
  • 网络deflationary pressures
  1. 通缩压力有所减轻,因为8月份的消费者价格指数(CPI)下降了1.2%,7月份下降了1.8%。

    Deflationary pressures eased , with consumer price inflation falling 1.2 per cent in August , compared with a 1.8 per cent drop in July .

  2. 一场严重的全球经济衰退将带来通缩压力。

    A severe global recession will lead to deflationary pressures .

  3. 前首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)放松劳动力市场监管的举措虽值得一试,但也给薪酬带来了更大的通缩压力。

    Moves by Junichiro Koizumi , former prime minister , to deregulate the labour market were worthwhile but also put more deflationary pressure on wages .

  4. MNI表示,尽管3月份企业报价中通缩压力增大的迹象仍然十分明显,与这种现象伴随的,却是投入价格出人意料的上升。

    Although increased disinflationary pressures in the prices that companies charge were still evident in March , this was present alongside an unexpected rise in input prices , MNI said .

  5. 相应地,通胀压力也会为通缩压力所取代。

    Correspondingly , inflation pressure will be replaced by deflation pressure .

  6. 通缩压力和高失业率也挫伤了市场人气。

    Sentiment has also been hurt by deflationary pressure and high unemployment rates .

  7. 不过,通缩压力依然很大。

    But , disinflationary pressures remain at large .

  8. 我们认为通缩压力会再次抬头,科纳特表示。

    We think deflationary pressures will again rear their head , says Mr Curnutt .

  9. 外部通缩压力的下降,必须通过来自国内需求的通胀压力的减轻来加以抵消。

    Less external deflationary pressure must be offset by less inflationary pressure from domestic demand .

  10. 这有助于减轻会损害企业提高产品价格能力的通缩压力。

    That helps stave off deflationary pressures that hurt companies " ability to raise prices .

  11. 市场有理由怀疑政府和社会是否有意愿承受通缩压力。

    Markets are right to question the will of governments and societies to take the deflationary strain .

  12. 全球通缩压力正在向中国蔓延,北京的决策者也应该开始担心这个问题了。

    Policy makers in Beijing should begin to be concerned that global disinflationary pressures are spreading to China .

  13. 但是生产能力过剩不可避免地会产生严重的通缩压力,这首先会由制造业和房地产业发难。

    But overcapacity will lead inevitably to serious deflationary pressures , starting with the manufacturing and real-estate sectors .

  14. 从中期来说,我在任时有幸遇到的通缩压力将逐渐消失。

    In the intermediate period , the disinflationary pressures I was fortunate to operate under are gradually disappearing .

  15. 通缩压力以及劳动力和监管成本的上升,正对中国企业信心造成影响。

    Business sentiment in China is suffering , buffeted by deflationary pressures and rising labour and regulation costs .

  16. 一是不能认识到通缩压力有多么强大(见图表)。

    The first is the failure to recognise the strength of the deflationary pressures ( see chart ) .

  17. 第三,我们的世界或许在朝这样的方向前进:资本充足,通缩压力巨大。

    Third , we may be headed into a world where capital is abundant and deflationary pressures are substantial .

  18. 他们的理由是,考虑到通缩压力,中国实际资金成本非常高。

    They cite the fact that the real cost of capital in China is high , given deflationary pressures .

  19. 眼下,新兴市场正处于和发达国家截然不同的周期,面临的是通胀压力而非通缩压力。

    Emerging markets are in a very different cycle to the developed world now , with inflationary not deflationary pressures .

  20. 因为另一种选择释放多年来在重商主义政策下积聚起来的通缩压力会极其痛苦,容不得人考虑。

    Because the alternative unleashing deflationary forces stored up over years of mercantilist policies would be too painful to contemplate .

  21. 通缩压力凸显了中国多数企业产能过剩的程度以及定价能力的缺乏。

    That deflationary pressure underscores the extent of excess capacity and the lack of pricing power for most of corporate China .

  22. 此为失业及闲置产能的衡量(因此,也是潜在通缩压力的衡量)得到了诸多央行的认同。

    This is a measure of spare capacity and unemployment and hence of potential deflationary pressures favoured by many central banks .

  23. 经济学家预计,今年物价将继续下滑一段时间,但他们普遍认为,通缩压力最严重的时期已经过去。

    Economists expected prices to continue falling until later this year but generally thought that the worst of the deflationary pressure had passed .

  24. 举例来说,科技革命带来的通缩压力部分可能是属于结构性的,但却也对全球经济造成显著的周期性影响。

    For example , the deflationary influence of technological revolution may be partly structural but there is also a pronounced cyclical impact on the world economy .

  25. 随着消费者收紧荷包,通缩压力显现,这些企业被迫降低产品价格,但它们背负的贷款并没有减少。

    As customers now pull back and deflationary pressures set in , companies are being forced to cut prices , while facing the same debt payments .

  26. 该行业所面临的更为强大的通缩压力也突显出相对疲弱的需求状况,投入和产出价格均加速下跌。

    Relatively weak demand conditions were also highlighted by stronger deflationary pressures in the sector , with both input and output prices falling at faster rates .

  27. 对享受中国价格的世界其它地区来说,这是令人担忧之事。中国价格似乎能给世界经济带来无穷的通缩压力。

    That is a worry for the rest of the world , used to enjoying the China price , a seemingly open-ended deflationary pressure on the world economy .

  28. 鲁滨逊表示,预算赤字、失业、通缩压力和新的紧缩措施意味着,南欧市场尚未走出困境。

    Budget deficits , unemployment , deflationary pressures and new austerity measures , mean that southern European markets are not out of the woods , according to Robinson .

  29. 物价及产量的增长放缓,甚至下跌,以及失业率上升,反映本港通缩压力继续存在。

    There continue to be deflationary pressures on the economy , taking deflation to mean slower increases or even falls in prices and output , and higher unemployment .

  30. 不过,分析人士称,在这个享受了近20年非凡经济增长的国家,低迷的房地产市场和通缩压力的迹象已经引发了迫在眉睫的担忧。

    But a sluggish property market and signs of deflationary pressure have become urgent concerns in a country that has benefited from nearly two decades of spectacular growth , analysts say .