
  • 网络chief of naval operations;cNO
  1. 美国海军作战部长希望能为女兵提供机会。

    The chief of naval operations wants to open opportunities for women in the Navy

  2. 美国海军作战部长约翰•理查森上将(AdmiralJohnRichardson)在上周访问北京时称,美国军舰也将继续在争议岛屿附近进行定期的“航行自由”行动。

    Admiral John Richardson , the head of the US navy , said on a visit to Beijing last week that his ships would also continue their periodic " freedom of navigation " exercises near contested islands .

  3. 尽管由于华盛顿近期决定向台湾增售武器,两军关系有所恶化,但美国海军作战部长、海军上将加里罗海德(GaryRoughead)仍应邀参加庆典。

    Soured military relations over Washington 's recent decision to sell more arms to Taiwan notwithstanding , Admiral Gary Roughead , chief of US naval operations , was asked to participate .