
  • 网络BPD;double top
  1. 描述了从股票价格时间序列中检测出一些对技术分析有用的特定的几何图形(如双顶,双底,头肩顶)的算法及其实现。

    This paper presents a method and its implementation which detects a certain set of geometrical patterns ( such as double top , double bottom , head-shoulder-top ) that are important to stock technical analyzing from stock price time series .

  2. 巨大儿;宫高;双顶径;股骨长ROC曲线;

    Macrosomia Fundal height Biparietal diameter Femur length ROC curve ;

  3. 这些发动机被称为双顶置凸轮轴(OHC)动机。

    These engines are known as dual overhead camshaft ( DOHC ) engines .

  4. 高龄初产妇在胎儿双顶径方面显著低于对照组,而新生儿体重、Apgar评分、围生儿病死率、羊水平段(MVP)等方面差异均无显著意义。

    BDP of fetus in elderly primipara were lower evidently , Apgar score , perinatal death rate and so on was not different to compare with the control group .

  5. 结果(1)灯盏花素组与复方丹参组胎儿双顶径、股骨长、头围、腹围增大均优于常规治疗组和对照组(P0.01)。

    Results ( 1 ) Compared with the conventional group , the growth of fetal biparietal diameter , femur length , head circumference and abdomen circumference was better in the study group and the control group ( P0 . 01 ) .

  6. 胎儿双顶径大于等于9.5cm,股骨长径≥7.5cm时,巨大儿的发生率明显增加;

    Or when biparietal diameter ( BPD )≥ 9.5 cm , and the length of femur ≥ 7.5 cm ;

  7. 另外通过对不同间距的双顶帐篷隔热性和抗风性模拟得到,双顶间距取0.2m为较好选择。

    Besides , we simulated the heat preservation and wind resistance of double-roof tents with different spacing , and reached the conclusion that spacing between double roof taking 0.2m was a better choice .

  8. 通过469Q汽油机双顶置凸轮轴正时传动机构的设计研究,开发了一种有效的发动机正时同步带传动机构的设计计算方法,对发动机正时传动机构的设计具有重要参考价值;

    The effection on timing driving system by construction of the admission gear has been studied in this paper . A new effective design calculation way of the engine timing belt drive struction has been developed through designing and studying double overhead camshaft timing driving struction of 469Q engine .

  9. 综合考虑得到双顶帐篷要优于单帐篷。

    After comprehensive consideration double-roof tents were superior to single tents .

  10. 双顶置凸轮轴正时齿形带传动系统的设计研究

    The Design and Study of Synchronous Belt Drives For Double Overhead Camshaft

  11. 胎儿股骨长度与双顶径比值的临床意义

    Clinical Evaluation of the Relationship between Fetal Femur Length and Biparietal Diameter

  12. 应用数理统计对胎儿双顶径分布规律的研究

    A Mathematical Statistical Study of Fetal Biparietal Distribution Lay

  13. 结果胎儿颈后组织厚度、双顶颈、股骨长颈、腹围与胎儿体重具有良好相关性。

    Results There is a good correlation between the indexes and the fetus weight .

  14. 可以广泛应用于四气门双顶置凸轮轴结构的发动机。

    The fastening structure can be widely applied in engines which adopt four-valve double-overhead camshaft structures .

  15. 胎盘分级胎头双顶径和羊水超声显象预测胎儿成熟度价值的研究

    Study on Prediction of Fetal Maturity by Ultrasonography of Placental Grading Biparietal Diameter and Amniotic Fluid

  16. 架空双顶屋面的保温隔热效果和防雨性能比现浇钢筋混凝土防水卷材屋面好。

    The overhead double-top roof has better thermal insulation effect and rainproof performance than the cast-in-suit concrete waterproof prepared roofing .

  17. 结果骨盆入口前后径、胎儿双顶径、单侧锁骨长等参数的超声测值与实际测值有良好的临床符合性;

    Results The parameters such as obstetric conjugata , BPD and clavicula had no significant difference between ultrasonic measurement and actual measurement .

  18. 超声测量胎头双顶径与新生儿头径关系及与双顶径的临床验证

    The Relations and Clinical Verification between Biparietal Diameter ( BPD ) of Fetal Head and other Ultrasonic Measurements for Head Distances of Newborn

  19. 检查方法为:在测量胎儿双顶径后将探头声束朝向胎儿颜面部。

    The examination is performed by firstly finding out the biparietal diameter of the fetus and then moving the probe to the fetus face .

  20. 通常,如果胎头处于零点位置,双顶径与骨盆口契合,那么胎头可以充分进入。

    Normally , if the head is at0 Station , the biparietal diameter is at the pelvic inlet and the head is fully engaged .

  21. 介绍一种用于双顶置凸轮轴式发动机的采用两级谐波传动的新型进气凸轮轴调相机构。

    A new camshaft-phasing mechanism with twin harmonic drives is described and illustrated , which can be adopted to DOHC ( double overhead camshaft ) engines .

  22. 研究了摩托车发动机采用单轴平衡、双顶置凸轮轴、4气门、屋顶型燃烧室结构以及风、油双重冷却系统等先进技术的综合性能。

    In this paper , one axis balancer mechanism , four valve , roof type combustion chamber and air oil double cooling system are investigated on a motorcycle engine .

  23. 结果:非糖尿病性巨大儿的平均胎龄、体重、身高、双顶径及男性比例均显著高于对照组;

    Results : The mean body weight , height , biparietal diameter and the ratio of male to female were significantly higher in the macrosomia group than in the control group .

  24. 测定用药前、后孕妇的宫高、腹围、体重及胎儿的双顶径、头围、腹围、股骨长及新生儿出生体重。

    Uterine height , maternal abdominal circumference ( AC ) and body weight ( BW ), fetal femur length ( FL ) and neonatal birth weight were measured before and after therapy .

  25. 结论1.采用宫高、腹围、双顶径、股骨长建立的多元回归方程对胎儿体重预测符合率较高,有较好的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion : 1 . The multiple regression equation established by the height of uterus , abdominal circumference , biparietal diameter and femur length was more accurate on the prediction of fetal weight . 3 .

  26. 方法超声测量胎儿颈后软组织厚度、双顶颈、股骨长径、腹围、应用线性回归方程求出各指标与胎儿体重的关系。

    Methods Measure the depth of the soft tissue in the back neck of fetus , Biparietal diameter ( BPD ) , femur length ( FL ) and abdominal circumference ( AC ), and apply linear regression equation .

  27. 结论在B超监测下使用一次性宫颈棒应为孕12~18周(双顶径<4.0cm)终止妊娠的首选方法。

    Conclusion It was the first method to these women who were diagnosed pregnancy 12 to 18 weeks ( The fetal biparietal diameters were < 4.0 centimeter ) and required interruption of pregnancy using disposable dilating-stick under B-ultrasonography .

  28. 方法对孕12~19周,妇科检查及B超检查符合孕周,胎儿双顶径≤4.3cm,要求终止妊娠无手术禁忌症的358例患者使用一次性扩张棒,然后在B超监测下行钳刮术。

    Methods The 358 patients who were diagnosed pregnancy 12 to 19 weeks by gynecological examination and B-ultrasonography examination were made embryulcia under B-ultrasonography . The fetal biparietal diameters were ≤ 4.3 centimeter . These women required interruption of pregnancy without contraindication .

  29. 本文对232例胎儿的双顶径、腹径、股骨长度和股径进行了超声测定,将这些数据作统计分析后导出3个估计胎儿体重回归方程。

    The ultrasonic determination of the biparietal diameter , abdomen diameter , femur length and the thigh diameter were made in 232 fetus . Statistical analysis of the data were performed by computer and three equations for estimating fetal weight were derived .

  30. 方法:以二维实时超声测量319例胎儿的双顶径、头围、腹围、股骨长径、双侧肾脏长径、横径及厚径,并计算每个胎肾体积。

    Methods : The biparietal diameter , head circumference , abdominal circumference , femur length , bilateral kidney length , kidney width and kidney thickness of 319 singleton fetuses were measured by two-dimensional ultrasound . Bilateral kidney volume of all fetuses was calculated .