
  • 网络Economic Openness
  1. 本文运用协整分析技术和Granger因果关系检验对台湾经济开放度与经济增长的长期均衡关系作实证检验。

    This paper applies co-integration analysis and Granger causality test to study the long-term equilibrium relationship between Taiwan 's economic openness and economic growth .

  2. 结果表明,台湾经济开放度各项指标与经济增长均存在正向的协整关系;台湾GDP增长是其外资依存度和实际关税率提高的原因,而外贸依存度的提高促进了台湾GDP的增长;

    The result indicates that there are positive co-integration relationships between the indices of Taiwan 's economic openness and economic growth , economic growth is the cause of increasing of foreign capital dependence and actual tariff rate , and the increasing of foreign trade dependence promotes Taiwan 's GDP growth .

  3. 作各地区的经济开放度与GDP的回归分析,结果表明经济开放度与地区经济发展水平具有很强的正相关性,经济开放是影响经济发展的很重要的原因之一。

    Further linear analysis revealed that the degree of economic openness and GDP had strong and positive relations .

  4. FDI的积累效应则可以分为FDI引致的产业集聚效应、FDI引致的经济开放度、人力资本的积累、制造能力的积累和基础设施的积累等。

    The build-up effect of FDI can be divided into the industrial agglomeration effect , opening-up of the domestic economy , accumulation of human capital , manufacturing capability and infrastructure construction .

  5. 我国资本外逃与经济开放度的实证研究:1982-2004年

    An Empirical Study on Capital Flight and Economic Openness in China

  6. 经济开放度能较好地刻画外向型经济发展状况。

    Economic opening can rule the development of outward-oriented economy very well .

  7. 湖北经济开放度的比较分析与提升对策

    A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Openness of Hubei Province and Some Proposals

  8. 中国经济开放度

    The Degree of Economic Openness in China

  9. 外贸依存度、相互依存度、经济开放度的比较分析

    Comparable Analysis on the Trade Dependence Rate , Economy Interdependence Rate and Economy Opening Degree

  10. 金融发展程度与经济开放度之间的关系是什么?

    What is the relationship between the level of financial development and the degree of openness ?

  11. 安徽省沿江五市经济开放度评析

    The Evaluation of the Degree of Economical Openness of Five Cities along the River in Anhui Province

  12. 西部地区经济开放度评价及建立外向型经济发展模式研究

    The Evaluation of Western Region Economic Openness and Study on Setting up an Export-oriented Economic Development Model

  13. 沿江五市经济开放度具有明显提高和发展相对不平衡的特点。

    The economical degree of openness of the five cities is obviously promoted and develops with imbalance .

  14. 内陆开放型经济开放度的指标体系及实证分析&基于重庆与非沿边地区的比较

    Indicator systems and principal components analysis of inland open economy & comparison based on Chongqing and non-border areas

  15. 只有提高安徽省的经济开放度,充分利用两种资源、两个市场,才能加快发展,迅速崛起。

    In order to accelerate the development and rise quickly , ANHUI Province must raise economic openness and make full use of two resources and two markets .

  16. 20世纪70~90年代,在拉美国家、前苏联和东欧国家及一些小型的、经济开放度较高的新兴市场经济国家和地区均出现了美元化现象。

    In the 70-90s of 20th century , the dollarization phenomenon appeared again in some small and open emerging market countries of Latin America and East European area .

  17. 但东亚区域内贸易依赖度及经济开放度较高,这为东亚货币一体化提供了基础;

    But east Asia area trade reliance degree and economic opening are both relatively high , which offers the foundation for the fact that the currency of east Asia integrates ;

  18. 从中国的汇率-物价传导效应、经济开放度、通货膨胀率、本外币利率差异和经济增长等方面分析,可以对中国美元化的产生有更深入的了解。

    This paper analyzes dollarization from the pass-through effect of Chinese economy , economic openness , inflation rate , the differential of foreign and domestic interest rates and economic growth .

  19. 国际旅游城市,是旅游业发展和城市化进程相融合的产物,具有国际知名度高、经济开放度大、城市化功能强、旅游产业发达、城市管理水平高等基本特征。

    International tourist cities , the fusion of tourism development and urbanization , enjoy world-wide reputation , thriving economy , multi-function urbanization , prosperous tourism industry and effective management system .

  20. 同时提出了在当今国际金融危机的形式下,如何提高经济开放度和建立外向型发展模式的对策。

    In the current form of the international financial crisis , the papers give some advice how to increase economic openness and the establishment of export-oriented model of development measures .

  21. 回归结果表明,我国货币扩张的产出效应和价格效应都随着经济开放度的增大而减小。第5章是研究结论和对策部分。

    The result shows that with the economic openness increases , the output of Chinese monetary expansion effects and price effects decrease * The fifth part is the conclusion and solution .

  22. 结果表明西部地区省区之间经济开放度相差不大,但与东部地区相比相差水平较大。

    The results show that the western provinces and regions , have low difference between the degree of economic openness , but the difference compared with the level of the eastern part is large .

  23. 回顾过去,我们又有怎样的启示呢?经济开放度作为综合度量一国对外开放程度的指标,对于我们研究中国对外开放进程有着非常重要的意义。

    In retrospect , what we have learned from the past ? Degree of economic openness , as the index to synthetically measure the openness , really makes sense for us to study the progress .

  24. 随着经济开放度的提高和资本市场的发展,我国已经成为全球私募股权基金的重要目标市场,同时本土私募股权基金也显示了较大的发展潜力。

    With the increased economic openness and capital market development , China has become a major global private equity funds target market , while domestic private equity funds are also showing great potential for development .

  25. 回归结果表明:货币政策的产出效果随着经济开放度的增大而减小,通货膨胀率同样随着经济开放度的增大而减小,两者表现出负相关的关系。

    The result of regression shows that the output effect of monetary policy decreases with the increasing openness of economy , and so does the rate of inflation so both shows the relationship of negative correlation .

  26. 首先是回顾了我国历年的货币政策操作实践,接着运用计量模型分析了经济开放度对我国货币政策效果的影响。

    First of all , it reviews the operation of Chinese monetary policy in recent years , then it uses the model to analyze the effect of the percentage under the Chinese monetary policy in the open economy .

  27. 若对外经济开放度受到一个外部冲击,则会给产业结构的优化带来较为明显的负向作用,在短期内会引起产业结构的恶化,但长期影响并不明显。

    If you receive an external economic openness to external shocks , it will optimize the industrial structure to bring more significant negative effect in the short term will cause deterioration of the industrial structure , but the long-term effects are not obvious .

  28. 并且分析了西部地区经济开放度偏低,主要是由于区位差别、政策倾斜、产业结构、城乡居民和企业参与市场交易的低层次性等原因所导致的。

    And the papers analysis the reasons why the degree of economic openness degree is low , the reasons are regional differences , policies favoring , industrial Structure , and the low-level of urban and rural residents and enterprises to participate in market transactions .

  29. 因此,找出差距,分析产生差距的原因,进而采取有效措施提高山东省利用外商直接投资的水平,在全球经济开放度不断提高的今天,更具有现实性和紧迫性。

    So , find out disparity and analyze the reason for the disparity , and then take the effective measure to heighten the level which Shandong utilizes FDI , today , the opening of global economy is improving constantly , have reality and urgency even more .

  30. 对外经济开放度对经济增长技术效率具有促进作用,但影响力度不大,且外资依存度的影响力度略高于贸易依存度。

    It must be admitted that the degree of economic openness can promote the technical efficiency , however , to a slightly extent . Moreover , the influence made by the dependence of the foreign investment is little bit higher than that of foreign trade dependence .