
qǐ yè zé rèn
  • Corporate Responsibility;enterprise liability;business accountability;business liability
  1. 制造企业责任转移机制模型研究

    Research of modeling responsibility transfer mechanism in manufacture enterprises

  2. 责任、企业责任以及企业社会责任是系列相关概念。

    Responsibilities , the corporate responsibility and the corporate social responsibility are a series of interrelated conceptions .

  3. 这一使命任重道远&从经营结构和财务报表,到企业责任和可持续发展。

    This commitment is far-reaching – from operational structure and financial reporting to corporate citizenship and sustainable development .

  4. 然后根据高校自身的特点,分析了在高校实施目标管理的基础上,借鉴企业责任成本管理的成功经验,构建一套适合高校发展、有利于高校财务管理的责任成本管理体系的可能性。

    Secondly , the author analysed how to draw lessons on responsibility cost management in enterprises ; how to carry out MBO ( management by objectives ) based on the characters of universities and the possibility of constructing the system of RCM suit for university developing and financial management .

  5. 企业社会责任(CorporationSocialResponsibility)是20世纪初凸显于诸多学科领域的一个重要概念,亦是建构企业与社会和谐关系的一种基本思想。

    Corporate Social Responsibility is an important concept in many fields since the 20th century . It is also a basic idea in the construction of harmonious relations between corporation and society .

  6. 企业社会责任(CorporateSocialResponsibility,CSR)自二十世纪二十年代提出以来,一直是学术界和企业界关注的焦点。

    Since CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility , CSR ) was put forward in 1920s , it has long been the focus concerned by the theory circle and business circle .

  7. 企业社会责任(CSR),是目前经济伦理学或企业伦理学研究的核心问题之一。

    Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) is one of the core issues of Economics Ethics or Corporate Ethics nowadays .

  8. 企业社会责任与SA8000认证

    Corporate Social Accountability and SA8000 Certification

  9. 建议分公司继续履行企业社会责任,加强对利益相关者的影响能力,并将CSR融入分公司中、长期发展规划。

    Recommended that the branch should fulfill the CSR , strengthen the influence of stakeholders , put CSR into long-term development planning .

  10. 战略型企业社会责任(StrategicCorporateSocialResponsibility,SCSR)理论则强调企业与社会的相互依存,认为两者是正和博弈关系。

    Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility ( SCSR ) theory emphasizes on the interdependence of corporation and society , indicating that the relationship between corporation and the society is a positive-sum game .

  11. 同时,随着企业社会责任(CSR)在企业战略管理及营销实践中的逐渐应用,有关企业社会责任与消费者反应的研究已成为理论与实践讨论的热点。

    Meanwhile , along with CSR gradually being applied in corporate strategic management and marketing practice , the research of CSR and consumer responses has become a hot discussion topic .

  12. 据美国《财富》杂志报道,星巴克中国区CEO王静瑛表示,这项新投资也向外界展示了该公司意识到了作为企业的责任感,并通过帮助自家员工照顾父母这种方式进一步延伸了这种责任。

    According to Fortune , CEO of Starbucks China Belinda Wong said that this new investment is a way to show that they are aware of their responsibilities and extends it by helping their partners take care of their parents .

  13. 目前国际上检验企业社会责任的标准有很多,就其适用范围来说,SA8000是最广泛的,且是国际上第一个可用于第三方认证的标准,发展速度迅猛。

    At present , there are a number of international measurements for inspecting the corporations ' social responsibility . In terms of application range , SA8000 is the most wildly used and also the first universal measurement which is applicable to the third party accreditation .

  14. 企业社会责任国际标准SA8000是西方发达国家在经济和社会发展中产生的一种新的劳工标准规则,是西方企业社会责任理论与实践发展到一定阶段的必然产物。

    Corporate social responsibility of international standard SA8000 is a new labor standard rule appeared in the economic and social progress of western developed countries , and it is a product emerged when the western corporate social responsibility theory and practice developed to a certain stage .

  15. 第四章,施工企业项目责任成本管理实施。

    Chapter 4 the cost of construction enterprises project management responsibility .

  16. 出版企业社会责任构建分析

    Analysis on the Construction of Social Responsibility of the Publishing Enterprise

  17. 企业环境责任的伦理考量

    The Ethical Evaluations and Analysis of the Environmental Responsibilities of Enterprises

  18. 关于企业社会责任争论的焦点问题

    The Debating Focus about Corporate Social Responsibility : A Literature Review

  19. 第二部分,企业社会责任在我国实施的现状。

    The second part explains the present state of CSR implementation .

  20. 和谐社会背景下的企业社会责任研究

    Research on Corporate Social Responsibility at the Background of Harmonious Society

  21. 企业社会责任会计:内涵、目标与计量

    Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting : Content , Objective and Measurement

  22. 企业社会责任;服务营销;海尔集团。

    Corporate Social Responsibility , Service Marketing , Haier Group .

  23. 国际化经营中的企业社会责任建国以来我国社会运行激励机制的演变

    Changes of Incentive Mechanism of Social Operation Since the Foundation of China

  24. 企业社会责任的实现&基于消费者选择的分析

    Corporate Social Responsibility Development : An Analysis Based on Consumer-selection

  25. 学界一般认为,企业社会责任最早源于美国。

    Generally believing , corporate social responsibility originated from the United States .

  26. 然而,企业社会责任缺失现象依然大量存在。

    However , the absent of the corporate social responsibility is common .

  27. 国际贸易中推行企业社会责任标准已经成为经济全球化的一个趋势。

    Pursuing CSR becomes a trend of economic globalization in international trade .

  28. 论利益相关者理论下的企业社会责任问题

    Corporate Social Responsibility : from the Angle of Stakeholder Theory

  29. 企业社会责任法律化是一个全球化的发展趋势。

    The legalization of corporate social responsibility is a trend of globalization .

  30. 企业社会责任:测定、策略及其影响

    Corporate Social Responsibility : Assessment , Strategies and Influences