
jīn rónɡ zhì dù
  • financial system;banking system
  1. 银行存差扩大成因更多源于中国特殊金融制度安排所造成的“存款和资本金共谋的特殊资本结构”,而较少来自于金融深化进程。

    The expanding deposit balance of banking system in China is mainly derived from the special banking capital structure of deposit and capital collusion which is ascribed to the special arrangement of financial institution in China , but seldom from the process of financial deepening .

  2. 外资银行的进入是我国加入世界贸易组织的必然要求,是金融全球化的必然趋势,也是我国金融制度变迁的必然选择。

    The entering of foreign bank cause to ensure the demand of our country accede to WTO , to ensure the tendency of the financial globalization and to ensure the necessity of banking system vicissitude .

  3. 我国农村非正规金融制度:演进路径与政策规范

    Chinese Rural Informal Finance Institution : Evolution Path and Policy Measure

  4. 小议我国循环经济立法中的财税与金融制度

    The fiscal and financial systems in the legislation of circle economy

  5. 我国金融制度变迁的风险及其防范

    The Risk and Risk Aversion of Financial Institutional Innovation in China

  6. 金融制度创新与西部市场化融资体制

    Financial System Innovation and Market-type Financing System in the West Region

  7. 中国农村信用合作社是一种特殊的金融制度安排。

    Chinese rural credit cooperatives are special financial system arrangements .

  8. 我国金融制度变革中的开放式基金研究

    Studies on Open-end Fund in China 's Financial System Reform

  9. 转型经济下的民间金融制度安排研究

    Research on the Financial Institution Design under the Background of Transitional Economy

  10. 第二部分是我国农村金融制度分析。

    The second part is the analysis of our rural financial system .

  11. 全面实施投资制度和金融制度创新,等等。

    Comprehensively implementing innovation of investment and finance system and etc.

  12. 农村金融制度分供给和需求两个方面。

    This system has two sides , which are demand and supply .

  13. 论中国金融制度变迁的效用函数

    On the Utility Function of China 's Financial System Reform

  14. 制度变迁与我国金融制度创新

    The Institutional Changes and the Financial Institutional Innovation in China

  15. 区域经济发展差异与金融制度因素研究

    Research on Regional Economic Development Difference and Financial Institutional Factors

  16. 合作金融制度在我国农村的适应性分析

    The Adaptability of The Cooperative Financial System in China 's Rural Areas

  17. 国外农村合作金融制度的经验及对我国的启示

    Experience of Foreign Rural Cooperative Finance System and the Enlightenment for China

  18. 我国民间金融制度透析与构建设想

    The Analysis and Construction on the System of Nongovernmental Finance

  19. 中国近代两种金融制度的比较

    A Comparison Between the Two Financial Systems in Modern China

  20. 第一部分介绍了金融制度改革相关的理论。

    The first part introduces the related theories of the financial system reform .

  21. 新农村建设中的金融制度变革

    The Transformation of Financial System in New Rural Construction

  22. 经济开放背景下的金融制度转换

    Financial System Transformation under the Background of Economic Opening-up

  23. 发展仓单系统:农村金融制度创新的新思路

    Developing Warehouse Receipts System : A New Approach to the Rural Financial Reform

  24. 对农村金融制度创新的思考

    A Thinking of Blazing New Trails in the Finance System in the Countryside

  25. 将金融制度界定为正式金融制度和非正式金融制度,全面地分析金融制度因素对私营企业融资的影响;

    Classifying the financial institution as formal financial institution and inform financial institution .

  26. 中国农地金融制度研究

    Study on the Farmland Financial Institution of China

  27. 日本主银行体制的演进及其对中国金融制度安排的启示

    The Evolution of Japanese Banking System and Its Enlightenment to China 's Financial System

  28. 资本项目的监管及金融制度研究

    On Supervision of Capital Items and Financial Regime

  29. 技术相对落后。相对落后性与金融制度选择

    Relative Backwardness and Choice of Financial Institutional Arrangements

  30. 县域经济金融制度安排的问题探讨

    The discuss on county economy ' finance system