
měi nǚ
  • beauty;lovely;beautiful woman;belle;beautiful lady;queen;bonnie
美女 [měi nǚ]
  • [queen;beauty;belle;beautiful lady] 容貌美丽的女子

美女[měi nǚ]
  1. 她是个大美女。

    She was a very beautiful woman

  2. 不,与JoeBlow走在一起的是一个真正的Sheila,一个美女。

    No , the woman with Joe Blow was a real Sheila - a beautiful woman .

  3. 化妆品行业常找一些性感美女来推销护肤产品。

    The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare products

  4. 迪斯尼出品的电影《美女与野兽》赢得了众多好评。

    Disney 's ' Beauty And The Beast ' has won rave reviews

  5. 凯瑟琳即使是在她正当韶华时也绝非美女。

    Kathryn was no beauty at the best of times .

  6. 这位长腿美女不是别人,正是咱们的娜奥米·坎贝尔。

    The leggy beauty was none other than our own Naomi Campbell .

  7. 在好莱坞,长腿金发美女遍地都是。

    Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood .

  8. 她是出了名的大美女。

    She is known as a great beauty .

  9. 如今的姑娘根本不能和50年代的美女相提并论。

    Girls today can 't hold a candle to the beauties of the Fifties .

  10. 梅利莎是个丰满的高个子金发美女。

    Melissa was a tall , buxom blonde .

  11. 他躲进白日梦中幻想美女。

    He escaped into daydreams of beautiful women

  12. 她很有钱。现在你又说她还是个美女。

    She is rich . Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain .

  13. 与F-15相比我们资金上的限制更大了,美女类小游戏,这迫使我们更为精心和有效地工作。

    We are more fiscally constrained , which forces us to work smarter and more efficiently .

  14. 斯德哥尔摩综合症的故事:美女与野兽在一起。

    The Stockholm Syndrome6 Story : Beauty and the Bestiality .

  15. 沙滩上出现了一群游泳的美女

    A bevy of bathing beauties appeared on the beach .

  16. 还要很多美女,然后把我送回美国

    Even lot of belles , remand me next the United States !

  17. 西湖边回头率百分之300的美女装束

    The West Lake edge back rate 300 % ^ s beautiful women attires !

  18. 她是那个舞会中的美女。

    She was the belle of the ball .

  19. 关于骑士和美女的故事

    stories of knights and fair maidens

  20. 你且想一想,自己又认识多少美女呢?

    If you stop & think about it , just how many beauties do you actually know ?

  21. 西施是春秋时期越国有名的美女。

    Xi Shi was a famous beauty of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period .

  22. 但是,它是导致全美女性死亡的第五大癌症。

    But yet , it 's the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States .

  23. 她可能也符合美女标准,但是和中国其他的虚拟网红不同,阿喜不穿名牌服装出镜,不走T台,也不宣传新歌。

    She may still be conventionally pretty , but unlike China 's other virtual influencers , Angie doesn 't pose in designer clothes , walk the runway or promote new songs .

  24. 一天,他令儿子赫菲斯托斯用泥塑一美女像,并请众神赠予她不同的礼物。

    One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden1 out of clay . He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts .

  25. 魏国一个年龄很大却没有找到的老婆的光棍壮起胆子,娶了黄公的大女儿,一看是绝色美女,兴奋地对别人说:“我岳父不过是喜欢谦虚,她的小女儿肯定也很漂亮!”。

    An aged2 bachelor in the state of Wei , who had not gotten married mustered3 up his courage , and married Huang Gong 's elder daughter . Seeing she was a peerless beauty , he told others , " My father-in-law was just modest . His younger daughter must be beautiful , too ! "

  26. 海南皇冠假日滨海温泉酒店TEATREESPA:美女之泉

    Tea Tree SPA of Crowne Plaza Hainan Spa & Beach Resort : Spring of Beauty

  27. 这位31岁的美女在推特(Twitter)上写道:斯诺登,你愿意娶我吗?

    Snowden , will you marry me ?! the 31-year-old femme fatale wrote on Twitter .

  28. 在Polo晚宴红地毯上这位金发美女接受采访时说。

    The blonde beauty told reporters on the red carpet at the Polo event .

  29. 模特儿经纪公司竞相争夺混血美女,欧亚混血儿俨然成为音乐频道MTV及ChannelV的宠儿。

    Modeling agencies are scrambling for women with mixed blood , while Eurasians are becoming the darlings of music stations MTV and Channel V.

  30. 牛津世界经典(OxfordWorld'sClassics),没有了一头金色的长卷发,这位火红秀发美女的灵感是来自主人公凯茜,还是凯特·布什(英国传奇歌星)?

    No golden ringlets from Oxford World Classics , but is this flame-haired beauty inspired by Cathy or Kate Bush ?