
  • 网络Monetary Finance;Monetary and financial;monetary economics;Mishkin
  1. 本文综合运用了现代西方经济学和货币金融学的经典理论与方法。

    This paper uses classical theories and methods of modern western economics and monetary finance .

  2. 无论国内,还是国外,无论过去,还是现在,中央银行的独立性问题在货币金融学领域一直是一个非常有争议的热门话题。

    Regardless of the past or the present , the issue of central bank independence ( CBI ) has always been a most debatable question in the field of finance whether at home or at abroad .

  3. 货币银行学是金融学、会计学、财务管理学等财金类专业学生的专业基础必修课。

    Economics of Money and Banking is the required basic course for financial majors , such as Finance , Accounting , and Financial Management .

  4. 本文以货币银行学、金融学、制度经济学和现代西方经济学的相关理论为基础,运用规范研究和实证研究等方法对我国国有商业银行公司治理结构进行研究。

    The article is based on the theory of Banking , Finance , Institutional Economics and Modern Western Economics etc. , to have a research on the corporate governance of state-owned commercial banks by the method of studying criterions and actual examples .