
fēng jǐng
  • landscape;scenery;views;scene;sight;prospect
风景 [fēng jǐng]
  • [landscape;scene;scenery;sight;views] 供观赏的自然风光、景物

  • 风景秀丽

风景[fēng jǐng]
  1. 我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。

    We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery .

  2. 我们中途停下来欣赏一下风景。

    We stopped to admire the scenery .

  3. 毕加索还在奥尔塔─德圣胡安画了几幅风景画。

    Picasso also executed several landscapes at Horta de San Juan .

  4. 古典风景画是18世纪许多画家所喜欢用的题材。

    Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th century painters .

  5. 这是具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野。

    This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape .

  6. 风景似乎延伸到了无穷远处。

    The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity .

  7. 这座新办公楼很是煞风景。

    The new office block is an excrescence .

  8. 一到达埃尔金,一日游的游客就参观了一些当地的风景名胜。

    Once at Elgin day-trippers visit a number of local sights .

  9. 我会带你浏览我们这座美丽城市的风景名胜。

    I am going to show you the sights of our wonderful city

  10. 克莱尔和戴维·阿斯特正在画远处西班牙山峦的风景素描。

    Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills

  11. 风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。

    Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape .

  12. 有时他们只是沿着小路慢慢地开车,欣赏两旁的风景。

    Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery .

  13. 这座城堡坐落于一片方圆25英亩、风景秀丽的土地上。

    The castle is set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds

  14. 这条路线带我们穿越了驾车者难以抵达的风景区。

    The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist .

  15. 我们特意驻足欣赏风景。

    We took time to stop and admire the view .

  16. 保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。

    Protection of sites , habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority .

  17. 这片风景中只有一排村庄。

    The landscape is broken only by a string of villages

  18. 这是美国风景非常秀丽的一个地区。

    This is an extremely scenic part of America .

  19. 这里的风景看上去还是以田园风光为主。

    The landscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance .

  20. 什罗普郡的风景也对欧文产生了影响。

    The Shropshire landscape was an influence on Owen too

  21. 地势变得更开阔、更平整,风景十分优美。

    The landscape became wider , flatter and very scenic

  22. 萨尔茨堡是个风景非常秀丽的游览之地。

    Salzburg is an outstandingly beautiful place to visit

  23. 开发商们坚称这个耗资8,000万的居住区不会破坏风景。

    The developers insist the 80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape .

  24. 装甲连的装甲车上罩着沙色的网,和周围的风景融为一体。

    The squadron 's armour is draped in sand-coloured nets that melt into the landscape .

  25. 我们游览了巴黎的风景名胜。

    We 'd toured the sights of Paris

  26. 度假是为了赏风景之美,听语言之妙,品百味之香。

    Holidays are for seeing the sights , hearing the language and savouring the smells .

  27. 我绕行了几英里,想要经由那条风景秀丽的公路进入梅肯。

    I went some miles out of my way to take the scenic road into Macon .

  28. 从建筑到风景,这个国家到处都体现出其成为电影拍摄地的潜力。

    It is a country resonant with cinematic potential , from its architecture to its landscape .

  29. 康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面。

    Constable posters decorate the walls .

  30. 位于洛莱西北部山区的阿尔特,是阿尔加维风景最美丽的村庄。

    Alte , in the hills northwest of Loule , is the Algarve 's most picturesque village .