
  1. CDR金融创新与市场缺陷

    CDR Financial Innovation and Market Shortcomings

  2. 各类干预和控制工具可能继续在金融与银行市场发挥作用。

    Financial and banking markets are likely to continue to be subject to various tools of intervention and control .

  3. 过去10到20年令金融与投资市场普遍受益的涨潮期已经过去,我们现在面对着一片波涛汹涌的大海,它可能会在全球范围内吞噬更广泛的经济体。

    Instead of the rising tide which [ has ] broadly benefited financial and investment markets for the last 10 to 20 years , we are now facing choppy seas which could engulf the broader economy globally .

  4. 政治领袖们可能会要求缔结新的贸易协定,但批评者会指出,这种协议通常也会带来金融与资本市场的开放而正是这种开放政策催生了危机,并导致其迅速蔓延。

    Political leaders may push for new trade agreements , but critics will note that such deals typically bring financial and capital market liberalisation too just the policies that contributed to the crisis , and its rapid spread .

  5. 过去几年,由于高估值及来自私人股本的激烈竞争,所谓的价值投资者被迫离场观望。他们相信,金融与资本市场危机如今带来了低价收购企业的良机。

    After years pushed to the sidelines by high valuations and fierce competition from private equity , so-called value investors believe the financial and capital market crisis now offers a great opportunity to buy companies at bargain prices .

  6. 本文对银行主导型金融体系与市场主导型金融体系促进经济增长优劣进行比较的实证文献进行综述,总结出四种观点及理论支持。

    This paper gives an essay on the empiric literatures about " which is better " debate on intermediate-based financial system and market-based financial system performing on the economy growth , we can summarize four views and corresponding holding theories .

  7. 金融机构与市场是在由公共机构创立并维护的宏观经济、监管及政治框架下运作的,因此凭经验事实不难得出,这个框架存在的严重缺陷引发了当前危机。

    Financial institutions and markets operate within the macroeconomic , regulatory and political framework created and maintained by public bodies , and it is empirically not difficult to point to the serious deficiencies of this framework that contributed to the present crisis .

  8. 就目前国内金融环境与市场成熟度而言,商业银行应根据国内个人客户的金融需求及时调整内部管理体制,分阶段、循序渐进建设和完善个人理财业务服务体系。

    As far as the maturity of civil financial scene and market are concerned , commercial banks should adjust the internal management system promptly according to the financial demand of civil individuals and step by step build and perfect the service system of personal financing business .

  9. 金融期货与期权市场监管制度初探

    On the Supervisory System of the Financial Futures and Options Market

  10. 政策性金融是计划与市场的巧妙结合体,其促进经济持续稳定发展的主要作用机制是引导虹吸扩张机制。

    Policy-based finance is a skillful combination of plan and market .

  11. A金融监管与利率市场化改革

    Financial supervision and reforming of interest rate marketization

  12. 金融深化与证券市场制度创新

    Financial Deepening and System Innovation of Stock Market

  13. 行为公司金融学与资本市场实践

    Behavioral Corporate Finance and Practice of Capital Market

  14. 金融环境与现代市场经济、知识经济的发展不相适应;

    The financial environment , modern market economy and development of knowledge economy are incompatible ;

  15. 论文对契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场之间的互动关系进行了全面系统的研究。

    This paper is an all-sided research on the interaction between contractual savings and capital market .

  16. 金融产品创新与市场营销

    Financial product innovation and Marketing

  17. 此外,对金融机构与金融市场的关系,也提出了自己的见解。

    Besides , the interaction between financial institutions and financial market is also demonstrated in this paper .

  18. 金融中介与金融市场在满足投资者不同的风险感受以及不同产业特性要求方面存在着互补性。

    There are complementarities between financial intermediation and financial markets to meet different risk feelings of investors and demands of industries .

  19. 但是可以肯定的是,两大机构都认为亚洲政府都不敢奖金融体系托付与市场调控。

    But both clearly believe that the governments fear to entrust the health of their financial systems to the care of the capital markets .

  20. 文章进一步分析得出,宏观经济部门和市场微观组织的金融渗透与金融市场的结构密不可分。

    It can be further concluded through analysis that the financial permeation of macroscopical economic department and microcosmic organization is inseparable from the financial market structure .

  21. 钱庄庄票最为重要的特性是其在金融市场与商品市场的流通性。

    The money shop bank note issued by old-style Chinese private banks most important characteristic is it in the money market and the commodity market conductivity .

  22. 并进一步将契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场的关系放在一个宏观的层次,从经济发展、金融深化、人口结构的变迁的角度深入的分析这种互动关系所反映出的内在的规律。

    Then from a macro angle concerning economic development , financial development and demographic transition , the paper discusses in-depth the intrinsic meaning of the relation .

  23. 第五章探讨契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场之间形成互动关系的内在规律,从而研究如何实现两者的协调发展。

    Then in chapter 5 , the paper discusses the intrinsic meaning of the relation , and discusses how to develop contractual savings and capital market harmoniously .

  24. 金融监管与金融市场效率的国际研究表明,金融市场效率高低与金融稳定性强弱具有正向相关性。

    The international experience of financial supervision and financial market efficiency shows that the level of financial market efficiency is positively correlated to the strength of financial stability .

  25. 提出了在现阶段实现我国的契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场的协调发展已经具有了必要性和潜在的可能性的观点。

    And the paper believes that to form a benign relation between contractual savings and capital market of our country is not only of necessity but also of potential probability .

  26. 论文通过研究得出了契约型储蓄金融机构与资本市场之间的互动具有必然性,要使得两者形成良性的互动,实质上就是要实现人口结构、金融深化与经济发展之间协调发展的核心观点。

    The essentials of their benign relation are founded on the harmonious relation among economic development , financial development and demographic transition . This is the most important conclusion of the paper .

  27. 随着中国金融业与证券市场改革开放的不断深化,证券交易所发展面临的竞争问题越来越突出。

    Chinese finance industry and securities market are gradually deepened with Chinese reforming and opening to the world , the problem of development of stock exchanges is also confronted with new competitive environment , and become more and more outstanding .

  28. 分析两国利率与证券价格关系的异同点对于认识二者之间差距,进而完善中国金融体制与证券市场改革具有重要的现实意义。

    Analysing the interrelationships of interest rates and stock prices in the two countries will be helpful to understand the gap between the two countries , thus be signified to the improvement on the development of China 's financial system and stock market .

  29. 通过银证合作,使银行传统金融工具与资本市场及货币市场上的新兴金融工具相组合,以多元化经营来分散经营风险,培育出更多新的经济增长点,以获取更多的收益。

    Through the cooperation between bank and securities , the bank 's traditional financial tools can be organized with the new financial tools of capital and monetary market , which can reduce the business risks and cultivate more economic growing point , and make more revenue .

  30. 在现代金融理论,与有效市场理论(EMH)相背离的最具代表性的异象便是过度反应。

    In the modern financial theory , as the representative of the financial anomalies op-posite to the Efficient Market Theory ( EMH ) may be the overreaction phenomenon .