
  • 网络excess supply;excess demand
  1. 中国不断增长的经常帐户盈余以及强劲投资意味着超额供给。

    China 's widening current-account surplus and its strong investment imply excess supply .

  2. 房地产市场大多数时候不能出清,总是存在着超额供给或超额需求,价格具有粘性,不能有效地调节市场需求量和供给量向均衡状态转变。

    The real estate market cannot clear out at most of the time , it always exists excess supplies or excess demand , and the price has coher-ency so as to it cannot adjust the market demand and supply capacity to the equi-librium state effectively .

  3. 地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕(cbrichardellis)的玛丽亨特(mariehunt)指出,在这些地区,20套房子的超额供给就会造成极大的区别。

    Marie hunt of CB Richard Ellis ( CBRE ) , a property consultancy , points out that in such places even an oversupply of 20 homes can make a big difference .

  4. 模型分析显示:投资性资本管制放松会增大国际收支逆差和国内商品市场超额供给的矫正难度,投机性资本管制放松会增大外部失衡的矫正难度;

    Model analysis shows that relaxation of the control of investment capital will increase the unfavorable balance of international payments and the correcting difficulty of the excess commodity supply in the market at home ; relaxation of speculative capital control will increase the correcting difficulty for outer unbalance ;

  5. 20世纪90年代中后期以来,中国的超额货币供给与宏观经济运行表现出了新的特点。

    Since latter half of the 1990 's , the phenomenon of overplus money supply and macroeconomic situation have occurred some new characteristics in China .

  6. 由于不景气的经济和超额的供给抑制了内需,根据中国房地产指数系统调查,中国国内新住房的价格在六月已经是连续第二个月下降。

    New-home prices in China dropped in June for a second straight month as a sluggish economy and excess supply has dampened domestic interest , according to the China Real Estate Index System Survey .