
huò yùn ɡōnɡ sī
  • Freight company;transport company;haulier
  1. 作为货运公司经理的博斯女士,有一个三岁的孩子和一个七个月大的婴儿,她表示自己正在探索采取正式法律行动的可能性。

    Ms Bose , a manager at a transport company who has a three-year-old child and a seven-month-old baby , said she was exploring the possibility of taking formal legal action .

  2. 介绍了日本铁路货运公司的组织机构、运输方式及近年来的变化。

    The organization , transport mode and changes in recent years of the Japanese Railway Freight Transport Company in Japan are described .

  3. 该公路货运公司负责将机械零件运往土耳其。

    The haulage company was a carrier of machine parts to Turkey .

  4. 他还收购了一家货运公司AtlanticLogistics,如今该公司的营业额达95万英镑。

    He has also acquired a haulage company , Atlantic Logistics , which has a 950,000 turnover .

  5. 香港华民航空(airhongkong)是国泰控股的一家货运公司,它和国泰与港龙一起执飞香港至台北、香港至东京的线路。

    Air Hong Kong , a freight airline majority owned by Cathay , flies alongside Cathay and Dragonair on routes to Taipei and Tokyo , both routes that are limited to three Hong Kong carriers .

  6. 香港国泰航空(cathaypacific)与其合作伙伴中国国航(airchina)经过近4年的谈判,达成了投资内地一家航空货运公司的协议。

    Cathay Pacific , the Hong Kong airline , has reached an agreement to invest in a Chinese air cargo operation after almost four years of negotiations with its partner , Air China .

  7. 这起枪杀事件是对当地外国人一系列袭击事件的最新一起。阿富汗官员说,两名西方国家人士被开枪击中,他们当时坐在德国货运公司DHL办公室前的一辆汽车里。

    Afghan officials say the two Westerners were gunned down as they sat in a vehicle in front of the German-owned freight company DHL .

  8. 30年前,我乘坐美国全国铁路货运公司(Amtrak)的火车抵达了纽约宾州火车站(PennStation),一下车,扑面而来的是燥热的空气和恶臭。我手里拎着一个巨大的垃圾袋,里面装满了我的衣服。

    Thirty years ago , I stepped off an Amtrak train into the heat and stench of New York 's Penn Station clutching an oversize trash bag full of my clothes .

  9. 瑞士联邦铁路货运公司Re484机车扩展了TRAXX机车平台

    Expansion of the TRAXX locomotive platform with the SBB Cargo Re 484

  10. 对组建铁路货运公司的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on the Formation of Railway Freight Transport Companies

  11. 好像少了三大箱。B:你最好向货运公司查查看。

    B : You 'd better check with the shipper .

  12. 我们会向货运公司着手赔偿的。

    We 'll start a claim with the shipping company .

  13. 罗伯特的父亲在一家货运公司工作。

    Robert 's father worked in a freight company .

  14. 贵方应向货运公司提出索赔,而不应该是向卖方索赔。

    You should claim compensation from the shipping company instead of the sellers .

  15. 货运公司发送货物的组织或运输工具。

    An organization or a conveyance for delivering goods .

  16. 因为光辉是一家在中国很有名的公司,一些中国的货运公司便相信了科利马克。

    Since brilliant is famous in china , some Chinese shipping companies believed klimax .

  17. 凯文:事实上,我们这边自己有货运公司&中国联合公司。

    Kevin : Actually , we 've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated .

  18. 哦,我的天!我忘记让货运公司发包裹了!

    Oh , no ! I forgot to call the delivery company about that package .

  19. 福拉克从货运公司得到了他的名字。

    Flack got his name from dispatch .

  20. 参展商请自行与承建商和货运公司协调工作安排。

    Exhibitors are requested to coordinate with the Standfitting contractor and freight forwarder for their work schedule .

  21. 在对国航货运公司竞争战略框架研究中,论文首先提出了国航货运公司的战略目标和实施该目标的战略框架。

    In the framework of strategy , the paper establishes strategic goals and framework to implementing strategies .

  22. 但是另一个更大的原因可能是货运公司在装载的时候出新大意,不顾货物的安全。

    An even greater possibility is that the shipper was careless in storing the merchandise for safe shipment .

  23. 迈金利在基蒂霍克航空货运公司一架727型货机的密封舱里神不知,鬼不觉地从纽瓦克飞到了布法罗。

    McKinley traveled undetected in the d belly of a Kitty Hawk Cargo 727 from Newark to Buffalo .

  24. 本人现负责集装箱运输市场开发工作,因此选择了《营口港集装箱货运公司市场营销策略研究》这一课题。

    And now I 'm charging the market exploring of the container shipment , so I choose the subject .

  25. 阿珍∶是的,我联络了货运公司,找出延迟的原因。

    Jane : Right , well , I contacted the shipping company to get to the bottom of this .

  26. 记者迈金利在基蒂霍克航空货运公司一架727型货机的密封舱里神不知,鬼不觉地从纽瓦克飞到了布法罗。

    CORRESPONDENT McKinley traveled undetected in the pressurized belly of a Kitty Hawk Cargo 727 from Newark to Buffalo .

  27. 双方的合作包括建立一家合资货运公司的计划,但这种合作关系成效如何仍需拭目以待。

    Quite how that co-operation , including a planned air cargo joint venture , will work remains to be seen .

  28. 货运公司发送货物的组织或运输工具外国政府、国际组织无偿赠送的物资;

    An organization or a conveyance for delivering goods . materials presented free of charge by foreign governments or international organizations ;

  29. 在2006年那笔交易中,国泰的最大收获之一,就是允许在内地成立一家合资货运公司。

    A joint venture cargo operation in China was held out as one of Cathay 's greatest gains from the 2006 transaction .

  30. 公司成立于2005年,前身是香港星辉货运公司,强大的经济实力是对客户的保障。

    Founded in2005 , the former Hong Kong Star shipping companies , a powerful economic strength is the protection for their clients .