
  • 网络Akira Amari
  1. 上周五,日本负责经济财政政策的内阁府特命担当大臣甘利明(AkiraAmari)透露,安倍已指示负责电信的大臣研究降低手机通话费率。

    Monday 's share price declines came after Akira Amari , economy minister , disclosed on Friday that Mr Abe had instructed the telecommunications minister to study lowering mobile phone fees .

  2. 据一些官员透露,美国贸易代表迈克弗罗曼(MikeFroman)和日本的甘利明(AkiraAmari)在过去两周的累计谈判时间已达到大约40小时,其中一半时间花在一对一的单独讨论上。

    Mike Froman , US trade representative , and Akira Amari of Japan have conducted some 40 hours of negotiations in the past two weeks , half of which has been spent in one-on-one discussions , according to officials .