
  • 网络us patent law;patent act;american patent law
  1. 非显而易见性与实用性和新颖性共同构成美国专利法规定的专利授权三个基本要件。

    Non-obviousness , as well as novelty and utility , are the three basic requirements for patentability in the US patent law .

  2. 美国专利法为竞争者使一项专利无效或不具有实施性提供了以下三种独特的机制,而这三种机制并不为中国企业所熟知。

    Patent law also provides the following three unique mechanisms , not commonly known by Chinese companies , for competitors to invalidate or make a patent unenforceable.I.Inequitable Conduct .

  3. 概述《巴黎公约》、TRIPs和中国、日本、美国专利法对为公共利益目的之专利强制许可的态度,比较各国在该领域法规规定和实践上的异同。

    This part summarizes the attitudes of Paris Convention , TRIPs and the patent laws of China , Japan and USA to the compulsory patent license for public interests , and also compares the similarities and differences of each country in this field in the aspects of legislation and practice .

  4. 美国专利法以及法官围绕专利诉讼制定的判例法在专利权的产生、转移、消灭、使用以及权利的限制和救济方面形成了一个严密、负责、庞大的法律系统。

    U.S. patent law and case law has developed into a strict , rigorous and effective legal system in the fields of law-making , law-applying , restrictions and remedies on the rights .

  5. 可专利主题一词来源于美国专利法,它是指依专利法规定准予专利权的发明创造。

    The word of " Patentable subject matter " is come from patent law of the United States , which refers to the inventions that the patent law grant patent right to .

  6. 专利间接侵权制度是美国专利法上一套独特的权利保护制度,源起于1871年的司法判例,立法价值取向在于为专利权的保护寻求最大化,将专利权的保护范围扩及非专利产品。

    The system of indirect infringement is unique in U.SA 's patent law , deriving from the judicial legal precedent in 1871 , with a legislative value in seeking to make the protection of the patent right maximized .

  7. 同时,英国首次制定的现代专利制度体系通过对美国专利法和欧洲专利公约的影响,成为全球化专利制度体系规则构建的重要蓝本之一。

    Meanwhile , the modern patent system first established in UK , which earned its influence on the American law of patent and the European patent convention , become an important blueprint for constructing the global rule of patent system .

  8. 1952年,美国修订专利法,增加了非显而易见性条款,既提出了非显而易见性的要求,又否定了创造性天才的火花这一类过高标准的要求。

    In 1952 , the Patent Act was amended in the US , it added the clause of non-obviousness , by doing so it raised the requirement for non-obviousness , and at the same time it denied the overwhelmingly high criteria of " ingenious sparkle " .