
  • 网络Prime Minister of Singapore
  1. 不过,曾在1959年至1990年期间担任新加坡总理的李光耀称,新加坡政府投资公司采取了较淡马锡更为保守的投资策略。

    However , GIC takes a more conservative approach than Temasek in its investment strategy , said Mr Lee , who was Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990 .

  2. 概括地说,也正如新加坡总理今天所说,目前东亚以中国和越南为首是世界上发展最快的地区,我们期待这种状况会继续保持。

    Broadly speaking , and as the Prime Minister of Singapore underlined today , East Asia , led by China and Vietnam , is the fastest growing region in the world , and we expect it to remain that way .

  3. 在19世纪70年代,新加坡总理李光耀(LeeKwanYew)力推建设本国的地铁系统,即新加坡地铁(SMRT),并将其作为城市现代化建设中的一个项目。

    In the 1970s , Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew pushed for the construction of a subway system called Singapore Mass Rapid Transit ( SMRT ) as part of the city-state 's modernization drive .

  4. 举例而言,在2008年的国庆日,新加坡总理李显龙(LeeHsienLoong)用超过5000字的篇幅谈论新加坡不断下跌的出生率,演讲中甚至还提及了如何给婴儿换尿布。

    At the 2008 National Day , for instance , Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spent more than 5,000 words discussing Singapore 's falling birthrate . The speech included advice on how to change diapers .

  5. 连新加坡总理李显龙(LeeHsienLoong)都在去年国庆节的讲话中谈到了这一问题,他说:一件让人不愉快的事情是,人们感觉外国学生可能抢占了本地学生上大学的名额。

    Even Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong acknowledged the issue in his National Day speech last year , stating that one unhappiness is the feeling that maybe foreign students have taken the place of locals in the universities .

  6. “我们可以划定一些区域,在那些区域,我们会劝导人们不要逗留,也不要试图进行破坏性活动,”新加坡总理李显龙(leehsienloong)表示。

    " We can Gazette certain areas and , within that area , we can instruct people to move along and not dawdle and attempt to do something which is disruptive , " said Lee Hsien Loong , Prime Minister .

  7. 新加坡总理李显龙国庆致辞2013年8月8日

    Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loongs National Day Message August 8 2013

  8. 李光耀之子,新加坡总理李显龙发表电视讲话向他致敬。

    In a televised address , his son Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong paid tribute to him .

  9. 新加坡总理兼财政部长李显龙也利用了经济低迷来使经济自由化,还特别地推行银行改革。

    Singapores Deputy Prime Minister and economic czar Lee Hsien Loong also used the downturn to liberalize the financial sector and , in particular , push through sweeping banking reforms .

  10. 新加坡总理李显龙代表东南亚国协,表达东协对联合国特使在缅甸和平任务上的支持。

    On behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations , Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong , expresses ASEAN 's support of the UN envoy 's peace mission to Myanmar .

  11. 早些时候,新加坡总理还表示,他这一届政府将公开聘用同性恋者。这是一个令人吃惊的变化,在新加坡,同性恋被认为是有悖于保守的亚洲社会准则的。

    Earlier , the prime minister also said his administration would begin employing openly gay people , a surprising development in singapore , where homosexuality is thought to violate conservative Asian Social norms .

  12. 新加坡总理李显龙本月早些时候说,美中关系是当今世界影响最大的国际关系,两国应当学会相互信任。

    Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said earlier this month that the relationship is the " most consequential " one in the world today and that both sides must learn to trust each other .

  13. 1964年的一天,新加坡建国总理李光耀(LeeKuanYew)从政府大厦里的办公室向外看去,震惊地发现外面有几头牛在吃草。

    One day in 1964 Lee Kuan Yew , Singapore 's founding prime minister , looked out of his office in City Hall and was horrified to see several cows grazing outside .

  14. 担任GIC董事长的新加坡前总理李光耀(LeeKuanYew)去年4月份表示,该基金计划维持对花旗和瑞银等大型西方金融机构的投资长达30年。

    Lee Kuan Yew , the former Singapore prime minister who chairs GIC , said in April last year that the fund planned to retain holdings in big western financial institutions such as Citi and UBS for up to 30 years .

  15. 据新加坡副总理张志贤(TeoCheeHean)说,按照拟议中的新法,法庭将有权酌情对被判毒品犯罪的部分人员处以终身监禁加鞭刑,而不是死刑,不过条件是他们给予当局实质而有效的合作,或者是有智力缺陷。

    The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a " substantive way , " or provided they have a mental disability , said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean .

  16. 同时,它也是新加坡前总理李光耀中文名的最后一个字。

    It is also the last character in former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew 's Chinese name .

  17. 何晶是新加坡现任总理的夫人。此前她承认,由于全球金融危机,淡马锡在截至今年3月的财年中亏损逾400亿新元。

    Ms Ho , who is the wife of the Singapore prime minister , unveiled the proposal as she acknowledged that Temasek lost more than S $ 40bn in the last fiscal year that ended in March due to global financial turmoil .

  18. 今年8月,在新加坡李显龙总理访问中国行程中,新大和喀什师范学院达成协议,通过举办英语文化周来推进国际交流,培养喀什师范学院学生的英语会话能力。

    In August this year , during Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong 's visit to China , SMU and Kashgar Teachers College ( KTC ) agreed to co-organise an annual English Festival to promote international exchange and to cultivate conversational English ability of KTC students .

  19. 新加坡共和国总理李显龙先生

    The Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore , Mr Lee Hsien Loong

  20. 建国总理李光耀于上周一逝世,享年91岁,新加坡举国送别这位总理。

    Singapore is bidding farewell to its founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew , who died on Monday aged 91 .

  21. 李光耀是新加坡的第一任总理,人们把他看成是亚洲的一位标志性政治人物。

    Well Lee Kwan Yew served as Singapore 's first prime minister , he is considered to be an iconic political figurein Asia ,

  22. 人民安居乐业,但是人均GDP隐藏了高度不平等的问题,所以这必然是当今新加坡的主要问题,而且也是现任新加坡总理面对的问题之一。他说。

    People live well , but the per capita GDP conceals a high level of inequality , so that is definitely a major issue in Singapore today and one of the things that the current prime minister has focused on , he says .