
  • 网络Risk preparation;haircuts
  1. 从我们的分析结果来看,要想在较高的置信水平下消除极值现象仍需要较高的风险准备水平。

    From the result we know that the higher margin level still needed to eliminate the Extreme Value under the higher confidence level .

  2. 事故不仅发生在其他人,并且有意无意的伤害是主导的死因在小孩子之中,很更好知道所有风险准备避免他们。

    Accidents not only happen to others , and unintentional injury is the leading cause of death among small children , so better know all the risks to be prepared to avoid them .

  3. 交易所按规定的比例提取风险准备时,借记“管理费用&提取风险准备”科目,贷记“风险准备”科目。

    When the an exchanges withdraws the risk reserves according to prescribed proportions , it should debit the title of " overhead cost & risk reserves withdrawn " and credit the title of " risk reserves " .

  4. 你准备好接受风险了准备好接受伤害,与人亲近。

    You 're ready to take risks , be vulnerable and intimate with someone .

  5. 二是认清面临的形势,提高抵御风险的准备能力;

    Second , we should meet the situation soberly and improve the preparatory ability to resist the risk ;

  6. 但在国会山,全国护士联合会一位负责人称这种快速反应行动充满风险而且准备不充分。

    But on Capitol Hill , a National Nurses Union leader called the overall response dangerously inconsistent and inadequate .

  7. 他们的经历证明了一个已知结论—成功的公司必须有担风险的准备,

    Their experiences prove what we already know - that successful companies must be prepared to go out on a limb ,

  8. 由于大部分数据库层支持能更好地处理该风险的准备语句,禁用该设置会再次消除这个烦人的性能问题。

    Since most database layers support prepared statements that handle this risk much better , turning this off will again remove an annoying performance problem .

  9. 与此同时,我们现在就必须做好承担和应对金融全球化带来的各种风险的准备。

    At the same time , we must do some preparation now to take on and face with all kinds of risks which are brought by the financial globalization .

  10. 但事实证明,较少受到关注、不断发生的事件,如洪水、干旱和旋风,也会造成同样重大的影响,这让人对我们看待风险和准备应对突发事件的方式产生新的疑问。

    But lower profile , persistent events such as flooding , droughts and cyclones have been shown to have equally serious impacts , raising new questions about the way in which we perceive risk and ` prepare for disruptive events .

  11. 做好风险管理的准备。

    SG1 preparation for risk management is conducted .

  12. 做投机买卖的人对亏损的风险得有所准备。

    People who speculate have to be prepared to take the risk of losing money .

  13. 此外,多边投资担保机构也已为缓解尤其会影响基础设施投资的风险做好了准备。

    And MIGA also stands ready to mitigate the risks that typically affect infrastructure investments .

  14. 留学也有风险,你准备好了吗?

    Are You Ready ?

  15. 例如,估计有30家初创企业已经筹集到风险资本,准备创建消费者视频网站了。

    An estimated 30 start-ups have , for example , raised venture capital to build consumer video sites .

  16. 同时,我们要把工作的基点放在出现较大的风险上,准备好对策。

    At the same time , we should base our work on the possible emergence of serious problems and prepare for them .

  17. 最大的风险是:准备拥抱的时候却意识到对方并没有同样打算。

    The biggest risk : going in for a hug only to realize too late that the other person had not planned the same .

  18. 发现系统性风险、并准备好一系列适宜的工具,以便迅速地为银行体系注入流动性,应该作为要务。

    It should be a priority to identify systemic risks and make ready a battery of Prudential instruments to provide liquidity to the banking system quickly .

  19. 主办方同时正在考虑与韦莱合作,于今年晚些时候在上海举办一次保险论坛,为应对世博会的全面风险管理做准备。

    The Bureau is also looking at co-hosting an insurance forum with Willis in Shanghai later this year in preparation for the full risk management of the Expo .

  20. 中学体育课堂教学组织实施活动风险主要来自准备部分、基本部分和结束部分三个方面。

    Risks could be there in the three parts of physical education classes in high school , which were the preparation part , the basic part and the end of class .

  21. 《最后的狮子》是一部野生动物记录片,在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲上有一片富饶的湿地,一只坚定的雌狮为了确保全家存活,甘冒一切风险,时刻准备着。

    From the lush wetlands of Botswana 's Okavango Delta comes the suspense-filled tale of a determined lioness ready to try anything and willing to risk everything to keep her family alive .

  22. 有一次,一家很有实力的风险投资公司准备制定未来两年内的战略和制定出更好的交流过程,因此邀请我筹划为期两天的会议。

    As an example , I was asked to facilitate a two-day session in which a very powerful venture capitalist firm was going to set their two year strategic plan and develop a better communications process .

  23. 虽然有风险,我们仍然准备与该国签订一份贸易协定。

    We intend to contract a trade agreement with that country though there are small risks .

  24. 本文以新巴塞尔协议对资本约束的有关要求为背景,深入探讨了商业银行风险损失与其资本准备的关系。

    This paper investigates the relationship between the loss of banks ' risk and its capital provision .

  25. 通常规避风险的领导层准备把这个棘手问题交给明年产生的下一代领导层。

    The normally risk-averse authoritarian leadership is preparing for a politically tricky handover of power to a new generation of leaders next year .

  26. 特种准备指针对某一国家、地区、行业或某一类贷款风险计提的准备。

    Specific reserves are funds set aside covering losses out of risks of a state , region , an industry or a type of loans .

  27. 要增强忧患意识,充分利用有利条件和积极因素,努力化解矛盾,更加周密地做好应对各种风险和挑战的准备,牢牢把握工作的主动权。

    We need to strengthen our awareness of potential dangers , make full use of favorable conditions and positive factors , strive to resolve problems , make even more thorough preparations to deal with risks and challenges of all kinds , and firmly keep the initiative in our work .

  28. 阐释了《周易》中作为风险理论的精华思想&关于应对风险的人格准备理念,在我国风险理论研究和风险实践中的重要意义。

    It expounds the essential thoughts of the theory of risk in " Zhouyi " & on the idea of preparation of personality to face risk and its important significance in the theoretical research and practice of risk in China .

  29. 经理们说,那个风险已经控制住了,因此我要思考该怎样为下一个风险做准备。

    Rudolph . 'Managers are saying'Got that risk under control , so I need to think about next risk'to plan for .

  30. 然后则是对风险评价方法的理论阐述,为引入铁路专用线、专用铁路方面的风险分析做准备。

    Then is the theory of risk assessment methods , which is prepared to introduce aspects of the risk analysis for special purpose railway .