- 网络external debt

In the fourth we were considering the scenarios of sustainability of external debt .
Probe into the Separate Undertaking of the Conjugal External Debts
It is imperative to arrange the structure of foreign loans rationally .
The Russian government has paid back foreign debts .
By default I mean a renunciation of most of its foreign , but not necessarily domestic , debt .
Trust property , in the common sense , should undertake independent and limited liability for all its business activities .
The undertaking separately of the individual debt of the married couple applies for the period of existing marriage as well as that of divorce .
According to this international definition , apart from borrowing from abroad , ED of Hong Kong would arise through normal trading and banking businesses .
Being also a stock-oriented concept , ED of an economy is the sum of the non-equity liability components of the IIP statement of the economy .
And unlike the East Asian countries which suffered so badly during their economic crisis in the late1990s , China has a current-account surplus and little foreign debt .
In recent years , the problems that the listed companies have in debt guaranteeing become more and more serious . The essay summarizes the six typical problems in debt guaranteeing .
The sum of the total amount of the guarantee of foreign exchange provided by a non - financial institution and its total amount of foreign liabilities may not exceed the ceiling prescribed by the People 's Bank of China .
Based on portfolio model , this paper explored the causes of the huge net external debt position and there existed long-run depreciation trend for the US dollar .
Partnership debts and liabilities of the problem is a core issue of partnership , while the partnership property is a partnership of foreign debt , an important guarantee is the material basis of partnership profits , so the property for the partnership nature of legal research is particularly important .
If husband and wife agree , as is known to the third party , to separately possess their property acquired during their marriage life , the debt owed by the husband or the wife to any other person , shall be paid off out of the property separately possessed by him or her .