
fēnɡ jǐnɡ rú huà
  • 熟语picturesque landscape;The scenery is as beautiful as a painting.;scenery as beautiful as a painting
  1. 不过如果好莱坞方面能支持拍摄,导演们就会离开这个风景如画的山区,而转到中国拍摄。

    But if the US-backed production goes ahead , its directors will leave the picturesque landscape of the peaks behind to shoot it in China .

  2. 她画了坐落在海湾的一个风景如画的渔村。

    She painted the picturesque fishing village lying on the bay .

  3. 西湖风景如画。

    The West Lake is as beautiful as a painting .

  4. 把目光从东京的钢筋水泥移向大自然吧。早晨,在风景如画的滨离宫恩赐庭园(Hama-rikyuGardens)散步(门票300日元)。

    Swap out the city 's steel and glass for trees and grass during a morning stroll through the landscaped Hama-rikyu Gardens ( admission , 300 yen ) .

  5. 风景如画的Roslyn小镇举办过诸多稀奇古怪的欢庆活动,不过它名扬天下的原因在于曾是美国昔日热门剧集《北国风云》(NorthernExposure)的外景地。

    Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations , but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named " Northland "( Northern Exposure ) .

  6. 在风景如画的约克郡做最后的停留,可以去每一个卵石铺就的小巷尽头找一家都铎式客栈,或者走进摩登的啤酒馆,比如YorkTap、Pivni及HouseofTremblingMadness。—

    A final stay in the photogenic city of York offers a Tudor-style pub at the end of every cobbled lane , as well as modern beer temples like York Tap , Pivni and the House of Trembling Madness . -

  7. 我和我太太德布拉(Debra)刚从我们的第三次云南之行归来。云南是位于中国西南部的一个风景如画、满目苍翠的省份。

    My wife , Debra , and I are just back from our third trip to Yunnan , a picturesque , verdant province in China 's southwest .

  8. 这与一种相关的信念差不多,即所有不发达国家应该始终风景如画、离奇有趣,不存在我们认为非常必要的手机、电视和星巴克咖啡店(Starbucks)。

    This isn 't so far from the related belief that all undeveloped countries ought to remain highly picturesque and quaint , without the cell-phones , TVs and Starbucks outlets that we find so indispensable .

  9. 她把她那风景如画的家乡DeirMimas称为橄榄油的波尔多。

    She calls Deir Mimas , her picturesque home town , the Bordeaux of olive oil .

  10. 怀昂(Wyong)是位于澳大利亚东海岸的一个沉静的小郡,因其风景如画的海滩、湖波和湿地而著称。

    Wyong is a sleepy shire on Australia 's eastern coast renowned for its picturesque beaches , lakes and wetlands .

  11. 只见贝丝身着MoniqueLhuillier的高叉白色婚纱,和丈夫在风景如画的田野中手牵手漫步。

    Decked out in a white Monique Lhuillier bridal gown with a high thigh-slit , Beth and her new husband strolled across a picturesque field hand in hand .

  12. 秘密艾拉(PassaraRoad,Ella,94-57-222-6333,thesecrethotels.com):艾拉有众多酒店,大都破旧邋遢,这家新酒店却是整洁干净,坐落在镇外一英里处,接待情侣和家庭。院落内风景如画,提供精美的本地食品。

    The Secret Ella ( Passara Road , Ella , 94-57-222-6333 , thesecrethotels . com ) : A sleek new addition to Ella 's many ( and mostly scruffy ) hotels , situated about a mile from town and catering to couples and families . Excellent local food served on a picturesque terrace .

  13. 敬畏:Keltner将受测者穿过风景如画的伯克利校园,来到生命科学大楼,将他们安排坐到一个5吨,长度25英尺(7.62米)的暴龙旁边。

    Awe : Keltner leads subjects across the scenic Berkeley campus to the life sciences building and seats them next to a full-size replica of a five-ton , 25-foot-long Tyrannosaurus rex .

  14. 他和妻女最近被送往班贝格(Bamberg)一座专为巴尔干移民准备的营地,等待被递解出境。这座移民营位于风景如画的巴伐利亚小镇,是由原美军军营改造的。

    He and his wife and daughter were recently transported to a former US army barracks in the picturesque Bavarian town of Bamberg that has been turned into a camp for Balkan immigrants awaiting deportation .

  15. 罗琳与她的丈夫和三个孩子居住在苏格兰爱丁堡。那里风景如画,她可以享受相对自由的写作环境,同时可以参与那些她关心的慈善工作。以下是十件你可能不知道的有关J.K.罗琳的事。

    Rowling lives in picturesque Edinburgh , Scotland with her husband and three children where she enjoys relative freedom to write and create as well as work with many charities on issues close to her heart.Here are ten things you might not know about J.K. Rowling :

  16. 美国加利福尼亚州的一个风景如画的海岸地区,位于旧金山南部。

    A picturesque coastal region of California south of San Francisco .

  17. 俯瞰风景如画的泽布勒赫渔港的一家小旅馆。

    A small hotel overlooking the picturesque fishing harbour of zeebrugge .

  18. 澳大利亚风景如画的葡萄园正在艰难地完成预期的产量。

    Australia 's scenic vineyards are struggling to meet production forecasts .

  19. 在回家的路上,我们经过了一个风景如画的村子。

    On our way home we passed through a picturesque village .

  20. 这座城堡四周环山,风景如画。

    The castle stands in a picturesque setting surrounded by hills .

  21. 真是风景如画,得天独厚。

    Really is as beautiful as a painting , advantageous .

  22. 他画了海湾里一个风景如画的渔村。

    He painted the picturesque fishing village in the bay .

  23. 摄影师布兰登·盖里在风景如画的乡村环境中为他们拍摄了这组订婚照。

    Photographer Brandon Gray shot the photos in an idyllic country setting .

  24. 只用提防被房车堵在风景如画的山路之中就够了。

    Just beware getting stuck behind one on a picturesque mountain road .

  25. 这片地区并非风景如画般完美,也不会吸引完美主义者。

    The region is not picture-perfect ; it doesn 't attract perfectionists .

  26. 每年这风景如画的岩石海岸都吸引了大批游客。

    The picturesque rocky shores attract a lot of people every year .

  27. 在巴巴多斯风景如画的海滩上,按照加勒比海时间,适应一下生活吧。

    Adjust to life on Caribbean time on Barbados ' picturesque shores .

  28. 在风景如画的考布勒斯湾,暖风正吹向岸边。

    Over the picturesque Cobblers cove , warm winds are blowing ashore .

  29. 阿尔卡萨尔堡很轻易地被评为西班牙最风景如画的地方。

    El Alcazar is now easily the most picturesque area in Spain .

  30. 风景如画(而且有历史意义的)的麦酒之路。

    A photogenic ( and historic ) ale trail .