
  • 网络external debt
  1. 第四章对外债务可持续性的方案。

    In the fourth we were considering the scenarios of sustainability of external debt .

  2. 夫妻个人对外债务承担探讨

    Probe into the Separate Undertaking of the Conjugal External Debts

  3. 合理安排对外债务结构。

    It is imperative to arrange the structure of foreign loans rationally .

  4. 俄罗斯政府已偿还了对外债务。

    The Russian government has paid back foreign debts .

  5. 我所说的违约是指放弃偿还大部分对外债务,而不一定是对内债务。

    By default I mean a renunciation of most of its foreign , but not necessarily domestic , debt .

  6. 信托财产对信托业务中产生的对外债务原则上承担独立的有限责任。

    Trust property , in the common sense , should undertake independent and limited liability for all its business activities .

  7. 夫妻个人对外债务的承担,适用于婚姻关系存续期间和解体时。

    The undertaking separately of the individual debt of the married couple applies for the period of existing marriage as well as that of divorce .

  8. 根据这国际定义,除了向非居民借贷外,香港的对外债务也可透过一般的贸易及银行业务而产生。

    According to this international definition , apart from borrowing from abroad , ED of Hong Kong would arise through normal trading and banking businesses .

  9. 同样是以存量为主的概念,一个经济体系的对外债务是该经济体系的国际投资头寸报表中非股本负债项目的总和。

    Being also a stock-oriented concept , ED of an economy is the sum of the non-equity liability components of the IIP statement of the economy .

  10. 并且,中国与一些在90年代末惨遭的经济危机打击的东亚国家不一样,中国有活期冗余(拥有外债)而几乎没有对外债务。

    And unlike the East Asian countries which suffered so badly during their economic crisis in the late1990s , China has a current-account surplus and little foreign debt .

  11. 近年来上市公司对外债务担保中存在的问题比较严重,本文总结了目前上市公司对外债务担保中普遍存在的六个方面突出问题;

    In recent years , the problems that the listed companies have in debt guaranteeing become more and more serious . The essay summarizes the six typical problems in debt guaranteeing .

  12. 非银行金融机构提供的外汇担保总额与对外债务总额之和,最高不得超过人民银行规定的限额。

    The sum of the total amount of the guarantee of foreign exchange provided by a non - financial institution and its total amount of foreign liabilities may not exceed the ceiling prescribed by the People 's Bank of China .

  13. 运用资产跨国组合模型说明,巨额对外净债务使美元呈现长期贬值态势。

    Based on portfolio model , this paper explored the causes of the huge net external debt position and there existed long-run depreciation trend for the US dollar .

  14. 合伙债务承担问题是合伙企业的一个核心问题,而合伙企业财产是合伙企业对外承担债务的重要保障,是合伙企业营利的物质基础,因此对于合伙企业财产性质的法律研究就显得尤为重要。

    Partnership debts and liabilities of the problem is a core issue of partnership , while the partnership property is a partnership of foreign debt , an important guarantee is the material basis of partnership profits , so the property for the partnership nature of legal research is particularly important .

  15. 夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产约定归各自所有的,夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方所有的财产清偿。

    If husband and wife agree , as is known to the third party , to separately possess their property acquired during their marriage life , the debt owed by the husband or the wife to any other person , shall be paid off out of the property separately possessed by him or her .