
pú tao yuán
  • vineyard;cru;grapery;vinery;wine farm
葡萄园[pú tao yuán]
  1. 天气炎热,各家葡萄园的葡萄都蔫了。

    The hot weather had shrivelled the grapes in every vineyard .

  2. 沙布利葡萄园在勃艮第的最北边。

    The Chablis vineyard is the northernmost in Burgundy .

  3. 这个地区因它的葡萄园而受到重视。

    The area is valued for its vineyards .

  4. 其葡萄园差不多紧挨着欧颂堡的葡萄园。

    Its vineyards are virtually contiguous with those of Ausone .

  5. 我们在群山、河流和葡萄园构成的美丽画卷中漫步。

    We meandered through a landscape of mountains , rivers , and vineyards

  6. 事故发生在玛莎葡萄园附近。

    The accident happened close to Martha 's Vineyard .

  7. 他酿酒并管理葡萄园。

    He makes the wines and supervises the vineyards

  8. 今天他在葡萄园里锄地。

    Today he was hoeing in the vineyard .

  9. 安茹葡萄园从昂热西部一直延伸到索米尔的上游。

    The vineyards of Anjou extend from west of Angers to up-river of Saumur .

  10. 这些葡萄园日渐没落。

    The vineyards were falling into ruin

  11. 在整个生长季节,他们都认真地守着葡萄园。

    They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season .

  12. 用来灌溉这个地区葡萄园的第一批水来自古老的地下蓄水层。

    The wine region 's first water came from an ancient aquifer .

  13. 我们参观法国葡萄园度过夏天

    We spent the summer touring the French vineyard .

  14. 山前有一个葡萄园。

    There is a vine yard before the hill .

  15. 通过更新老果园和葡萄园,使生产大大增加。

    The increased production was largely attained by renovating old orchards and vineyards .

  16. 一天,国王从葡萄园经过,他看见了这个非常标亮的葡萄园,很想得到它。

    One day the king passed by the vineyard , he found the yard was so beautiful that he wanted to have it .

  17. 我所属的教会——伦敦中央葡萄园(CentralLondonVineyard),和其他教会不一样。

    My church , Central London Vineyard , is not like others .

  18. 本月,美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)将第四次在马撒葡萄园岛(Martha'sVineyard)度过夏日假期。

    This month , for a fourth summer , President Barack Obama will vacation on Martha 's Vineyard .

  19. 葡萄园因为杰奎琳•肯尼迪(JackieKennedy)而意外得到了提振。1962年,她引导5600万电视观众参观了白宫(WhiteHouse)。

    Vineyards got an unexpected boost from Jacqueline Kennedy , who in 1962 led 56 million viewers on a televised tour of the White House .

  20. 其中最有特色的站点包括BryonBay、HunterValley葡萄园以及位于Dubbo的TarongaWesternPlains野生动物园。

    Highlights include Byron Bay , the Hunter Valley vineyards along with free-range Taronga Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo .

  21. 总之,葡萄园行间生草覆盖禾本科多年生黑麦草有利于土壤有机质的提高,豆科植物白三叶草和紫花苜蓿有利于N的积累。

    In short , among the treatments of 3 kinds of grass , the vineyard was benefited from covering with Alfalfa and White Clover cover in N accumulating and Perennial Ryegrass in organic matter increasing .

  22. 马撒葡萄园岛时代他所珍视的t3德比-909孤独棒辘损失介于肠道和东海滩。

    Martha 's Vineyard Times-His cherished Derby T3-909 Orvis rod and reel was lost somewhere between the gut and East Beach .

  23. 该葡萄园最初叫做thamesvalley葡萄园,然后改名valley葡萄园,它还具备特有的英伦特色:建在17世纪谷仓中、设备完善的现代化葡萄酒厂。

    Known originally as Thames Valley vineyards , then as Valley vineyards , it also has the peculiarly English attribute of a well-equipped modern winery installed in a 17th-century barn .

  24. 由于特定类型的葡萄酒和生产这些酒的葡萄园好像总是有着一些可以从口感上感知的关系,品尝者们常在品鉴中写意地使用很岩石感(rocky)的词汇。

    Because there seem to be tasteable correlations between certain sorts of wines and the vineyards that produced them , tasters have liberally applied rocky terms to wines .

  25. 对覆草3~5a的苹果园和葡萄园土壤进行采样分析。

    The soil of apple orchard and grape orchard which were covered by straw for 3 ~ 5 years were analyzed .

  26. 驶过金门大桥后,GPS就引导我们顺着101高速公路,沿着荒凉的太平洋海岸一路向北,驶过参天的红杉林,来到俄勒冈州威拉米特河谷那规划得整整齐齐的葡萄园。

    After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge , GPS guided us North on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast , then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon .

  27. 土壤有机质和N、P、K等大量元素含量偏低,各种微量元素除了有效B含量很低以外,其它元素含量均丰富。植株生长量以海拔最低的葡萄园大于其它两地。

    Soil OM and N , P , K were deficient , available microelements were plentiful except B. Grape growth and the ratio of sugar and acid content were lowering with the altitude of vineyards rising , total polyphenols and tannin contents of middle altitude vineyard was highest .

  28. 在葡萄园,布鲁克见到了嘉露的首席酿酒师卡尔·丹尼森(CalDennison),一身牛仔装束,翘八字胡。

    At the vineyard Brooke was met by Cal Dennison , Gallo 's chief winemaker , all cowboyed-up jeans and a handlebar moustache .

  29. 此前,为购买河北一座高质量小型葡萄园,他们曾与中国官方拍卖机构进行过反复磋商,但ASC无法接受最后收购价。

    After protracted negotiations with the state auction bureau to buy a small , high-quality vineyard in Hebei , the company could not agree on a price for the acquisition .

  30. Agri-Sc免深耕在葡萄园中应用试验

    An Experiment on Application of Agri-Sc in Non-Deep-Tilling Grape Plantation