
  • 网络Venture Guarantee;risk guaranty
  1. 风险担保基金:解渴高科技企业融资

    Venture Guarantee Fund : to Make Hi-Tech Enterprises Financing Easier

  2. 中小企业信用风险担保体系的建设

    The Construction of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Credit Risk Assurance System

  3. 中国系统性金融风险担保机制的分析

    An Analysis on the Guarantee Mechanism of Systemic Financial Risk in China

  4. 违法收取保证金、风险担保金、抵押物、质押物的;

    Illegally collecting security bond , risk bond , collateral or pledge ;

  5. 多边投资担保机构可以提供政治风险担保。

    MIGA can offer political risk insurance .

  6. 政策主要是财政税收优惠政策和风险担保政策。

    Secondly , the policies of financial and tax preferential policies and risk guarantee are necessary .

  7. 国际保理是集销售帐务管理、应收帐款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a unique package of financial services including sales account management , receivables collection , credit risks guarantee and financing .

  8. 转入地主管海关审核批准后,在《申请表》上批注同意并注明风险担保金的数额。

    The transferred customs shall , upon examination and approval , mark " consent " and the amount of the guaranty fund on the Aapplication fform ;

  9. 三是引入外部合作,建立涉农贷款担保、风险担保分散和补偿机制,推进农村信用体系建设。

    Third , the introduction of external cooperation , the establishment of agriculture-related loan guarantees , risk guarantees and compensation mechanisms scattered , rural credit system .

  10. 国际保理,概括而言,是为国际贸易赊销方式提供的一种集账务管理、应收账款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通为一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a kind of comprehensive service which centralizing international trade credit terms , account management , account receivable , risk credit warranty and trade financing .

  11. 国际保理作为一项能够提供风险担保与资金融通的综合性国际结算业务,近年来在全球范围内发展很快。

    International factoring is a comprehensive international financial business which combines of risk guarantee and financing . In recent years , international factoring industry has been developing fast in global scope .

  12. 有鉴于此,和县承接产业转移示范区融资平台建设的基本架构可分为四个组成部分,即平台载体、贷款提供者、风险担保者和贷款受益者。

    Based on those , the infrastructure of the financing platform can be divided into four parts that is platform carrier , loan providers , risk guarantees , and loan beneficiaries .

  13. 国际保理业务是为国际贸易赊销方式提供的集销售帐务管理、应收账款收取、信用风险担保和贸易资金融通为一体的综合金融服务,在我国目前属于银行中间业务的一种。

    International factoring is a comprehensive financial service which is to provide business credit investigation , management of account payable and credit risks guarantee for the credit sale of international trade . It is one of the intermediary services of commercial banks in our country .

  14. 有违约风险贷款担保价值研究

    Research on Valuation of Loan Guarantees with Default Risk

  15. 亚洲炼油企业曾警告,如果不能解除保险禁令,它们就无法为承担高昂污染索赔的风险获得担保,不得不停止从伊朗购买原油。

    Asian refiners have warned that without a waiver they would not be covered against the risk of expensive pollution claims and would have to halt their purchases of Iranian crude .

  16. 信用担保机构经营的是担保,销售的是信用,承担的是风险,担保风险随担保机构的存在而存在,是与生俱来的。

    The credit guarantee agencies , sales management is the guarantee of the credit , the bear is the risk , guarantee risk with the existence of guarantee agencies , is born .

  17. 不断增加财政资金对广西中小企业贷款担保资金和高科技风险投资担保专项资金的投入。

    It shall continuously increase the investments into the credit guarantee fund for the medium and small scale of enterprises of Guangxi and the special fund for the guarantee of high-tech risk investment .

  18. 在该项目框架下,世界银行将为2亿美元的信贷风险提供担保。摩根大通作为华尔街最大的大宗商品交易商之一,也将担保与此相似的金额。

    The World Bank will underwrite $ 200m in credit risk under the initiative while JPM , one of the largest dealers in commodities in Wall Street , will take on a similar amount .

  19. 继上周下跌11%后,花旗股价在(昨日)午盘交易中又下跌5%,至35.96美元,而针对其债券违约风险的担保成本升至创纪录水平。

    Citi shares were off 5 per cent to $ 35.96 in midday trade after falling 11 per cent last week , while the cost of insuring its bonds against default rose to record levels .

  20. 但是担保公司是通过吸收银行不愿承担或不敢承担的风险获得担保收入的,是经营信用、管理风险的行业,其高风险性为全世界公认。

    But the guarantee is by absorbing banks are reluctant to take or not take the risk of obtaining security income , is operating credit , risk management industry , the high-risk sexual recognized around the world .

  21. 马斯特斯向卡萨诺提议由AIG为摩根大通的超高级风险产品作担保,卡萨诺欣然同意。

    Masters pitched to Cassano that AIG take over JP Morgan 's super-senior risk , and Cassano happily agreed .

  22. 建立了旨在分散风险的再担保机制。

    The double hypothecation mechanism is bulied for separate risk .

  23. 道德风险与信用担保:博弈论视角的分析

    Moral Hazard and Credit Guarantee : A Gambling Model

  24. 转移机制包括风险保险、担保、贷款证券化等措施;

    The transfer mechanism include the risk insurance , guarantee and the loan securitization .

  25. 为了有效控制国际商务活动中的风险,独立担保和备用信用证出现了。

    In order to control international trade risk effectively , independent guarantee and standby letter of credit come into being .

  26. 住房抵押贷款证券化综合应用格式合同、风险隔离、担保和证券等多项法律制度,将缺乏流动性的住房抵押贷款转化成可流通的证券。

    By integrating the ideas of standard contract , risk remoteness , security and securities , MBS can transform static residential mortgage into negotiable securities .

  27. 当前环境下我国商业银行开办基金管理公司面临的跨市场风险主要有担保风险、流动性风险和利率攀比风险。

    The trans-market risks for the commercial banks in China at present are guarantee risk , liquidity risk , and compared unrealistically interest rate risk .

  28. 为了减少风险,保护担保人的合法利益,最有效的方式就是合法而正确地行使抗辩权。

    In order to reduce their risks and protect their benefits , the most effective way for independent guarantors is to exercise rights of defenses correctly and lawfully .

  29. 况且,即使商业银行和投行可以分开,金融业也不会仅由安全、政府担保的贷款银行和高风险但没有担保的证券公司组成。

    Moreover , even if commercial and investment banking could be separated , finance will never consist of safe , government-insured lenders and risky but uninsured securities houses .

  30. 其次,如果企业想在极具竞争性的全球市场中繁荣昌盛,那么管理复杂的金融机构就需要加强对风险管理、担保以及披露的限制。

    Second , managing complex financial institutions requires raising the bar on risk management , underwriting and disclosure if companies are to prosper in the very competitive global marketplace .