
  1. 农业生产最本质的特征是经济再生产与自然再生产相互交织。

    Agriculture is characterized by the interweaving of natural reproduction and economic reproduction .

  2. 农业是自然再生产与经济再生产相结合的部门,与生态系统退化和生态重建关系密切。

    Agriculture , combining natural reproduction and economic reproduction , was closely related to both ecosystem degradation and ecosystem rehabilitation .

  3. 农业生产的自然再生产与经济再生产相交织的基本特点,决定了农业的高风险性。

    The fundamental characteristic of agricultural production that the natural reproductioninterlaces with the economic reproduction determines the high risk in agriculture .

  4. 农业是以生命有机体作为生产对象,具有自然再生产和经济再生产相交织的生产非凡性。

    Agriculture is with life organism regards production as the object , have the manufacturing specialty that natural reproduction and economic reproduction interweave .

  5. 自然生产力和社会生产力相互影响和制约,经济再生产和自然再生产相互渗透,构成生产力发展的整个过程。

    Natural productive forces and social productive forces influence and condition each other , economic reproduction and natural reproduction infiltrate each other , they compose whole developing process of productive forces .

  6. 农业生产是自然再生产和经济再生产有机结合的过程,农业系统是高度耦合了自然生态、社会经济系统等的复杂大系统,具有非线性和耗散性特征。

    Agricultural production is a process uniting natural and economic reproductions , and the agro-system is a complex system coupling natural ecological system , and social economic system , which is nonlinear and dissipative .

  7. 农业生产是自然再生产与经济再生产相交织的过程,受到气候、市场、技术及政策等一系列自然、经济和社会因素的影响,是一个具有较高风险性的产业。

    The natural reproduction interlaces with the economic reproduction in the process of agricultural production . Agriculture is a high risk industry and susceptible to climate , markets , technologies and policies such a series of natural , economic and social factors .

  8. 它以德国法兰克福学派的社会批判理论为思想基础,致力于揭示学校教育中课程的社会控制现象,并由此发展出了三种再生产模式,即经济再生产、文化再生产和霸权&国家再生产模式。

    It is based on the Critical Theory of Society of the Frankfort School , works for revealing social control of curriculum in schools , and therefore forms these three models of " economic-reproductive ", " cultural-reproductive ", and " hegemonic-state reproductive " .

  9. 居民的消费不足,是经济发展和再生产顺利进行的一个主要障碍。

    The inefficient consuming is a main obstacle of the economy development and reproduction .

  10. 装备制造业即为国民经济进行简单再生产和扩大再生产提供生产技术装备的工业。

    Equipment manufacturing industry supplys technology and equipments for simple reproduction and expanded reproduction of national economy .

  11. “江南佳丽地”的享乐文化所导致的资本倒流限制了民营经济的扩大再生产;

    It have limited ampliative reproduction that dolcevita culture of " the place of beauty in south of Yangzi " induces reflux of capital ;

  12. 经济可持续发展再生产正常进行的一般条件,就是它的每种流量的输入量,都必须大于输出量。

    The general condition which guarantees a sustainable development in economy is that the input volume of each flow from outside the system must be larger than the output volume .

  13. 水资源在经济社会及环境再生产过程中占有重要的地位和作用。

    Water resources have an important position and role in the reproduction process of economy , society and environment .

  14. 农业资源是人们从事农业生产或农业经济活动所利用或可利用的各种资源,是经济再生产和自然再生产相互交织的物质生产部门,是社会经济发展的前提与基础。

    Agricultural resources are various resources that can be utilized when people engaged in agricultural activity , it is the combination of economical reproduction and natural reproduction , and is the foundation of the development of social economy .

  15. 本文采用实证方法从市场和经济效率角度分析这一背离现象,发现股票市场资源配置效率的低下与经济增长的简单再生产性质是导致二者背离的主要原因,并对此提出了相应的改进措施。

    This paper use the positive method examine this matter at market and economic efficiencies , discovered the reasons of the deviate relationship are poor distribution of marketing resources and the simple reproductions .