
  • 网络Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS AND TRADE;Foreign Trade
  1. 利用FDI也是潍坊市对外经济贸易工作的一个重点。

    Also attraction of FDI is one of the key point of foreign trade and economic cooperation work for weifang .

  2. 在创办中国黄页(ChinaYellowPages)失败之后,马云进入中国对外经济贸易部工作。有一天,他被指派陪同一位美国游客游览长城。

    After a failed attempt to start an online Chinese version of the Yellow Pages , Mr Ma went to work for the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation , where one day he was assigned to take an American visitor on a tour of the Great Wall .

  3. Foreigneconomicandtradedevelopmentwill发展对外经济贸易有利于促进国民经济快速增长。

    the promotion of speedy national economic growth .

  4. 加入WTO意味着中国对外经济贸易活动将遵循世界贸易组织的游戏规则。

    To join WTO means chinese foreign trade should follow the regulations of WTO .

  5. 中国加入WTO和湖北省对外经济贸易面临的机遇、挑战及其对策建议

    Opportunities Challenges and Suggestions of Hubei Province 's Foreign Trade for China 's Entering WTO

  6. 迈克•巴斯廷(MikeBastin),北京对外经济贸易大学(UniversityofInternationalBusinessandEconomics)教授

    Prof Bastin , Beijing University of International Business and Economics

  7. 在狼群中,快乐地学会狼叫(上)&与对外经济贸易大学WTO研究中心执行主任张汉林的对话

    A Dialogue with Zhang Hanlin , Executive Director-of the WTO Research Center of Foreign Economic and Trade University

  8. 然而,北京对外经济贸易大学(universityofinternationalbusinessandeconomics)的卢进勇表示,达能应该有能力稳住该项业务。

    However , Lu Jinyong at the foreign economic and Trade University in Beijing , says Danone should be able to stabilise the business .

  9. 第四部分针对加入WTO后我国对外经济贸易环境的变化,探究其对出口信用保险的影响与要求。

    The third chapter : the alteration of Chinese trade environment and the affection to Chinese export credit insurance .

  10. 随着我国对外经济贸易的发展,特别是2001年我国加入世界贸易组织WTO之后,中国的外贸进出口总额有了极大的发展。

    With the development of the foreign trade in China , especially after the year 2001 when China entered the World Trade Organization , the Chinese Import & Export amounts have increased greatly .

  11. 如何看待ISO14000在对外经济贸易发展中的地位?

    How to view status of ISO14000 in foreign economic and trade development ?

  12. 无论中国何时加入世界贸易组织(WTO),作为对外经济贸易合作的一项重要内容,金融服务业的市场开放已势所必然,这使我国银行业面临严峻的考验。

    Whenever China accedes to WTO , as an important item in foreign economy and traed co operation , it is inevitable to open financial service trades market . This will make banking in our country face a severe test .

  13. 根据电子数据交换系统(EDI)的引入,阐述了电子商务在对外经济贸易应用上的重要性,并介绍了几种实施方法。

    This thesis briefly introduces some aspects of the Electronic Data Interchange system ( EDI ) drawn into the electronic commerce used in the foreign economics and trade .

  14. 在这层表象的背后,是经济活动中所使用的规则必须与WTO的基本原则衔接一致,我国对外经济贸易活动必须依据与WTO规则相适应的法律法规运作。

    Behind this superficial phenomenon , are that rules that govern all economic activities must be in harmony with the principle rules of WTO . Our foreign trade activities must be implemented according to laws and regulations which are concurrent to the legislation principles of WTO .

  15. 民族地区发展对外经济贸易研究

    Research on the Development of Foreign Economic Trade in National Regions

  16. 经贸英语函电在对外经济贸易业务中的作用十分重要。

    Business English correspondence plays an important role in international trade .

  17. 打开对外经济贸易的新局面

    Bring About a New Situation in Foreign Economic Relations and Trade

  18. 对外经济贸易行业办公自动化系统概要设计

    Industry System Design of Office Automation in Foreign Trade Businesses

  19. 试论柳州市对外经济贸易的发展方式

    On the Development Mode of Foreign Economy and Trade of Liuzhou City

  20. 广州对外经济贸易发展战略思考

    Suggestion of Strategy of Foreign Economy and Trade of Guangzhou

  21. 山东对外经济贸易会计师事务所

    Shandong foreign economic relations & trade Certified Public Accountants

  22. 2003-2004年对外经济贸易信息化发展概况

    Overview on Development of Foreign Trade Informatization in 2003-2004

  23. 跨出国门发展对外经济贸易

    Go abroad to develop foreign economy and trade

  24. 欧盟东扩与俄罗斯的对外经济贸易取向

    The Eastern Enlargement of EU and the Russia 's Preference in Foreign Economic Trade

  25. 对外经济贸易系统的研究

    Research into the Foreign Economy and Trade System

  26. 对外经济贸易委员会。

    The Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission .

  27. 对外经济贸易快速增长。

    Foreign trade and economic cooperation increased rapidly .

  28. 国民经济、对外经济贸易

    National economy , foreign economic relations and trade

  29. 让世界在中江同我们见面&访中江县对外经济贸易总公司总经理兰贵太先生

    Zhongjiang County Foreign Economy and Trade Corporation

  30. 对外经济贸易合作部

    Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation