
  • 网络required rate of return
  1. “项目的末尾”的确是这个解决方案预期生命的最后阶段,r代表贴现率,或者这个项目的要求回报率。

    Where the " end of the project " is really the lifespan of the solution and r is the discount rate , or required rate of return , of the project .

  2. 值得注意的是此要求回报率是建立在与项目风险等同的基础上的。

    Typically the required rate of return is based on projects of equivalent risk .

  3. 我们应该慎重选择这个要求回报率以此确保充分考虑这个项目的风险。

    Some attention should be given to choosing the required rate of return to make sure that it adequately accounts for the risk of the project .

  4. 面对有限的供给量,投资者要求的回报率越来越高。

    Faced with limited supply , investors have demanded increasingly higher returns .

  5. 而项目所需的外部资本以及资本市场要求的回报率构成了企业家融资决策的决定性元素。

    Besides , outside funds that a project needs and rate of return that capital market requires are important determinants of entrepreneur 's financial decision-making .

  6. 要确保后者的实现,中国必须培养要求提高资本回报率的金融机构和投资者。

    To ensure the latter , China must cultivate financial institutions and investors that demand higher returns on capital .

  7. 最低预期回报率投资者进行投资要求的最低回报率。

    Hurdle rate the minimum amount of return that a person requires before they will make an investment in something .

  8. 这些机构大多为西方集团,它们要求较高的回报率,还要在管理问题上有一定的发言权。

    These largely western groups demand higher returns as well as the right to have some say in management issues .

  9. 融资要求、预期回报率和现金流预测:这些都必须具有吸引力和足够的野心,否则就是浪费时间。

    The funding requirement , the estimated returns , the cash flow projections : these must be attractive and sufficiently ambitious to be worthwhile .

  10. 但也可能出现这种情况:随着银行变得更安全,市场要求的股本回报率降低,从而缓解了融资成本压力。

    But it is also possible that , as banks become safer , markets will require a lower return on equity , tempering the pressure on funding costs .

  11. 已有的研究结论认为会计信息披露对资本成本有非常显著的影响,按照逻辑分析,如果股价中包含的公司层面信息越多,投资风险的减少会使得投资者要求的投资回报率降低。

    According to this logic that accounting information disclosure can significantly affect the cost of capital , we can get a conclusion that when much more fundamentals information contained in stock price , which can reduce investment risk , those investors may lower their required return on investment .

  12. 两位美国法学教授威廉??布拉顿(WilliamBratton)和迈克尔??沃特尔(MichaelWachter)辩称,股东要求提高短期股本回报率的压力,是银行在2008年金融危机爆发以前过度扩张资产负债表、最后崩溃的一个原因。

    William Bratton and Michael Wachter , two US law professors , have argued that the shareholder pressure to raise short-term return on equity was one reason why banks over-leveraged their balance sheets in the run-up to the 2008 crisis - and then collapsed .

  13. 投资者对持有股票等风险更高的资产也可能要求更高的回报率,这就通常意味着更低的价格。

    Investors are also likely to demand higher returns for owning for riskier assets such as stocks , which usually means lower prices .

  14. 然而,随着全球需求平衡的重新调整,在某个时刻,他们将要求更高的回报率,以抵消汇率和资产集中的风险,这一结果看来将不可避免。

    But as global demand rebalances , it seems inevitable that at some stage they will demand higher rates of return to offset exchange rate and concentration risk .

  15. 另一方面,基于纯股权投资的风险资本因不需要资产抵押,故而要求较高的资金回报率,以平衡投资风险。

    On the other hand , is based on pure equity investment risk capital asset backed by need not money , so demand higher returns to balance the investment risk .

  16. 但此项研究的假设前提是,投资者不会因为美国经常账户赤字到2012年之后显然不可持续的发展轨道而改变其行为,也不会要求更高的回报率以弥补美元贬值的风险。

    But the study assumes that foreign investors do not alter their behaviour in the light of the apparently unsustainable trajectory of the current account deficit beyond 2012 and demand greater rates of return to compensate for the risk that the dollar will depreciate .