
tōnɡ jiān zuì
  • adultery
  1. 韩国刑法上的通奸罪考察

    Inspection on the Crime of Committing Adultery in the Criminal Law in Republic of Korea

  2. 因此,我通过分析1990年以来的3个宪法裁判所的判决,探讨通奸罪规定的有效性。

    Therefore , through three sentences of Constitutional Court from 1990 , I try to find out the validity of The law of Adultery .

  3. 自从近代刑法制定通奸罪以来,关于它的存在理由,通奸罪一直是争论不休的热门话题。

    From the establishment of the modern criminal code in 1953 , The law of Adultery has been subject to controversy which continues today .

  4. 由于未能给亨利生下男性继承人,安妮迅速失宠。亨利的首席部长指控她叛国和通奸罪。

    Having failed to provide him with a male heir , Anne fell from favour with the king , whose chief minister had her charged with treason and adultery .

  5. 韩国官方公布的数字显示,在以往六年期间,5400多人被控犯有通奸罪,不过极少依法判刑。

    More than 5,400 people have been indicted on adultery charges in the past six years , according to official figures , though jail terms were rarely given out under the law .

  6. 醉酒之人一经发现将获80鞭刑,已婚人士犯通奸罪会被乱石砸死,如果是未婚人士,则受100鞭刑后流放外疆。

    Those who are found to have drunk alcohol will be given 80 lashes while those who commit adultery will be stoned to death if they are married or given 100 lashes and exiled if they were not .