
  1. 建议和裁决的执行是WTO争端解决机制的重要组成部分,而且是实现世界贸易组织宗旨或目标的重要手段,而DSU所设置的合理期限制度则是促进建议和裁决执行的重要手段。

    Implementation of recommendations and rulings is an important part of the dispute settlement system of WTO , and it is even one of the goals of WTO . The Reasonable Period of Time ( RPT ) mechanism which sets in DSU is an important means to promote the implementation .

  2. 一流的组织宗旨是没有用的,如果公司不能把它转化为好的产品或服务,或者如果公司老板无能的话。

    An elegant organising idea is no use if a company cannot come up with good products or services , or if it has clueless bosses .

  3. 但它拥有一个强大的组织宗旨:把最新的技术整合成一个简单易用的、漂亮的外形而高价卖出。

    But it has a powerful organising idea : take the latest technology , package it in a simple , elegant form and sell it at a premium price .

  4. 在这一过程中,西欧华人社团不断适应和调整,日益现代化,具体表现为:组织宗旨、制度的现代化、国际化、当地化。

    In the process , the overseas Chinese associations in Western Europe continued to adapt to change and modernized increasingly . This is demonstrated by modernization of purpose and system of the associations .

  5. 这个组织的宗旨完全是追求和平。

    The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful .

  6. OSOA组织的宗旨是定义一组核心规范来描述一个语言无关的模型,以便使用面向服务的体系结构来构建应用程序和系统。

    The OSOA organization 's charter is to define a core set of specifications that describe a language-neutral model for building applications and systems using a Service Oriented Architecture .

  7. 该联盟是惠普(hewlett-packard)、营销服务企业阳狮(publicis)和neomedia刚刚发起的一个组织,宗旨是提高该领域的技术标准化程度。

    That hope was the impetus behind the mobile codes consortium , an initiative just launched by Hewlett-Packard , Publicis , the marketing services company , and neomedia to push for greater technology standardisation in this area .

  8. 他们如何看待您组织的宗旨?

    What do people see as your organization 's mission ?

  9. 他的任务是向工人讲解这个组织的宗旨。

    His work consisted of explaining the objects of the organization to the workers .

  10. 最高管理者应确保质量方针与组织的宗旨相适应。

    Top management shall ensure that the quality policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization .

  11. 该组织的宗旨是提供年轻良心拒服兵役者与替代性服务的机会在战时。

    The purpose of the organization was to provide young conscientious objectors with alternative service opportunities during wartime .

  12. 这个组织的宗旨是迎接所有新来本市的人,并提供必要的咨询服务。

    The purpose of the organization is to greet all new comers to the city and to them with any necessary information .

  13. 比如说,绿色河流组织的宗旨就是教育并告诫人们保护这条伟大的河流的重要性。

    For example , the Green River organization aims to educate and advise people on the importance of protecting this great river .

  14. 这个组织的宗旨是希望全球所有的在校孩子都能用上笔记本电脑,每部笔记本的价格约100美元。

    This organization is hope all students will can ues notebook in the world , the price of every notebook to about $ 100 .

  15. 这个组织的宗旨是将克什米尔的穆斯林从印度的统治下解救出来,但他们最近也开始在阿富汗活跃起来。

    The group 's main objective was to liberate Kashmir 's Muslims from Indian rule , but they had recently also become active in Afghanistan .

  16. 商业性农业原保险组织设立宗旨的营利性特征决定其与后两者有着本质的区别。

    The purpose of the original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is profit , which determines it is essentially different from the latter two .

  17. 该组织的宗旨是:让孩子上大学,其中有很多人家里从来没有人上过大学。

    The organization 's goal : to take kids-many from families in which nobody has ever gone to college - and get them into college .

  18. 组织的宗旨是促进赞助公司的员工多样化,满足职业华人职业和文化上的需求。

    The mission of the organization is to promote the work force diversity for corporate sponsors and meet the professional and cultural needs of individual members .

  19. 创建该组织的宗旨是要通过在整个地区加强经济合作和扩大贸易及投资来促进经济增长与繁荣。

    It was created to foster growth and prosperity by advancing economic cooperation and expanding trade and investment throughout the region , according to the White House .

  20. 世界海关组织的宗旨是协调和统一世界各地的海关程序,从而提高各地海关的工作成效并促进贸易。

    The World Customs Organisation ( WCO ) aims at enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations and facilitating trade by achieving harmony and uniformity in customs procedures world-wide .

  21. 以规则为基础的多边贸易体制仍将是亚太经合组织的关键宗旨。

    The rules-based multilateral trading system will remain a key tenet of APEC .

  22. 中华农学会的早期组织演化与宗旨歧变

    Organizational Development and Changes of the Aim of Agricultural Association of China in the Early Years

  23. 加拿大奥林匹克委员会是一个全国性非牟利民间组织,其宗旨是弘扬体育精神。

    The Canadian Olympic Committee is a national , private , not-for-profit organization committed to sport excellence .

  24. 该学会是一个国际科学组织,其宗旨在于促进那些对直翅目以及相关生物感兴趣的人们之间的交流。

    The society is an international scientific organization devoted to facilitating communication among those interested in Orthoptera and related organisms .

  25. 联合国邮票描绘了联合国和联合国组织大家庭的宗旨和成就。

    UN stamps have illustrated the aims and achievements of the United Nations and its family of organizations .

  26. 联合国是世界上最重要的普遍性国际组织,它的宗旨是维护世界和平与安全。

    The United Nations is the most important universal international organization in the world , and it is purpose to safeguard world peace and security .

  27. 1977年,美洲土著人公共通讯组织成立,其宗旨是让观众可以看到印第安人自己写的故事,看到对印第安文化的准确真实的描述。

    In 1977 , Native American Public Telecommunications ( NAPT ) was founded to bring audiences native stories and accurate portrayals of the culture . Taking control

  28. 世卫组织糖尿病规划的宗旨是在可能之时和可能之处预防糖尿病,尽可能减少并发症并且尽可能提高生命质量。

    The mission of the WHO Diabetes Programme is to prevent diabetes whenever possible and , where not possible , to minimize complications and maximize quality of life .

  29. 另一方面,非营利性组织按照其服务宗旨将商业运作的收入用于公益性事业,使得社会弱势群体的福利提高,从而提高整个社会福利,在社会分配中产生第二重福利效应。

    On the other hand , following its service purpose , NPO denotes revenue for the public welfare , which improves the welfare of disadvantaged groups in society , thereby enhancing the entire social welfare . This forms a second layer of well-being effect during the distribution in the community .

  30. 运用公关广告,可以起到塑造组织形象、强化品牌形象、宣传组织宗旨、引导公众观念等作用。

    With the use of public relations advertising , you can shape the image of the Organization , strengthen brand image and organization to guide public perceptions and so on .