
  • 网络double dip;Double-dip recession;double-dip
  1. 如果果真如此,那么它阻止了一次双底衰退,同时加剧了业已高企的通胀水平&这是一种合理的取舍。

    If so , it prevented a double dip recession , while worsening already high inflation – a reasonable trade-off .

  2. 随着对双底衰退的担忧日渐上升,进行更多经济刺激的压力也在不断增大。

    As concern about a double dip grows , there is rising pressure for more stimulus .

  3. 奥巴马(Obama)政府一方坚称,不实施刺激将为双底衰退打开大门。

    The Obama administration insists that a failure to stimulate will open the door to a double-dip recession .

  4. 英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的初步估算显示,上一季度英国国民收入下降了0.7%,双底衰退进一步加深,已经焦头烂额的财政大臣肩上的担子更重了。

    Initial estimates by the office of national statistics show that national income declined in the latest quarter by 0.7 per cent , deepening the double-dip recession and heaping more pressure on the already embattled chancellor .

  5. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)警告,如果不采取紧急措施控制日益上升的公共债务,美国经济可能陷入“双底衰退”。

    Barack Obama warned that the US economy could head into a " double-dip recession " unless urgent steps were taken to rein in mounting public debt .

  6. 高盛(goldmansachs)经济学家本周表示,“双底衰退”的几率介于25%至30%之间。

    Economists at Goldman Sachs said this week that the chance of a " double-dip " recession was between 25 and 30 per cent .

  7. 仅以针对过去6个月英文媒体的调查(尽管并不科学)为例:尽管人们仍继续提及v型复苏,但有关双底衰退的言论已经增多。

    Just take a however unscientific survey of English - language media over the past six months : while mentions of a V-shaped recovery have remained constant , references to a double dip have soared .

  8. 周二,美联储(Fed)向放松货币政策迈出了第一步。在人们日益担忧美国可能面临双底衰退之际,美联储下调了对经济前景的看法。

    The US Federal Reserve on Tuesday took a first step towards easing monetary policy , as it downgraded its view of the economic outlook amid rising fears that the US could face a double-dip recession .

  9. 截至昨日纽约午盘时段,富时环球指数(ftseallworld)年内已累计下挫9.6%,原因是人们担心:下半年的经济减速可能在某些国家引发双底衰退,而通缩的可能性也越来越大。

    Yesterday at midday in New York , the FTSE all world index was down 9.6 per cent for the year amid worries about a second-half slowdown that could spark a double-dip recession in some countries and the growing prospect of deflation .

  10. 瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)驻纽约大宗商品研究主管爱德华莫尔斯(edwardmorse)表示,虽然全球经济前景的不确定性加大,但他认为,目前市场过分强调全球经济出现双底衰退的“尾部风险”。

    Edward Morse , head of commodities research at Credit Suisse in New York , says that , while the global economic outlook has become more uncertain , he believes that the markets are putting too much emphasis on the " tail risk " of a global double-dip recession .

  11. 面对疲弱的经济数据以及人们对双底衰退与日俱增的担忧,联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)可能要确保其政策不会遏制增长,并利用其政策声明表达对美国经济更大的担忧。

    Faced with weak economic data and rising fears of a double-dip recession , the Federal Open Market Committee is is likely to ensure its policy is not containing growth and to use its statement to signal greater concern about the economy .

  12. 世界经济笼罩在双底衰退的威胁之下。

    A threat of double-dip recession is stalking the world economy .

  13. 没准市场正因畏惧“双底衰退”而开始采取相应行动呢。

    Perhaps markets are beginning to price in a double-dip recession .

  14. 双底衰退和通缩也引发了新的紧张情绪。

    New jitters are afoot about a double-dip recession and deflation too .

  15. 目前仍存在双底衰退威胁。

    There is still a threat of a double-dip recession .

  16. 欧元区很可能不会出现“双底衰退”。

    The eurozone will probably not have a double-dip recession .

  17. 一系列悲观指标加剧了人们对双底衰退的担忧。

    A string of downbeat indicators has heightened fears of a second recession .

  18. 那么可能引发全球双底衰退的因素是什么呢?

    So what could cause a global double dip ?

  19. 官方数据显示,英国陷入了双底衰退。

    The UK is in a double-dip recession .

  20. 那么美国即将陷入双底衰退的最新警告准确吗?

    So what about the latest warnings that a US double dip is imminent ?

  21. 他表示,对于欧洲和日本而言,避免出现双底衰退将相当困难。

    For Europe and Japan , avoiding double-dip recession will be difficult , he said .

  22. 2010年年中以来英国经济一直没有增长,目前正处于双底衰退中。

    The economy has not grown since mid-2010 and is now in a double-dip recession .

  23. 但即使是我也并不认为财政整顿会引发双底衰退。

    But even I do not expect that the fiscal consolidation will produce a double-dip recession .

  24. 双底衰退“根本不是我们在观察到的情形”。

    A double dip into recession " is not at all what we are observing " .

  25. 斯皮尔对美国可能陷入“双底衰退”的说法不以为然。

    Mr Speer is dismissive of the possibility of a " double dip " in the US .

  26. 如果美国陷入双底衰退,这种情况有可能会逆转。

    That situation may still be reversed if the US were to go into a double-dip recession .

  27. 一些人提出,在目前切实存在双底衰退可能性的情况下,为何要改变航线?

    Why change course now , some argue , when a double dip is a realistic possibility ?

  28. 双底衰退正在侵蚀选民的信心,使他们不再相信勒紧腰带是恢复繁荣的最佳方式。

    Double-dip recession is eroding voters " confidence that belt-tightening is the best way to recover prosperity .

  29. 但市场通常会先于基本面而动,而且还有另外两个理由让人担心经济会出现双底衰退。

    But markets tend to lead fundamentals and there are two other reasons to fear a double dip .

  30. 即使我们能够避开双底衰退,全球经济增长最为现实的图景也是痛苦的。

    The most realistic scenario for global growth is painful , even if we avoid a double dip .