
dàn yào
  • ammunition;ammo;cartridge
弹药 [dàn yào]
  • [ammunition] 枪弹、炮弹、炸弹、炸药、火箭弹、枪榴弹、手榴弹、信号弹等的统称

弹药[dàn yào]
  1. 他们长时间开火,耗尽了弹药。

    They fired in long bursts , which depleted their ammunition

  2. 他们没收了武器、弹药和宣传材料。

    They confiscated weapons , ammunition and propaganda material .

  3. 弹药必须定时更换。

    The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals .

  4. 弹药的库存正在减少。

    Stocks of ammunition were running low .

  5. 大货车载着备用的弹药。

    The wagons carried spare ammunition .

  6. 士兵们在战斗中用尽了所有的弹药。

    The soldiers expended all their ammunition in the fight .

  7. 士兵们继续射击,直到弹药耗尽。

    The soldiers fired away until they had no ammunition left .

  8. 我们停止了战斗,因为弹药快用尽了。

    We broke off the action because our ammunition was running low .

  9. 敌人已耗尽所有的弹药。

    The enemy had expended all their ammunition .

  10. 他因没有去上班而避免了在那次弹药库爆炸中丧生。

    He escaped being killed when the magazine exploded because he had not gone to work .

  11. 弹药告绝。

    Munition has run out .

  12. 弹药告罄。

    Ammunition has run out .

  13. 当战士们弹药用完时,他们继续用刺刀作战。

    When the soldiers had used up all their ammunition , they went on fighting with their swords .

  14. 不幸地2G弹药筒设计非常难正确地设定。

    Unfortunately the 2G cartridge design is very difficult to set accurately .

  15. 几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了。

    A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition .

  16. 当危险来临,他就会发射它的弹药!

    When threatened , he fires spheres of solidified air from his launcher !

  17. 士兵们有充足的武器和弹药!

    The soldiers had plenty of arms and munition !

  18. 他们把弹药用光。

    They have expended all their ammunition .

  19. 基于PLC的弹药准备作业系统设计

    The Design of Ammunition Preparation Operating System base on PLC

  20. 基于线阵CCD的弹药除锈质量检测

    Quality Detection of Rust-removing Ammunition Basing on Linear CCD

  21. 基于AHP的野战弹药防护效果评价

    Protection Effect Evaluation to the Field Ammunition Based on AHP

  22. 一种基于Poisson过程的弹药贮存寿命评估方法

    An Estimation Method of Ammunition Storage Life Based on Poisson Process

  23. 热烤试验(Cook-offtest)是评估武器弹药热安全性的一个重要的实验。

    Cook-off test is one of the important tests to assess the thermal safety of ammunition .

  24. 组合Fenton法处理弹药销毁废水

    Treatment of ammunition disposal wastewater by combined Fenton process

  25. 将MEMS技术应用于引信设计中,不仅降低弹药体积和重量,而且提高弹药系统性能或增加新功能。

    Applying the MEMS technique , it will not only induce ammunitions volume and weight , but also improve ammunitions capability .

  26. 提出了使用VAR(风险价值)方法分析弹药系统由于不确定因素引起的研制风险;

    It puts forward the method of using VAR ( Value At Risk ) to analyze development risk of ammunition system .

  27. 本文在对弹药供应控制智能决策支持系统进行研究时,讨论了Agent的概念模型、基本特性及应用范围;

    This article has researched the intelligent decision support system of ammunition supply control , at the same time it has discussed the concept model , basic character and scope of apply of Agent .

  28. 弹药元器件(PAA)正确包装的虚拟现实检测技术应用研究

    Application Research of VR Detection Technology on Parts of an Apparatus of Ammunition ( PAA ) Correct Packaging

  29. 不过这需要资金,随着imf的弹药库迅速清空,其他资助者需要协同行动。

    But it will require money , and with the IMF rapidly emptying its arsenal , other donors will have to co-ordinate with the overall effort .

  30. 本文重点介绍的是后方仓库弹药信息智能管理系统的软件部分,该系统采用Delphi语言开发,采用了模块化的程序设计方法,并采取了必要的措施来提高软件系统的可靠性。

    This system develops in Delphi , adopts the method of procedure design in modularization and necessary measure to enhance the reliability of the software system .