
  • 网络General Purpose Microprocessor;cpu
  1. 通用微处理器等效老化试验方法

    The approach for the equivalent burn-in test of the general purpose CPU

  2. 本文针对超深亚微米通用微处理器中的多级TLB设计开展研究。

    This research focuses on multi level set associative TLB performance of the general purpose microprocessor .

  3. X通用微处理器指令控制部件的关键技术研究

    The Research of Key Technique on Instruction Control Unit in the X-Microprocessor

  4. 结果表明,DSP处理器和通用微处理器都很难同时高效支持运算密集型的应用和控制密集型的应用。

    Preliminary results indicate that either DSPs or GPPs can effectively support both arith - metic-intensive and control-intensive computations .

  5. X微处理器是一款高性能通用微处理器,采用0.18微米CMOS工艺全定制设计,规模达450万晶体管。

    X microprocessor is a high performance general-purpose processor . It is a full-custom design in 0.18 microm CMOS technology .

  6. 为了解决这一问题,采用DSP芯片代替通用微处理器作为算法实现平台,采用二维离散傅立叶变换方法代替传统的直接计算方法。

    In order to solve the problem , a 2-D discrete Fourier transform method is used to replace the traditional method computing the definition expression directly , and DSPs are used to replace the general purpose processors as implementation platform .

  7. 另一方面,通用微处理器(GPPs)则对控制密集型的应用提供有效的支持。

    On the other hand , General-Purpose Processors ( GPPs ) are suitable for a variety of applications which are control-intensive .

  8. 通用微处理器在线编程的实现通用数据库管理系统

    The Realization of In-application Programming in Universal Micro - processor System

  9. 专用集成电路的设计验证方法及一种实际的通用微处理器设计的多级验证体系

    ASIC design verification methodology and a real universal microprocessor 's design verification system

  10. 通用微处理器的可测性设计及实现

    The Design for Test and Implementation of Microprocessor

  11. 通用微处理器虚存管理子系统设计OS/2是一个新的微机操作系统,本文对该操作系统的虚存管理机制作出分析和讨论。

    Design of Virtual Memory Management Subsystem for General Microprocessors OS / 2 is a new operating system on micro-computers .

  12. 近年来,随着半导体工艺和体系结构的不断发展,采用共享存储结构的多核处理器已经成为通用微处理器的主流发展方向,并迅速地在高性能并行计算机领域得到广泛应用。

    Recently , with the development of semiconductor technics and architecture , multicore processors with shared memory architecture become the mainstream of general microprocessors .

  13. 向量技术已经在许多高端的通用微处理器中得到应用,并在媒体信息处理等应用中取得了很好的效果。

    Vector technology has been used in many high-end general microprocessors , and gets good result in many applications , such as multimedia applications .

  14. 传统上实现密码算法都是采用专用密码芯片和通用微处理器两种途径。

    Traditionally , cryptography can be implemented with two methods : one is in processor routine ; the other is directly in hardware , such as application-specific cryptographic chip .

  15. 该平台和通用微处理器构成的平台相比在速度、可靠性、价格、保密性以及新产品上市时间等方面都有很大的优势。

    Compared with general microprocessor-based platform , the reconfigurable hardware platform has many advantages , such as high-speed , high-reliability , lower price , shorter development period and better security .

  16. 在大功率牵引逆变器研制中,通常采用矢量控制或直接转矩控制等复杂的控制算法,若仅使用一片通用微处理器作为控制芯片难以胜任。

    In high power traction inverter , those control algorithms such as vector control or direct torque control are generally applied , which results in CPU loading restriction for a single general microprocessor .

  17. 基于这种技术的可重构系统既具有基于通用微处理器系统的设计灵活、易升级,又具有基于专用集成电路系统的速度快、效率高的特点。

    System based on this technology not only has the facile to design and easy to update advantages of generic MPU system , but also has the high speed and excellent performance characteristics of ASIC system .

  18. 研究结果表明扩展指令后的微处理器执行多种对称密码算法的性能比通用微处理器性能提高1.7~10.8倍,比并行向量微处理器性能提高了0.8~2.03倍。

    The experiment results indicate that on extending ISA microprocessor the performance of many symmetric-key algorithms is 1.7 ~ 10.8 times higher than on general purpose processor and 0.8 ~ 2.03 higher than on Parallel Vector Crypto Processing .

  19. 可重构计算系统作为一种新的计算平台,将传统通用微处理器的可编程性同硬件电路基于空间并行的执行方式结合起来,打破了硬件和软件之间传统的划分界线。

    Reconfigurable computing , emerging as a novel computing platform , combines the programmability of the traditional general purpose processor ( GPP ) and the spatial execution of hardware circuits , and breaks the traditional boundary between hardware and software .

  20. 高性能通用微处理器是计算机产业的核心技术之一,研制自主设计的高性能通用微处理器是我国信息产业健康发展的保证,具有异常重要的战略意义,也是本课题的研究目标。

    High-performance general-propose microprocessor is one of the kernel technologies in the computer industry , so having our own independent design ability is the assurance of the healthy development of our IT industry . It has great strategic influence , and is just our target .

  21. 通用EPIC微处理器中指令控制流水线的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Instruction Control Pipeline in General-Purpose EPIC Microprocessor

  22. 通用嵌入式微处理器仿真平台的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Simulation Platform of Micro-Chips in Embedded Systems

  23. 传统的模糊推理系统使用高级语言由软件实现,或基于通用型微处理器实现,但都具有局限性。

    Traditionally , the fuzzy inference system is implemented by software or general microprocessor , but these methods have its limitation .

  24. 他认识到,一个通用的微处理器其设计可以并不那么复杂但却能承担更繁重的任务。

    He realized a general purpose processor would be a simpler design , yet able to handle a greater number of tasks .

  25. 通过对一款通用高性能微处理器单模块的设计实验,将提出的优化设计方案应用于实际的芯片设计中。

    Through an experiment of a single module design in a general-purpose high-performance microprocessor , we implement the scheme in practical design .

  26. 通用集成电路编程及测试仪通用微处理器在线编程的实现

    The Realization of In-application Programming in Universal Micro-processor System