
huò bì jiāo huàn
  • Currency exchange;exchange through money
  1. 仅当货币交换其它经济财时,它才是一种营利工具。

    Money is an acquisitive instrument only when it is exchanged for some other economic good .

  2. 为了说明这个问题,让我们创建一个客户端存根,它允许我们调用在Xmethods上建立的货币交换服务。

    To illustrate this , let 's create a client stub that allows us to invoke the Currency Exchange service hosted at Xmethods .

  3. 像货币交换吃东西

    Currency exchange ? You know , food .

  4. 你知道你的电子货币交换、懂得赚钱的机会。

    You know Electronic Currency Exchanging and you know how to make money from it .

  5. 这个星期,俄罗斯的股市和货币交换市场都下跌到两年来的最低水平。

    This week , Russian stock markets and exchange markets dropped to their lowest level in2 years .

  6. 价格是商品同货币交换比例的指数,或者说,价格是价值的货币表现。

    Commodity price index with the currency exchange ratio , or the price is the value of currencies .

  7. 这种跨国电子易物是指超越国界,通过互联网络进行的各种非货币交换,及相关技术、服务支持的活动。

    The transnational E-tradeoff means trading off various non-monetary goods and its relating technology , service support activities through Internet .

  8. 在摩加迪沙市区一次货币交换期间,一个握着自动武器的警卫和摄影师帕斯卡·梅伊特拉在小车里等候。

    A guard with an automatic weapon waits in the car with photographer Pascal Maitre during a currency exchange in downtown Mogadishu .

  9. 游戏人物赚取的游戏币可以按一定汇率与真实世界的货币交换。

    Avatars earn an in-game currency called Linden Dollars-money that has an exchange rate and can be traded for hard cash in the real world .

  10. 对于旅行者来说,如果他没有当地的特定货币交换食品,他就要挨饿。

    They will buy nothing , and a traveler might starve if he had none of the particular local " money " to exchange for food .

  11. 世界其它国家的政府和司法部门也在努力解决如何监管网络经济的问题。目前,网络经济已催生出以虚拟物品和货币交换现金的大规模交易,交易额达到数百万美元。

    Governments and judiciaries elsewhere are also struggling to decide how to regulate online economies that have spawned multi-million dollar businesses trading virtual items and currencies for hard cash .

  12. 消费信用是一种经济现象,是市场经济的必然产物,它是商品由物物交换、货币交换后再发展到信用交换的高级阶段。

    Consumption credit is a type of economic phenomenon , an inevitable outcome of market economy , and an advanced stage developed from barter trade and exchange of money to exchange of credit .

  13. 他从货币的交换中挣取生活费。

    He earns his living from the interchange of currency .

  14. 涉及非货币资产交换的交易的会计处理

    Accounting treatment of transactions involving exchange of non-monetary assets

  15. 货币币种交换是按两个不同的起息日对一定数量的外汇同时进行买卖。

    A currency swap is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates .

  16. 古代南美文明对于其药用价值相当推崇,甚至将之作为货币进行交换。

    Ancient South American civilisations prized them so much for their medicinal and aphrodisiacal properties , they even used them as currency .

  17. 决定货币价值交换的是社会必要劳动时间,决定人力资本交换的是标准技能单位。

    The factor that decides the exchange of currency is socially necessary labor time , whereas the factor to decide the exchange of human capital is standardized skills .

  18. 此外,货币作为交换手段的职能也不会因货币材料的价值而受到什么影响,只要能够顺畅的流通,货币的这两项职能便都能正常的发挥。

    In addition , the currency as a means of exchange function , is not affected by the currency material . As long as the currency flows smoothly , the two functions will be able to play normally .

  19. 粟最早流通形式是与其他物品的实物交换,随着商品经济的发展,又逐渐演变成交换的媒介,但最常见的交换形式还是与货币的交换。

    Exchange with other physical items . With the development of the ancient commodity economy , it gradually evolved into medium of exchange . Actually performs the functions of money , but the most common form is that exchange with the currency .

  20. 摘要本文在阐述公允价值基本内涵的基础上,分析了公允价值被引入新会计准则的原因,探讨了公允价值的应用对投资性房地产、债务重组和非货币资产交换的影响。

    Based on the explanation of the basic connotation of fair value , this paper analyzes the reason why fair value has been incorporated into china 's new accounting standards and explores how fair value influence investment real estate , debt restructuring and exchange of non-monetary assets in its application .

  21. 对非货币性资产交换准则及其运用的研究

    Research on Application and Standard for the Exchanges of Non-monetary Assets

  22. 政府禁止使用网络虚拟货币进行实物交换。

    China bars use of virtual money for real goods trading .

  23. 非货币性资产交换新旧会计准则比较与分析

    Analytical Comparison between Old and New Accounting Standards on Non-monetary Assets Exchange

  24. 非货币性资产交换中公允价值计量的条件应用

    On Requirements for Fair Value Measurements in Non-monetary Property Exchange

  25. 试析非货币性资产交换的会计和税务处理方法

    Exploring the Accounting and Tax Treatment of Non-Monetary Assets Transactions

  26. 非货币性资产交换确认的损益。

    Profit or loss of a non-monetary assets transaction .

  27. 平等数额的钱尤其是不同国家间的货币的互惠交换。

    Reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries .

  28. 非货币性资产交换的涉税处理

    Discussion on the Handling of Taxation about Exchange of Non-monetary Assets According to Book Value

  29. 货币是商品交换的媒介。

    Money is the meda of exchage .

  30. 货币不仅仅发挥交换媒介的作用,还是一种价值贮藏手段。

    Money acts not just as a medium of exchange but as a store of value .