
  • 网络twin engine;twin-engine
  1. 目前,发达国家和发展中国家已经成为推动世界经济增长的双引擎。

    Developed and developing countries have become the twin engines of world economic growth .

  2. 作为全球经济增长的双引擎,中美两国似乎正处于只会激化两国脆弱关系的阶段。

    These twin engines of global economic growth appear to be on a course that will only aggravate their tenuous relationship .

  3. 大排量V型双引擎有一定的东西,而几乎是不可能的描述,是无法忽视的。

    A large-displacement V-Twin engine has a certain something which , while almost impossible to describe , is impossible to ignore .

  4. 我刚让他的双引擎piper飞机着陆。

    I just landed his twin-engine piper .

  5. 麦道的MD-80系列双引擎飞机过去曾是全球短途航行的主要机型。

    The family of McDonnell Douglas MD-80 twin-engine used to be a mainstay of airlines around the world for short-haul trips .

  6. 中国商飞公司于2008年成立,之后不久,就开始着手研发双引擎C919飞机,以期为备有158-174个座位的中程航班服务。

    Soon after it was established in 2008 , COMAC began the research to develop the twin-engine C919 , which would be used for medium-haul flights with 158 to 174 seats .

  7. C919双引擎客机是为了和空客320和波音737竞争,周五下午2点从上海浦东国际机场起飞。

    The C919 , a twin-engine airliner designed to compete with the Airbus 320 and Boeing 737 , took off from Shanghai 's Pudong international airport at just after 2pm on Friday .

  8. 但是美国国会中支持F-22的有影响力的人士说,即使美国空军不想再多要这种双引擎喷气式飞机,美国也应该生产它,卖给盟国。

    But influential proponents of the F-22 in the U.S. Congress say that even if the Air Force does not want more of the twin-engine jets , they should be built for sale to allies . Supporters say the high-altitude supersonic fighter is ideal to counter any future threat from China 's combat jets .

  9. 还有一些帖子是他与自己那架遥控轻型双引擎直升机的合影。

    Others showed him posing with his remote-controlled lightweight twin-engine helicopter .

  10. 该飞机是世界上最大的双引擎商用飞机。

    The plane is the world 's largest twin-engine commercial aircraft .

  11. 双引擎失效,但是又恢复运转了。

    Dual engine failure , but they 're up and running again .

  12. 双引擎助力北京经济技术开发区快速发展

    Double Engines helps the Rapid Development of Beijing Economy & Technology Development Zone

  13. 在里根时代,美国是拉动全球经济的双引擎汽车。

    In those days the US was the twin-engined motor of the global economy .

  14. 在这里,猫王的重型双引擎直升机,空中加油机炫耀的奥什科什人群的消防技能。

    Here , Elvis the heavy-duty , twin-engine helitanker shows off its firefighting skills for the Oshkosh crowd .

  15. 通过设计出更简单的双引擎-发动机动力系统,本田降低了成本。

    Honda has reduced costs by engineering a simpler version of the dual engine-and-motor system that powers the car .

  16. 具体研究内容包括:第一,构建了闭环供应链的双引擎动因模型。

    The concrete research contents include : Firstly , the paper built the bi-engine casual model of the closed-loop supply chain .

  17. 双引擎飞机能用一个引擎飞行,但有多少乘客愿意乘坐?

    You can fly a two-engine plane with one engine , but how many passengers would want to be on it ?

  18. 双引擎飞艇在飞行过程中,由于多种因素的作用,左右发动机的转速常常不能保持一致,对飞艇的巡航有很大的影响。

    When the airship with double engines flies , the rotational speeds of the engines are always different because of the various factors .

  19. 创业型经济改变了经济增长的逻辑:一方面,促进了经济增长由单引擎推动向双引擎推动的转化;

    It changes the logic of economic growth in two aspects : propelling the transformation of economic growth from single engine to twin engine ;

  20. 亚洲的航空公司认为,相比机体较大的波音747,双引擎的波音777更省油、更可靠,所以它们用波音777取代了波音747。

    Asian airlines credit the twin-engine jet as a more fuel-efficient and reliable aircraft to operate than the bigger aircraft it is replacing , the Boeing 747 .

  21. 中国经济增长开始由工业化单引擎发展到工业化与城市化的双引擎。

    China 's economy has thus been driven by today 's double engine of industrialization and urbanization rather than the single engine of industrialization in the past .

  22. 深入研究了本体策略推理引擎和通用策略推理引擎,提出一种基于本体的双引擎策略推理判决机制。

    After researches deeply into ontology policy inference engine and universal policy inference engine , the ontology based double engine policy inference judgment mechanism is brought forward .

  23. 刘作奎说,中国和德国的“双引擎”模式将有助于中国与欧盟其他国家加深贸易联系。

    Liu Zuokui says the " twin engine " model China and Germany have developed will help increase trade ties among China and the rest of the European Union .

  24. 丽贝卡觉得,要想进入在阿拉斯加荒原做地质研究的公司,最好的方式就是拥有操纵双引擎飞机的私家执照。

    Rebecca had decided that her best chance of getting hired by a company doing geological survey work in the Alaskan wilderness was to earn a private license to fly twin-engine planes .

  25. 扩大内需,支持经济增长是中国现阶段宏观经济政策的主要取向,而消费和投资作为促进经济增长的双引擎在不同时期肩负着不同的任务。

    It is the main means of the current macroeconomic policy of China to expand domestic demands to sustain the increase of economy while consumption and investment , as double engine of economy , functions differently at different stages .

  26. 鉴于中国内地目前仅有大约50架双引擎私人飞机,他们提出,中国市场还要多年才会饱和,即便全球陷入衰退,被压抑的需求也足以保证增长。

    With only about 50 twin-engine private jets flying at present within the Chinese mainland , they argue that China is years away from reaching saturation , with enough pent-up demand to ensure growth even amid a worldwide recession .

  27. 同时中日之间应携手合作,共同推进东亚区域的一体化,成为东亚合作的双引擎,促进国家和区域的发展,最终实现国家的双赢和区域的多赢。

    China and Japan should make concerted efforts to promote regional integration in East Asia and act as two engines of regional cooperation to promote national and regional development , and to realize their win-win and regional multilateral wins at last .

  28. 印度和中国是地理方位上相邻的两个大国,近年来都经历了经济的高速发展,被称为引领亚洲经济发展的双引擎。

    India and China are two large countries which are adjacent to each other geographically . In recent years , these two countries have been called " double engines " of Asian economy , because they all have undergone rapid economic development .

  29. 动力艇为玻璃钢充气艇,配备双马力引擎,附有船架。

    The boats with engines are air charging ones made of glass fiber reinforced plastics , equipped with double horsepower engines and a framework as well .

  30. 为了配合双路由引擎的算路策略,本文对基于流量工程的资源预留协议进行了扩展,在原协议的基础上增加了层域信息、通道列表等对象。

    To cooperate with DRE-based routing policy , this paper extends resource reservation protocol with adding lay / domain information object , tunnel list object and soon on .