
  • 网络United States Secretary of Commerce
  1. 如果得到批准,Locke将成为首位华裔美国商务部长。

    Locke , if confirmed , would become the first Chinese-American commerce secretary .

  2. 2010年,华为对Sprint一笔大额合同的竞标输给了竞争对手,原因是美国商务部长致电Sprint的管理层,表达了自己对华为的担忧。

    In 2010 , the company lost out to rivals in bidding for a major contract from Sprint after the commerce secretary called the US carrier 's management expressing concerns about the deal .

  3. 美国商务部长普利茨克(PennyPritzker)在接受采访时称,对美国内阁官员来说,本次美中商贸联委会会议最重要的问题之一就是更好地了解中方会谈代表、国务院副总理汪洋,这样在出现贸易和投资问题时双方可以及时化解。

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said in an interview that one of the most important aspects of the session was for U.S. cabinet officials to get to better know Vice Premier Wang Yang , who headed the talks for the Chinese , so they can defuse trade and investment problems when they arise .

  4. 本文作者是奥巴马总统的白宫办公厅主任,以前曾担任美国商务部长

    The writer is chief of staff to President Barack Obama and a former commerce secretary

  5. 美国商务部长布朗访问上海

    US Commerce Secretary Brown Visits Shanghai

  6. 美国商务部长古铁雷斯敦促中国企业加强对美国的直接投资。

    US Commerce Secretary Encourages Chinese Investment

  7. 美国商务部长在渝表示:中国是盗版的最大受害国

    Secretary of the US Department of Commerce Says in Chongqing : China is the Biggest Aggrieved Country of Copyright Robbery

  8. 美国商务部长骆家辉曾指出,美国对亚洲出口每增加1个百分点,就为美国创造10万个新的就业机会。

    According to US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke , for every one percent increase in US export to Asia , 100,000 new jobs are created .

  9. 本届会谈在钓鱼台国宾馆举行,由中国国务院副总理汪洋和美国商务部长潘妮·普利茨克、贸易代表迈克尔·弗罗曼共同主持。

    The talks are co-chaird by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Trade Representative Michael Froman at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse .

  10. 美国商务部长古铁雷斯说,工业化和发展中经济体的领导人的这次峰会没有立即采取可以增强金融体系的具体行动。

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez says the summit of leaders of industrialized and developing economies did not produce any immediate , concrete action to shore up the financial system .

  11. 美国商务部长普利茨克星期二对记者说,这项协议对“跨大西洋的商业往来至关重要”,同时也展现了美国与欧盟的紧密关系。

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker told reporters Tuesday that the deal is " central to transatlantic commerce " and also signals the closeness of the U.S. - E.U. relationship .

  12. 据美方人员说,今天签订的三个项目,得到前来上海的美国商务部长布朗的关心与支持。

    According to the US staff , the 3 projects signed today have received care and support from Brown , minister of the US Commercial Affairs Department , who is at present visiting Shanghai .

  13. 奥巴马政府表示,尚未落实接替骆家辉出任商务部长的人选。骆家辉自2009年起一直担任美国商务部长,他将卸任此职,到北京出任驻华大使。

    The administration says it has yet to find a replacement for Mr Locke in the commerce secretary post , which he has held since 2009 and will leave to take up the Beijing position .

  14. 而且,据报道时任美国商务部部长的骆家辉致电斯普林特公司CEO丹•汉斯,表达了自己对国家安全的“深切担忧”。

    And Commerce Secretary Locke reportedly called CEO Dan Hesse to convey his " very deep concerns " about national security .

  15. 美国前商务部长、现任金融服务论坛(financialservicesforum)主席埃文斯(donaldevans)指出,弱势日元显然帮助了日本出口商,但“没有证据”表明日本操纵了汇率。

    Don Evans , former US Commerce Secretary and head of the financial services forum , said the weak yen was clearly helping Japanese exporters , but there was " no evidence " of currency manipulation .

  16. 全球律师事务所FriedFrank合伙人,前美国商务副部长马里奥曼库索(MarioMancuso)表示:华为的处境显然已经严重恶化。

    Things have clearly gotten much worse for Huawei , says Mario Mancuso of Fried Frank , a global law firm , and former undersecretary of commerce .

  17. 当美国新任商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)本周抵达北京、代表美国贸易利益开展游说之际,他还担负着另一项代表第三国利益的使命。

    When Gary Locke , the new US Commerce Secretary , touched down in Beijing this week to lobby on behalf of American trade interests , he also carried with him a brief representing the interests of a third country .

  18. 罗得岛州州长吉娜·雷蒙多已被参议院确认为美国新任商务部长。

    Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo has been confirmed by the Senate as the new U.S. commerce secretary .

  19. 我父亲从未想到他的一个孩子竟会当上美国的商务部长。

    My father never imagined that one of his children could ever serve as the Secretary of Commerce in the United States of America .

  20. 他当过(美国的)商务部长。

    He was the Secretary of commerce .

  21. 同时,我也要特别感谢美国商务部格拉斯曼副部长莅临晚宴。

    In the meantime , I 'd like to thank Under Secretary of Commerce Glassman for attending this banquet .

  22. 2月底,美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马任命骆家辉为美国商务部长。

    IN late February , US President Barrack Obama nominated Gary Locke as the US secretary of commerce .

  23. 组织方认为,美国最早可能在本周与上海世博会签订正式参展协议,破土动工或安排在华裔美国商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)下周访华期间。

    Organisers believe a formal participation agreement could be signed with Shanghai Expo as early as this week , with ground-breaking perhaps next week during a visit by Gary Locke , the ethnic Chinese US Commerce Secretary .