
Implementation of recommendations and rulings is an important part of the dispute settlement system of WTO , and it is even one of the goals of WTO . The Reasonable Period of Time ( RPT ) mechanism which sets in DSU is an important means to promote the implementation .
An elegant organising idea is no use if a company cannot come up with good products or services , or if it has clueless bosses .
But it has a powerful organising idea : take the latest technology , package it in a simple , elegant form and sell it at a premium price .
In the process , the overseas Chinese associations in Western Europe continued to adapt to change and modernized increasingly . This is demonstrated by modernization of purpose and system of the associations .
The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful .
The OSOA organization 's charter is to define a core set of specifications that describe a language-neutral model for building applications and systems using a Service Oriented Architecture .
That hope was the impetus behind the mobile codes consortium , an initiative just launched by Hewlett-Packard , Publicis , the marketing services company , and neomedia to push for greater technology standardisation in this area .
What do people see as your organization 's mission ?
His work consisted of explaining the objects of the organization to the workers .
Top management shall ensure that the quality policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization .
The purpose of the organization was to provide young conscientious objectors with alternative service opportunities during wartime .
The purpose of the organization is to greet all new comers to the city and to them with any necessary information .
For example , the Green River organization aims to educate and advise people on the importance of protecting this great river .
This organization is hope all students will can ues notebook in the world , the price of every notebook to about $ 100 .
The group 's main objective was to liberate Kashmir 's Muslims from Indian rule , but they had recently also become active in Afghanistan .
The purpose of the original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is profit , which determines it is essentially different from the latter two .
The organization 's goal : to take kids-many from families in which nobody has ever gone to college - and get them into college .
The mission of the organization is to promote the work force diversity for corporate sponsors and meet the professional and cultural needs of individual members .
It was created to foster growth and prosperity by advancing economic cooperation and expanding trade and investment throughout the region , according to the White House .
The World Customs Organisation ( WCO ) aims at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations and facilitating trade by achieving harmony and uniformity in customs procedures world-wide .
The rules-based multilateral trading system will remain a key tenet of APEC .
Organizational Development and Changes of the Aim of Agricultural Association of China in the Early Years
The Canadian Olympic Committee is a national , private , not-for-profit organization committed to sport excellence .
The society is an international scientific organization devoted to facilitating communication among those interested in Orthoptera and related organisms .
UN stamps have illustrated the aims and achievements of the United Nations and its family of organizations .
The United Nations is the most important universal international organization in the world , and it is purpose to safeguard world peace and security .
In 1977 , Native American Public Telecommunications ( NAPT ) was founded to bring audiences native stories and accurate portrayals of the culture . Taking control
The mission of the WHO Diabetes Programme is to prevent diabetes whenever possible and , where not possible , to minimize complications and maximize quality of life .
On the other hand , following its service purpose , NPO denotes revenue for the public welfare , which improves the welfare of disadvantaged groups in society , thereby enhancing the entire social welfare . This forms a second layer of well-being effect during the distribution in the community .
With the use of public relations advertising , you can shape the image of the Organization , strengthen brand image and organization to guide public perceptions and so on .