
  • 网络Superscalar;superscalar architecture
  1. 现代超标量体系结构的微处理器努力在流水线操作的每一步中完成三到六条命令。

    Modem superscalar microprocessors try to perform anywhere from three to six instructions in each stage .

  2. 因此一台250兆赫、四线超标量体系结构的微处理器能在一秒钟内执行十亿条命令。

    Hence , a 250 - megahertz , four-way superscalar microprocessor can execute a billion instructions per second .

  3. 写东西给一般人看时,应避免使用电脑术语。电脑术语超标量体系结构通常就是用来描述这种方法的。

    Avoid computer jargon when you write for laymen . The buzz-word superscalar is commonly used to describe this approach .

  4. 本文对超标量的体系结构特点进行了深入分折,探讨了超标量处理器中采用的各项技术。

    This thesis anslysises the architecture and the diversified techniques of superscalar computer .

  5. X微处理器是一款采用全定制设计方法设计的微处理器,处理器中包含动态分支预测和超标量等微体系结构技术,内部结构复杂,设计规模很大,对其进行功能验证有很大难度。

    X processor uses full-custom design method , includes dynamic branch prediction and super scalar technology , and its scale is very large .