。

    Along with the change in mentality in running forestry , the investment in forestry infrastructure has increased a great deal .

  28. 公司现以“认真做事,诚实做人”的经营思想诚邀各界人士光临指导。

    With the firm guided thoughts " working in serious and being in honest ", our company warmly welcomes your visiting .

  29. 在这种严峻的形势下,对我国企业的经营思想、管理哲学、管理水平提出了新的要求。

    Under such severe circumstances , it arises up new requirements to the operation thoughts , management philosophy and management level .

  30. 我们以超越他人的智慧,坚忍不拔的耐力,无畏无惧的勇气,铸就了企业精神,企业文化和经营思想。

    Others beyond our intelligence , perseverance stamina , fearless courage , forged the entrepreneurial spirit , corporate culture and business idea .