
  • 网络Economic expansion;economic inflation
  1. 政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管理。

    The government would inflate the economy and then put on price control .

  2. 一些希望流动资金将通过改善经济膨胀的资产市场,即创造另一个泡沫。

    Some hope liquidity would improve the economy through inflating asset markets , i.e. , creating another bubble .

  3. 美国股票价格相对利润可能是被高估的&所幸相比早期的经济膨胀时期股票的势头平稳虚度。

    American shares may be richly valued relative to earnings , but they are less unhinged than in earlier booms .

  4. 无论哪种方式,北京官员并没有发现对缓解经济膨胀的有效的决策。

    Either way , Beijing 's mandarins haven 't discovered some magical formula to spend and inflate their way out of a recession .

  5. 即使在最好的情况下,所有这些政策都很能导致经济膨胀和公共债务的增长。

    Even at the best of times , all these schemes would probably have led to higher inflation and a growth in public debt .

  6. 但虚拟经济的膨胀在给世界经济带来活力的同时,又给金融业的发展带来了极大的不确定性。

    However , the fictitious economy brings about uncertainty to financial development while enhancing the world economic vigor .

  7. 然而,由于经济的膨胀、政治的干涉、兴奋剂的滥用,使奥林匹克自身陷入了严重的危机。

    However , due to the economic expansion , political interference and the drug abuse , the Olympic Games have been plunged into serious crises .

  8. 俄罗斯武器销售额2003年仅为4.3亿美元,作为它的两个最大客户(印度和中国)的经济较大膨胀增长。

    Russian arms sales were only $ 4.3 billion in2003 , and ballooned as the economies of their two biggest customers ( India and China ) grew larger .

  9. 如何防止虚拟经济过度膨胀引致泡沫经济、金融危机已成为经济学界的热点。本文的选题正是基于上述的问题的思考,所要研究的核心问题是虚拟经济发展与经济增长之间的关系。

    How to guard fictitious economy excessive inflation and the bubble economy , financial crisis has become a focus problem on economic field . Based on the above-mentioned problem , the core problem of paper is the relationship between the fiction economy development and the economy growth .

  10. 悄然兴起的知识经济和膨胀式发展的信息技术,消除了知识、信息传递的障碍,促进了企业经营意识、管理观念的巨大转变,促使国际间的人才争夺日益激烈。

    The knowledge-based economy rising quietly and the expansive development of information technology eliminates the barrier of the knowledge and the information transmission , promotes the huge transformation of the enterprise manage consciousness and the management idea , and urges the international competition for talent day by day intensely .

  11. 随着中国国内经济规模急剧膨胀,一直以来作为增长引擎的出口的重要性逐渐下降。

    Exports , a key engine of Chinese growth , have gradually waned in importance as the domestic economy has mushroomed in size .

  12. 鸠山由纪夫继承了日本岌岌可危的经济难题——膨胀的债务,迟缓的增长,迅速老龄化的人口。

    Hatoyama now s the conundrum of Japan 's struggling economy - ballooning debt , sputtering growth , and a rapidly aging population .

  13. 流动性过剩导致了低利率和信贷投放高涨,价格指数间的传递关系被屏蔽,将可能造成中国经济面临投资膨胀-通货紧缩压力。

    Liquidity surplus leads to low interest rate , over lending , price indexes distortion , and the cycle of investment booming and deflation .

  14. 空间经济系统快速膨胀使任何寻求经济发展而又置身其外的政治、经济主体的希望成为不可能。

    And no main body of political and economic can grows his economy if it is not belong to the open economic system that is expanding quickly .

  15. 不适用是因为,今天财政赤字庞大的一些国家(特别是西班牙)曾经轻松达到了财政标准只要他们的泡沫经济在不断膨胀:西班牙在2005、2006和2007年都实现了财政盈余。

    They proved irrelevant , because some countries that have big deficits today , notably Spain , easily met the fiscal criteria , so long as their bubble economy was inflating : Spain ran a fiscal surplus in 2005 , 2006 and 2007 .

  16. 为了追求更多的利润,金融工程师们从基础金融工具上面衍生出了大量的创新金融产品,而且这种所谓的创新会不断地进行下去,这必然会导致虚拟经济的极度膨胀。

    In pursuit of more profit , financial engineers , derived a lot of innovative financial products from basic financial instruments , and this so-called " innovation " will continue to proceed , this will inevitably lead to the virtual economy being greatly inflated .

  17. 然而,尽管美联储看上去至少已把通胀目标搁置一边,转而把注意力放在就业上面,但还有很多通缩因素可能会破坏基于全球经济通货再膨胀的投资战略。

    But even as it looks like the Fed , at least , has set its inflation target to one side to focus on jobs , there are plenty of deflationary forces which could upset an investment strategy based on the reflation of the world economy .

  18. 零利率的意义在于帮助美国经济实现通货再膨胀。

    The point of zero interest rates was to help reflate the US economy .

  19. 随着全球经济出现通货再膨胀的迹象,许多人都在问:下一个泡沫会出现在黄金市场?

    As the global economy reflates , many people are asking : Is the next bubble in gold ?

  20. 1996年,我曾担心非理性繁荣,但网络经济泡沫又持续膨胀了4年。

    I feared irrational exuberance in 1996 , but the dotcom bubble proceeded to inflate for another four years .

  21. 他通过了刺激经济增长、抑制膨胀、增加就业、加强国防的法律文件。

    He passed legislation to stimulate economic growth , curb inflation , increase employment , and strengthen national defense .

  22. 这意味着目前诱导一定程度的名义经济活性和规模膨胀,对于促进经济扩张和增强政策效应是十分重要的。

    This implied that increasing the nominal economy scale and volatility are very important to keep the rapid growth and enforce the policy roles .

  23. 90年代是市场经济体制下欲望膨胀的年代,多有失范的年代。

    The 1990s is the age when , under the market economic system , the desire began to expand and the morality began to decay .

  24. 另外,随着人类的经济发展和人口膨胀,水资源短缺现象日趋严重,有效利用水资源也是值得我们关注的问题。

    In addition , with human economic development aad population expansion , serious water shortages phenomenon , effective use of water resources is worth our concern .

  25. 如今,面对愈加严峻的经济形势和日益膨胀的人口总量,英国在外来移民方面越来越谨慎。

    Now , in the face of increasingly harsh economic situation and growing population , the United Kingdom in respect of foreign immigrants more and more cautious .

  26. 我们很容易看出,为何领导人很难利用这样一种媒介,来限制终将引发经济危机的过度膨胀的动物精神。

    It is easy to see why it is hard for leaders to use such a medium to restrain the over-exuberant animal spirits that lead eventually to an economic crisis .

  27. 随着中国经济实力的日益膨胀根据不久前发布的数据,要不了多久中国的经济规模就会超过美国中国的工厂以低廉的成本对西方对手造成了冲击,导致西方制造业岗位外流。

    As China has swelled in economic might – to a point where it will soon outpace the US in size , according to data released this week – its factories have undercut western rivals , causing manufacturing jobs to move .

  28. 模式形成的根本原因在于世界经济结构性变化,即经济全球化和金融膨胀。

    The fundamental cause of the model rests on the structural changes of the world economy , namely economic globalization and financial inflation .

  29. 所有人都知道,对于需求匮乏的经济体来说,货币贬值是使经济实现通货再膨胀的重要手段。

    Everyone knows that currency depreciation is a crucial mechanism for reflating demand-starved economies .

  30. 其实,我们经济问题的核心在于债务主要是抵押贷款过去10年经济膨胀期间,房子的价格大幅上涨。

    The core of our economic problem is , instead , the debt mainly mortgage debt that households ran up during the bubble years of the last decade .