
  • 网络coinage metal;Currency metals;Monetary metal
  1. 诸如元素铜、银和金等所谓的货币金属,有时被与碱金属一同看待。

    The elements such as copper , sliver and gold , the so-called coinage metals , are sometimes treated with the alkalis .

  2. 唐代处于实物货币和金属货币并行的时期,唐人称之为钱帛兼行,而随着商业的发展这种货币体制不断地受到冲击,主要表现在两个方面:一是绢帛日益受到排挤。

    Tang Dynasty in the period of physical currency and metal currency parallel , the Chinese called " popularity of money and silk ", with the commercial development of this monetary system is constantly under attack , mainly in two aspects : First Silk in the increasingly exclusion .

  3. 今天所使用的货币大部分是用金属或纸做成。

    Most of the money used today is made of metal or paper .

  4. 研究结果表明,新莽货币有严格的金属配比和精湛的铸造工艺技术。

    The result indicates that Xinmang coins have a strict metal composition and were casted with consummate skill .

  5. 以前各国货币都依靠这种金属,历史继承的结果就是各国中央银行的黄金储量是世界黄金总量的五分之一。

    As a legacy of the days when their currencies were backed by the metal , central banks still hold one-fifth of the world 's gold .

  6. 当时局艰难时,一些文明古国会从这种货币中提取贵重金属成份,使得货币已不再拥有你原来以为它拥有的价值。

    When things got tough , you often found some civilisations were quite good at what they called sweating the money , which was effectively taking out the precious metal content so that what you got actually wasn 't what you thought you got .

  7. 首先,从文化上,描写中国货币历史上货币名称的发展和演变&从实物货币到金属货币,从纸币货币到信用货币。

    Firstly , on the respect of culture , it described the development and evolution of Chinese currency names in the history & from Physical currency to Metallic currency , from Banknotes currency to Credit Money .